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The Hermannsdenkmal : glory or shame ?

ProvenanceSouthwest of Detmold in Germany1838 – 187553 metersHermannThe battle of Teutoburg, 9 CEPic. 1. The Hermann Monument

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Hermannsdenkmal: glory or shame?
Anastasiia Kiriaeva

The Hermannsdenkmal:  glory or shame?Anastasiia Kiriaeva

Слайд 2Provenance
Southwest of Detmold in Germany
1838 – 1875
53 meters
The battle of

Teutoburg, 9 CE
Pic. 1. The Hermann Monument

ProvenanceSouthwest of Detmold in Germany1838 – 187553 metersHermannThe battle of Teutoburg, 9 CEPic. 1. The Hermann Monument

Слайд 3Author
Joseph Ernst Bandel
Pic. 2. Joseph Ernst von Bandel with his

Pic. 3. The monument from the back

AuthorссJoseph Ernst BandelPic. 2. Joseph Ernst von Bandel with his workPic. 3. The monument from the back

Слайд 4Pic. 3. The German procession in Detmold, 1909
The 1900th anniversary

Pic. 4. The German procession in Detmold, 1909
Around 30,000 people

Pic. 3. The German procession in Detmold, 1909The 1900th anniversary Pic. 4. The German procession in Detmold,

Слайд 5Nazi time
A popular meeting point
Pic. 6.

Pic. 7. Pic. 8.

Pic. 5. The rally of The National Socialist German Workers ' Party

Pic. 6-8. The pre-war postcards

Nazi timeA popular meeting point Pic. 6.

Слайд 6The 21th century
Pic. 9. A wedding near to the monument

The 21th centuryTourismWeddingsPic. 9. A wedding near to the monument

Слайд 7Bibliography
Anderson, Benedict (1983). Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origins and

Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso Ed.
Hiller von Gaertringen, Julia (2009).

Grabbe auf dem Theater. „Der einzige völkische Visionär seiner Zeit“. In: Landesverband Lippe. 2000 Jahre Varusschlacht. Mythos. (Detmold 2009). Darmstadt: Book Community, P.201–209.
Hobsbawm, Eric J. E. & Ranger, Terence O. (1983). The invention of tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
BibliographyAnderson, Benedict (1983). Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso Ed.Hiller von

Слайд 8Pictures sources
Pictures 1-9. URL: www.imperium-konflikt-mythos.de

Pictures sourcesPictures 1-9. URL: www.imperium-konflikt-mythos.de

Слайд 9The Hermannsdenkmal: glory or shame?
Anastasiia Kiriaeva

The Hermannsdenkmal:  glory or shame?Anastasiia Kiriaeva

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