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The House of future

I hope it will not pass a lot of time before our houses change greatly. They will be large, comfortable and multifunctional. The house of my future will be made of

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Слайд 1The House of future

The House  of future

Слайд 2I hope it will not pass a lot of time

before our houses change greatly. They will be large, comfortable

and multifunctional.
The house of my future will be made of clean building materials and a lot of glass.
It will have a swimming pool and a big aquarium inside.
I hope it will not pass a lot of time before our houses change greatly. They will

Слайд 3Power
Everything in my house should be environmentally clean and

safe for nature.

Electricity and heating will be generated by

solar panels which will be set on the roof. Waste will be transformed for getting additional energy in winter time.
Power Everything in my house should be environmentally clean and safe for nature. Electricity and heating will

Слайд 4Yes, my house will be huge and its functionality will

help us to save a lot of space. I think

that it will have movable walls and multi-purpose furniture. So we will be able to change its colours and forms.

The walls will be
sound and smell proof.
Huge screen displays
will decorate them.
Yes, my house will be huge and its functionality will help us to save a lot of

Слайд 5Cleaning
Nowadays we have to spend a lot

of time cleaning and washing to keep our house in

It`s very difficult and
boring so I believe
that in the future this
work will be done by
special robots.
Cleaning  Nowadays we have to spend a lot of time cleaning and washing to keep our

Слайд 6My home is my castle
Your home should be safe

and secure.
To my mind the houses of the future

will be equipped with:
biometric locks
sensors of movement
fire warning system and other devices which will save our life.
My home is my castle Your home should be safe and secure. To my mind the houses

Слайд 7Kitchen
Can you imagine you house without a kitchen? I

think, no.In our time we cook food ourselves but in

future you will only press a key on your cooker and you will get tasty dinner.
A clever fridge will
keep an eye on
your products.
Kitchen Can you imagine you house without a kitchen? I think, no.In our time we cook food

Слайд 8We sometimes need a rest. There is no place better

than a magnificent garden near your house. So, my

future house will have a garden.
There will be beautiful
trees, flowers and
a pond with fish.
There I will meet
with my friends and
spend summer
with a cup of tea.
We sometimes need a rest. There is no place better  than a magnificent garden near your

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