In China, early government-produced news sheets, during the late Han dynasty (second and third centuries AD).
Between 713 and 734, the Chinese Tang Dynasty published government news; it was handwritten on silk and read by government officials.
Newspapers in Britain
People can
get news
listen to music
take part in talk shows
On May 7, 1895 the Russian physicist Alexander Popov performed a public demonstration of transmission and reception of radio waves used for communication .This day has since been celebrated in Russia as “Radio Day”
Guglielmo Marconi was an electrical engineer and Nobel laureate known for the development of a practical wireless telegraphy system.
In 1896, he was awarded a patent for radio with British Patent .
The BBC radio services began in 1922.
BBC operates more than 40 stations that comprise 50% of all radio listening in the UK
Started in 1970s, now includes over 300 private stations.
BBC operates 14 different television channels
Big Brother
Strictly Come Dancing
X Factor
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