Разделы презентаций

the Political System of Russia

How Much Do You Know? What political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?Who guarantees the basic rights of the people of Russia?What branches of power is the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2How Much Do You Know?
What political system does the Russian

Federation represent according to the Constitution?
Who guarantees the basic rights

of the people of Russia?
What branches of power is the President of the Russian Federation involved in?
What functions does the Russian President exercise according to the RF Constitution?
What is the legislative (executive, judicial) branch of power responsible for?

How Much Do You Know? What political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution?Who

Слайд 3Home task:

Vocabulary, p. 67 (3)
presentation in the group (ВК)
AB ex.

Home task:Vocabulary, p. 67 (3)presentation in the group (ВК)AB ex. 5

Слайд 4The President
Putin V. V.

The Presidenthttp://en.kremlin.ru/structure/president Putin V. V.

Слайд 6http://government.ru/en/gov/
The Federal Government

http://government.ru/en/gov/ http://www.gov.ru/main/ministry/isp-vlast44_en.html The Federal Government

Слайд 8The Federation Council

The Federation Councilhttp://www.gov.ru/main/page7_en.html

Слайд 9The State Duma

The State Dumahttp://www.gov.ru/main/page7_en.html

Слайд 11The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federationhttp://www.gov.ru/main/page10_en.html

Слайд 13AB ex. 5

AB ex. 5

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