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The War for Independence

Peace in the WorldIf there is light in the soul,There will be beauty in the person.If there is beauty in the person,There will be harmony in the house.If there is harmony

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The War for Independence.

The War for Independence.

Слайд 2Peace in the World
If there is light in the soul,

will be beauty in the person.
If there is beauty in

the person,
There will be harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.
Peace in the WorldIf there is light in the soul,There will be beauty in the person.If there

Слайд 3The Map of the Topic
History of the USA
XVII century
XVIII century

The War for
The Constitution
The flag of the
The Declaration

The Map of the TopicHistory of the USAXVII centuryXVIII centuryMayflowerThanksgiving DayGeorgeWashingtonThomas JeffersonThe War forIndependenceThe ConstitutionThe flag of

Слайд 4The first pilgrims

The first pilgrims1620

Слайд 5Thanksgiving Day
It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November

Thanksgiving DayIt is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November

Слайд 6The War for Independence
A colonial protest against the Stamp Act

of 1765

The War for IndependenceA colonial protest against the Stamp Act of 1765 Slavery

Слайд 7Causes of the War
* Главная причина — Англия тормозила развитие

(The main cause – England slowed down the development

of colonies.)
* Очень высокое налогообложение 13 колоний
королевским парламентом Англии
(Very high taxes which had to be paid to the British Government).
* Отсутствие представительства в парламенте
(The absence of the representation in the Government).
Causes of the War* Главная причина — Англия тормозила развитие колоний (The main cause – England slowed

Слайд 8The “Boston Tea Party”

The “Boston Tea Party”1773

Слайд 9The Battle of Lexington
April, 1775

The Battle of LexingtonApril, 1775

Слайд 10George Washington

George Washington(1732—1799)

Слайд 11The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence1776

Слайд 12Thomas Jefferson
(1743 — 1826)
Jefferson Memorial

Thomas Jefferson(1743 — 1826) Jefferson Memorial

Слайд 13Victory
Victory of the American Army
at Saratoga 1777
Yorktown Peace Treaty


VictoryVictory of the American Army at Saratoga 1777Yorktown Peace Treaty 1783

Слайд 14US Constitution

US Constitution1787

Слайд 15Stars and Stripes

Stars and Stripes

Слайд 16America, America…

America, America…

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