Разделы презентаций

Trick-or-Treat Halloween Race

Choose your character!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Choose your character!

Choose your character!

Слайд 4Which number do you like?

Which number do you like?

Слайд 5Say the Word

Say the Wordautumn

Слайд 6Say the Word

Say the Wordbat

Слайд 7Say the Word

Say the Wordbroomstick

Слайд 8Say the Word

Say the Wordcandy

Слайд 9Say the Word

Say the Wordghost

Слайд 10Say the Word

Say the Wordgoblin

Слайд 11Say the Word
haunted house

Say the Wordhaunted house

Слайд 12Say the Word

Say the Wordmoon

Слайд 13Say the Word

Say the Wordnight

Слайд 14Say the Word

Say the WordOctober

Слайд 15Say the Word

Say the Wordowl

Слайд 16Say the Word

Say the Wordpumpkin

Слайд 17Say the Word

Say the Wordraven

Слайд 18Say the Word

Say the Wordscarecrow

Слайд 19Say the Word

Say the Wordspider

Слайд 20Say the Word

Say the Wordvampire

Слайд 21Say the Word

Say the Wordwitch

Слайд 22Say the Word

Say the Wordwolf

Слайд 24Slide 2: Choose your character
Players select their characters one by

You can click on the icons to see what each

character looks like
If a player does not like the character, you can click ‘cancel’ and choose another one
When players have finished selecting their characters, click on the Witch to proceed to the game (slide 4)

Slide 4: Which number do you like?
Decide which player goes first by rolling the dice
Player 1 chooses the pumpkin that they like by saying its number
Click on the pumpkin to see the task
You will see a picture containing Halloween-related vocabulary
Try eliciting first, then if the player does not know the word, click anywhere on the slide to enable a pop-up window to appear on the screen
Player 1 reads the word (then all the players can read it together)
optional: with higher-level students try asking additional questions or making sentences
When you are done, click anywhere on the slide again to see the Dancing Pumpkin on the bottom left corner
Click on the Dancing Pumpkin to get to the Race Screen (slide 3)

Slide 3 (Race Screen):
The monsters race against each other to get the candy. This is the goal of the game. The first player to get to the finish line wins the race.
Click on the icon which corresponds with Player 1’s character. You will see the character move.
After each move click on the Zombie Hand on the bottom right corner to get back to Slide 4.
It takes five steps (five correct answers) to get to the finish line.
When one of the Players gets the candy, the Trick-or-Treat picture will pop up. Click on the picture to see the last slide.
You can also continue playing until every player finishes off answering their questions (in that case do not click the Trick-or-Treat picture).

Slide 2: Choose your characterPlayers select their characters one by oneYou can click on the icons to

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