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Циленко Л., Закирова Е., Шиповская А

XVIII INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE New Technologies in Education & Production Ryazan April 15-17, 2020 L. TsilenkoAssociate Professor of Foreign Languages, Ph.D. in Education. Moscow Polytechnic University,

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Слайд 1

Слайд 3 XVIII INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE New Technologies in Education & Production Ryazan April

15-17, 2020
L. Tsilenko
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages, Ph.D. in Education.

Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia




E. Zakirova
Ph.D. in Philology, Professor in the Department of Linguistic and Professional Communication in Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia

A. Shipovskaya
Ph. D. in Linguistics, associate professor, associate professor in the Department of Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social and Economic Disciplines at Tambov State Musical Pedagogical Institute. SV Rachmaninoff, Tambov

XVIII INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE New Technologies in Education & Production Ryazan  April 15-17,

Слайд 4 Transforming academic potential into success scientific result
The role of the

international language in general system of scientific research is introduced.

It is emphasized that to ensure successful a worldwide academic collaboration, knowledge of English is indispensable. This article highlights requirements on the post-graduates’ education to debating the function of cognitive aspect as an undeniable segment in cross-cutting global academic communication. Through reviewing the authors make an effort to analyze the problems shooting up in the process of educating English for research purposes, as well as approaches to overcome obstacles using many various strategies. The synergy concept is delineated as a vital.

Transforming academic potential into success scientific result AbstractThe role of the international language in general system

Слайд 5For lifetimes, in a world of rapidly evolving, pedagogical endowment

responds to the demand of academic elite formation in our

country for generating innovative technological ideas for Russian society. The foremost indication is the fact that an academic global union is a diverse syndicate of interacting investigators to advance science education, researching, collaboration, academic interconnection and knowledge. World science interaction contributes to development of an intercontinental society and helps solve global challenges. It involves many sub-unions working on particular academic aeries, and within particular organizations, interdisciplinary and cross-institutional proceedings are also very considerable.

For lifetimes, in a world of rapidly evolving, pedagogical endowment responds to the demand of academic elite

Слайд 6The major topic to be investigated in these thematic studies

is the linguistic aspect. Considering the interests of global scientific

society, the reality of the current scientific study requires functioning in more than one foreign language. Depending on the research, it could be bi- or even multilingual investigator, with one of the languages being English. In these circumstances we entirely support the fact that “… the foreign language, especially English, must be taught over the whole course of studying at the university. It must be integrated into the scientific investigations by synergetic approach” [11, 86]. Our generation is witnessing the ascending of a market-education that is ruled by global economy in which the language of contemporary management has become inconsistent, and universal interlanguage – just English.

The major topic to be investigated in these thematic studies is the linguistic aspect. Considering the interests

Слайд 7In the light of this hypothesis future expert needs to

have a strong command over English as the international means

of collaboration. English is a beneficial synergy for global academic alliance. All international investigations open their doors once a scientist has a vigorous command over the language. Fluent English academic communication skills tend to increase intercontinental science exchange.

In the light of this hypothesis future expert needs to have a strong command over English as

Слайд 8It is noteworthy that the objective academic messages or scientific

results are presented in English. We are in complete agreement

with the opinion of authors: “It is well known fact that one of the basic components, for a competitive scientist, is the ability to communicate with scientists from all over the world effectively. So there is an undeniable interdependence between knowledge of English as a language of international communication and science” [6, p. 67]. For the next generation scientists it is a significant usefulness of synergetic algorithm.

It is noteworthy that the objective academic messages or scientific results are presented in English. We are

Слайд 9From these perspectives in the coming years, major areas of

research emphasize creative professional activity in a foreign language teaching.

In comparison with other techniques, this method has the advantage of teaching foreign language. It is noteworthy the fact that focusing on using English as a foreign language in academic research is a creative act, nobody denies it. We keenly aware that: “In this context Foreign Language Academic Communicative Competence (FLACC) as a cluster of overlapping competences and as a mental phenomenon has become one of the most important quality of modern scientist. FLACC refers to the cognitive ability to understand international conversation and contribute productively in science required for global science network and innovations, possessing a strong background in implementing new technology based businesses and ventures” [11, 86].

From these perspectives in the coming years, major areas of research emphasize creative professional activity in a

Слайд 10We fully appreciated the truth that: “In this framework one

of the priorities to solve the problem is to introduce

synergetic methods to the education process. The successful implementation of this concept is closely connected with an extensive use of authentic resources on the Internet” [5, p. 388]. Moreover, we dwell on the subject that: “As a result, interdisciplinary, research-based science program will be able to fully focus post-graduates’ forces in a particular field of specialization in a global scale and improve their cognitive abilities in cross-global collaboration” [11, 86].

We fully appreciated the truth that: “In this framework one of the priorities to solve the problem

Слайд 11Thus, it could be a major step toward revitalizing the

whole innovation process in attempt generation scientists’ formation. Subsequently, a

university educating philosophy can provide a solid foundation for our innovative academic establishment.

Thus, it could be a major step toward revitalizing the whole innovation process in attempt generation scientists’

Слайд 12References
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