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Two Monuments to N.V. Gogol in Moscow Made by Anastasiya Myravyeva School № 20,

The first one was created to the 100th anniversary of writer’s birthday and was installed in Prechistensky boulevard. The authors of the monument were a sculptor N. Andreev and an architect

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Слайд 1Two Monuments to
N.V. Gogol in Moscow
Made by Anastasiya

Myravyeva School №20, Form 8a
Teacher: L.V. Fomina

Two Monuments to N.V. Gogol in MoscowMade by Anastasiya Myravyeva School №20, Form 8aTeacher: L.V. Fomina

Слайд 2The first one was created to the 100th anniversary of

writer’s birthday and was installed in Prechistensky boulevard. The authors

of the monument were a sculptor N. Andreev and an architect F. Shehtel.

Two sculptural monuments are erected
in Moscow in honour of Nikolai Gogol .

The first one was created to the 100th anniversary of writer’s birthday and was installed in Prechistensky

Слайд 3The second monument appeared on the site of the first

one in 1952 in the year of the centenary of

the death of Gogol. The first one was moved to the yard of the house-museum of Gogol in Nikitsky boulevard. The authors were a sculptor N. Tomsky and an architect L.Golubovsky.
The second monument appeared on the site of the first one in 1952 in the year of

Слайд 4Thereby in Moscow a unique situation has developed. On the

both sides of Arbat square two monuments to the same

person were installed on a relatively small distance from each other. The distance was less than 400 metres.

Monuments are different because of style and emotional impression. N. Andreev and N.Tomsky interpret the image of the Great Russian writer a diametrically opposite way partly because of a consequence of the historical and cultural context of the time in which these monuments were created.

Thereby in Moscow a unique situation has developed. On the both sides of Arbat square two monuments

Слайд 5The work of N. Andreev is considered as aesthetically perfect

masterpiece and one of the best sculptures in the streets

of the capital. His monument to Gogol is appreciated as one of the peaks of his creativity, as a work which has great artistic and social significance.
The work of N. Andreev is considered as aesthetically perfect masterpiece and one of the best sculptures

Слайд 6The idea of the monument to Gogol in Moscow originated

in the days of celebrations dedicated to the opening of

the monument to Pushkin in 1880. A subscription to raise funds was opened on the initiative of the society of fans of Russian literature. By the end of 1890 the total sum was 52 thousand rubles and the Russian Literature Lovers Society decided to found a Committee for the construction of a monument to N.V. Gogol.
The idea of the monument to Gogol in Moscow originated in the days of celebrations dedicated to

Слайд 7Bas-reliefs, framing the pedestal of the monument
Front bas-reliefs
Characters of the

comedy "the Auditor"
The side of a bas-relief
Characters of collected

stories “Narratives of St. Petersburg”
Bas-reliefs, framing the pedestal of the monumentFront bas-reliefsCharacters of the comedy

Слайд 8Right bas-relief.
The characters of the poem "Dead Souls"
Left bas-relief.

The characters of collected stories "Mirgorod"

Right bas-relief. The characters of the poem

Слайд 9It is known that I.V.Stalin did not like the statue

of " sorrowful" Gogol, by which he regularly had to

pass through on his way from the Kremlin to the Kuntsevskaya dacha. Of course, the previous monument could neither be removed nor install a new one without his approval.
It is known that I.V.Stalin did not like the statue of

Слайд 10New competitions on the new monument projects were announced at

the end of 1940s and early 1950s in due to

install a new one to the centenary of the death of N. Gogol. This date was celebrated very widely in 1952. Many talented and famous sculptors of that time took part in the competitions.
New competitions on the new monument projects were announced at the end of 1940s and early 1950s

Слайд 11The winner was N. Tomsky. Nikolai Tomsky's victory in the

competition was not accidental. In 1951 he executed the marble

bust of N. Gogol, for which a year later he was awarded by the Stalin Prize. This bust was the fifth in the career of the sculptor. An enlarged copy of the bust was set on the tomb of Gogol. The bust was a prototype of a man's height bronze monument to the writer.
The winner was N. Tomsky. Nikolai Tomsky's victory in the competition was not accidental. In 1951 he

Слайд 12In 1952 grand opening of a new monument took place.

The writer's image was represented in a new interpretation. It

was a writer who stood on a high pedestal smiling, full of force and radiating optimism.
In 1952 grand opening of a new monument took place. The writer's image was represented in a

Слайд 13https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki


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