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Types and levels of comparative analysis in political science

PlanTypes of comparative analysis: "case-study" comparison, regional comparison, global comparison.Comparison of the most similar systems (Most Similar Systems Design, MSSD). Comparison of the most different systems (Most Different Systems Design, MDSD). Levels of

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Слайд 1Types and levels of comparative analysis in political science

Types and levels of comparative analysis in  political science

Слайд 2Plan
Types of comparative analysis: "case-study" comparison, regional comparison, global comparison.
Comparison of the

most similar systems (Most Similar Systems Design, MSSD). Comparison of

the most different systems (Most Different Systems Design, MDSD).
Levels of variables in comparative political science: aggregative, behavioral, role or socio-structural, cultural-structural. 
PlanTypes of comparative analysis: 

Слайд 3Case Study
A case study may be understood as the intensive

study of a single case for the purpose of understanding

a larger class of cases (a population). Case study research may incorporate several cases. However, at a certain point it will no longer be possible to investigate those cases intensively.
At the point where the emphasis of a study shifts from the individual case to a sample of cases we shall say that a study is cross‐case.
Case StudyA case study may be understood as the intensive study of a single case for the

Слайд 4Case Study

Case Study

Слайд 5Regional Comparison
Area Studies
Cross-Regional Comparisons

Regional ComparisonArea StudiesCross-Regional Comparisons

Слайд 6Global Comparison
Freedom House

Global ComparisonFreedom House

Слайд 7Comparing Many Cases (large-n comparisons)
Comparison of many countries, usually based

on statistical analyses of strictly comparable evidence about them
Can be

used to:
develop or test broad generalisations across a wide variety of different conditions;
identify unexpected or deviant cases that are exceptions to the general rule;
Min for a large-n study: 20-30 countries

Comparing Many Cases (large-n comparisons)Comparison of many countries, usually based on statistical analyses of strictly comparable evidence

Слайд 8Comparing Many Cases (large-n comparisons)
Information about countries must be both

quantified and standardized;
Large-n comparisons are often called statistical comparisons because

information is analysed with statistical techniques;
Large-n comparisons are best carried out on large, standardised data-sets.
Comparing Many Cases (large-n comparisons)Information about countries must be both quantified and standardized;Large-n comparisons are often called

Слайд 9Comparing Few Cases (small-n comparisons)
Comparison of a few countries, usually

based on systematic, in-depth analysis and detailed knowledge of them

to understand the complexity of relations
Average number of countries: 5-6
Comparing Few Cases (small-n comparisons)Comparison of a few countries, usually based on systematic, in-depth analysis and detailed

Слайд 10Comparing Few Cases (small-n comparisons)
Small-n studies can include qualitative evidence

and methods;
The small-n approach can be characterised as heuristic;
Small-n studies

can handle a mass of country-specific information of a qualitative nature without any need to standardise
Comparing Few Cases (small-n comparisons)Small-n studies can include qualitative evidence and methods;The small-n approach can be characterised

Слайд 11Quotes of the great
The simplest and most obvious modes of

singling out from among the circumstances which precede or follow

a phenomenon, those with which it is really connected by an invariable law, are two in number. One is, by comparing together different instances in which the phenomenon occurs. The other is by comparing instances in which the phenomenon does occur, with instances in other respects similar in which it does not. These two methods may be respectively denominated, the Method of Agreement, and the Method of Difference.
John Stuart Mill. A System of Logic.
Quotes of the greatThe simplest and most obvious modes of singling out from among the circumstances which

Слайд 12Method of Agreement
If a phenomenon occurs in two or more

situations then the explanation for the phenomenon must lie in

the common features of those situations.
Method of AgreementIf a phenomenon occurs in two or more situations then the explanation for the phenomenon

Слайд 13Method of Difference
If two or more situations are similar, but

the phenomenon exists in only one of them, its cause

must be related to the different features of its situation
Method of DifferenceIf two or more situations are similar, but the phenomenon exists in only one of

Слайд 14 Most Similar Systems Design (MSSD)
Deals with too few cases to

allow the use of statistics (should be at least 2

Can manipulate experimental variables only indirectly through the careful selection/sampling of cases
The number of common characteristics sought is as few as possible
Problem of “many variables, small N’s” (small-n/large-V problem)

Most Similar Systems Design (MSSD)Deals with too few cases

Слайд 15
With each additional explanatory variable (V) the number of cases

(n) required for comparisons grows exponentially. Therefore, only a few

explanatory variables are often too many for the relatively small number of cases available, in which case an empirical test is not possible.

Many Variables, Small N’s (Small-N/Large-V problem)

Слайд 16Most Different Systems Design (MDSD)
Belongs to the category of statistical

Falsification as a goal
Searches for independent variables within each system

which are related in an identical way to the dependent variable in all systems
Most Different Systems Design (MDSD)Belongs to the category of statistical analysisFalsification as a goalSearches for independent variables

Слайд 17Levels of variables in comparative political science
Role or socio-structural (so-called


Levels of variables in comparative political scienceAggregativeBehavioralRole or socio-structural (so-called

Слайд 18 Role or socio-structural (so-called "background") variables
Social structural variables claim explanatory

power for the physical things people do to each other

Role or socio-structural (so-called

Слайд 19 Cultural-structural variables
Cultural structural variables claim explanatory power for the

psychical things (thoughts and feelings) that people communicate to each

Consensus (accompanying functionalism), complementarity (accompanying exchange), and dissensus (accompanying conflict).

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