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Valentine was a Roman priest who lived during the third century. At the time, Rome was ruled by an emperor called Claudius.ValentineClaudius

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2Valentine was a Roman priest who lived during the third

century. At the time, Rome was ruled by an emperor

called Claudius.



Valentine was a Roman priest who lived during the third century. At the time, Rome was ruled

Слайд 3Claudius was angry because there weren’t enough Roman men becoming

soldiers as nobody wanted to leave their wives and children

to fight for him.
Claudius was angry because there weren’t enough Roman men becoming soldiers as nobody wanted to leave their

Слайд 4He forbade all men to marry so that they had

no families or wives to use as an excuse for

not wanting to join the army.

As Valentine was a priest, he helped the men by marrying them to their partners in secret.

He forbade all men to marry so that they had no families or wives to use as

Слайд 5But Claudius soon found out about Valentine and ordered for

him to be arrested and imprisoned.

But Claudius soon found out about Valentine and ordered for him to be arrested and imprisoned.

Слайд 6Whilst in jail, Valentine became a teacher to his jailer’s

blind daughter, Julia.

Whilst in jail, Valentine became a teacher to his jailer’s blind daughter, Julia.

Слайд 7It is said that Valentine and Julia became great friends

and that Valentine cured Julia’s blindness with a miracle!

It is said that Valentine and Julia became great friends and that Valentine cured Julia’s blindness with

Слайд 8On the day that Valentine died, he wrote Julia a

goodbye letter and signed it from ‘your Valentine’.
He died on

the 14th February.
On the day that Valentine died, he wrote Julia a goodbye letter and signed it from ‘your

Слайд 9Nowadays, we celebrate Valentine’s day by expressing our love for

each other with cards, flowers, etc.
How will you celebrate it?

Nowadays, we celebrate Valentine’s day by expressing our love for each other with cards, flowers, etc.How will

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