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Welcome to our town

Tula is the largest town. It is one of the biggest and most beautiful town in the country. Tula is a modern town now. The population of the town is about

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Welcome to our town

Welcome to our town

Слайд 2Tula is the largest town. It is one of the

biggest and most beautiful town in the country. Tula is

a modern town now. The population of the town is about 500031 people.


Tula is the largest town. It is one of the biggest and most beautiful town in the

Слайд 3Tula was founded in 1146. The total area of Tula

is about 145 square kilometers. Our town is a highly

developed industrial center with highly development machine-building and metallurgy.


Tula was founded in 1146. The total area of Tula is about 145 square kilometers. Our town

Слайд 4Tula is a cultural center. There are many things to

see in Tula, for example museums, theatres and monuments.
Places of

Tula is a cultural center. There are many things to see in Tula, for example museums, theatres

Слайд 5In Tula you can visit the museum of samovars, the

museum of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana, the arm museum

and others.

Places of interest

In Tula you can visit the museum of samovars, the museum of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana,

Слайд 6My favourite museum is in Yasnaya Polyana. I enjoy spending

my time there walking and listening the birds.
Places of

My favourite museum is in Yasnaya Polyana. I enjoy spending my time there walking and listening the

Слайд 7Yasnaya Polyana is the place where famous Russian writer Leo

Tolstoy lived; a unique house of the 19th century with

a beautiful park around it.

Tolstoy Museum

Yasnaya Polyana is the place where famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy lived; a unique house of the

Слайд 8In L.Tolstoy Museum you can find an exposition of different

things that belonged to the writer and his family.

In L.Tolstoy Museum you can find an exposition of different things that belonged to the writer and

Слайд 9The people of our town are proud of the Tula

Places of interest

The people of our town are proud of the Tula Kremlin.Places of interest

Слайд 10There are many buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares

and monuments in Tula.
Places of interest

There are many buildings, wide streets, green parks, large squares and monuments in Tula.Places of interest

Слайд 11It is necessary to mention such famous monuments as monuments

to the great Russian writers L. Tolstoy and V. Veresaev.

and people
It is necessary to mention such famous monuments as monuments to the great Russian writers L. Tolstoy

Слайд 12Tula is famous for its matreshka dolls, samovars, pancakes and

Customs and traditions

Tula is famous for its matreshka dolls, samovars, pancakes and spice-cakes.Customs and traditions

Слайд 13Welcome to our town!

Welcome to our town!

Слайд 14https: // images.rambler.ru
Использованные ресурсы

https: // images.rambler.ruИспользованные ресурсы

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