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Презентация к уроку "Wild animals/Present Simple" 5 класс Spotlight

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1A deer
a cobra
a rhino
a lion
a camel
a crocodile
an elephant
a tiger

A deera cobraa rhinoa liona camela crocodilean elephanta tiger

Слайд 2Amazing creatures
Theme of our lesson

Amazing creaturesTheme of our lesson

Слайд 3Listen and read. Look at page 66-67

Listen and read. Look at page 66-67

Слайд 4 Pakistan, China, Nepal

The Bengal tiger, deer, the Indian elephant,

the Indian cobra and the Indian rhino

Red, orange, black, grey,

brown (white, yellow)

National, tall, big, beautiful, dangerous (small, heavy, funny)

Three countries
five animals

Read and find the names (s) of:

five colours
five other adjectives

Pakistan, China, NepalThe Bengal tiger, deer, the Indian elephant, the Indian cobra and the Indian rhinoRed,

Слайд 5Present Simple

Present Simple

Слайд 7Remember!


Слайд 83rd Person Singular Spelling rules

3rd Person Singular Spelling rules

Слайд 91. I hide – he
2. We hunt – she

3. They live – he
4. You eat – she

5. I walk – she
6. You use – she
7. They carry – he
8. We wash – he

Write the third person singular (-s, -es)









1. I hide – he 2. We hunt – she 3. They live – he 4. You

Слайд 10Rhinos ……. (eat) plants.
The Bengal tiger …… (live) in India.

lion ……. (sleep) during the day.
Crocodiles ……. (swim) in rivers.

……. (like) bananas.
A leopard …… (keep) moving.
A crocodile…… (move) fast with its tail.
Hippos …… (give) birth underwater.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

Rhinos ……. (eat) plants.The Bengal tiger …… (live) in India.A lion ……. (sleep) during the day.Crocodiles …….

Слайд 11Homework


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