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Презентация по английскому языку "Paul Cezanne(1839 - 1906)"

Paul Sezanne- Titan of the art worldHe was born in AIX- EN- Provence on 19th January 1839. His father was very strict,self – confident and assertive.As a child, Cezanne had a

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Paul Cezanne
(1839 – 1906)

Каргаполова Т.М.
Учитель английского
Языка. МАОУ «СШ с

УИОП №80»

Paul Cezanne(1839 – 1906)Каргаполова Т.М.Учитель английскогоЯзыка.  МАОУ «СШ с УИОП №80»

Слайд 2Paul Sezanne- Titan of the art world
He was born in

AIX- EN- Provence on 19th January 1839. His father was

very strict,
self – confident and assertive.
As a child, Cezanne had a poor idea of a good painting, but he received an excellent education. He learnt in a high school, from 13 t0 19 years he studied at the “Bourbon College’’. He was a very good student, he read much, wrote Latin and French poems to his last days.

Paul Sezanne- Titan of the art worldHe was born in AIX- EN- Provence on 19th January 1839.

Слайд 3A landscape of the mountains

A landscape of the mountains

Слайд 4He showed the unity of nature
and art. “The house

near the road”

He showed the unity of nature and art. “The house near the road”

Слайд 5He was famous for the development of color
and composition

He was famous for the development of colorand composition

Слайд 6The artist liked to paint still-lives:
different fruits on the

table and kitchen things

The artist liked to paint still-lives: different fruits on the table and kitchen things

Слайд 7A still-life

A still-life

Слайд 8His portrait

His portrait

Слайд 9In 1906 after his death there was a great exhibition

in Paris. He was recognised in the whole world.

In 1906 after his death there was a great exhibition in Paris. He was recognised in the

Слайд 10Ссылки на изображения
2. https://ds04.infourok.ru/uploads/ex/025d/0007de14-023b0293/img3.jpg
3. https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB176QGNpXXXXblXFXXq6xXFXXXd/art-impressionism-
6. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/5e/f0/b35ef0a215659297a1303a8a8524ba35.jp
7. https://artmight.com/albums/public-domain-art-images/Paul-Cezanne-172.jpg

Ссылки на изображения1.https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e8/f9/f6/e8f9f6980d4e1e4c18ff52f510828190.jpg2. https://ds04.infourok.ru/uploads/ex/025d/0007de14-023b0293/img3.jpg3. https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB176QGNpXXXXblXFXXq6xXFXXXd/art-impressionism-The-Gulf-of-Marseille-Seen-from-L-Estaque-Paul-Cezanne-paintings-reproduction-High-quality.jpg4.https://i.pinimg.com/736x/85/3c/52/853c52d7a4d191115141f799c053e219--paul-cezanne-inspiring-art.jpg5.https://i.pinimg.com/736x/88/de/98/88de98c5141ae8bdd19ae012ddc83d38.jpg6. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/5e/f0/b35ef0a215659297a1303a8a8524ba35.jpG7. https://artmight.com/albums/public-domain-art-images/Paul-Cezanne-172.jpg

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