Разделы презентаций

Wild and Domestic animals.

AnimalsWild animals:A lionA tigerA bearA foxA wolfA monkeyA giraffeAn elephantA squirrelA hareDomestic animals:A dogA catA cowA sheepA horseA pigA parrot

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Animals

Aidar Galeev,
Deniskino school,
6 form

AnimalsAidar Galeev,Deniskino school, 6 form

Слайд 2Animals
Wild animals:
A lion
A tiger
A bear
A fox
A wolf
A monkey
A giraffe
An elephant

A hare

Domestic animals:
A dog
A cat
A cow
A sheep
A horse
A pig
A parrot

AnimalsWild animals:A lionA tigerA bearA foxA wolfA monkeyA giraffeAn elephantA squirrelA hareDomestic animals:A dogA catA cowA sheepA

Слайд 3 Let’s do some puzzles and riddles!

Let’s do some puzzles and riddles!

Слайд 4 This is a very large animal with a long trunk.

This is a very large animal with a long trunk.

Слайд 5
An elephant

An elephant

Слайд 6 This wild animal is allied to a dog.

This wild animal is allied to a dog.

Слайд 7 A wolf
A wolf

A wolf     A wolf

Слайд 8 This big brown animal lives in the forest. It likes


This big brown animal lives in the forest. It likes honey.

Слайд 9A bear

A bear

Слайд 10 You can teach this bird with bright feathers to repeat

your words.

You can teach this bird with bright feathers to repeat your

Слайд 11A parrot

A parrot

Слайд 12 A striped African animal allieto the horse and the donkey.

A striped African animal allieto the horse and the donkey.

Слайд 13A zebra

A zebra

Слайд 14 An insect with large, usually brightly coloured wings.

An insect with large, usually brightly coloured wings.

Слайд 15A butterfly

A butterfly

Слайд 16 This animal is known for its cunning.

This animal is known for its cunning.

Слайд 18 This animal lives in Australia. The mother carries her babies

in her pouch.

This animal lives in Australia. The mother carries her babies in

Слайд 19A kangaroo

A kangaroo

Слайд 20 This little animal stores up nuts for the winter.

This little animal stores up nuts for the winter.

Слайд 21 A squirrel

A squirrel

Слайд 22 It jumps on land and swims in water.

It jumps on land and swims in water.

Слайд 24 Just name

A tiger

A horse

Just nameA tigerA horse

Слайд 25Just name

A sheep

A giraffe

Just nameA sheepA giraffe

Слайд 26Just name

A dog

A lion

Just nameA dogA lion

Слайд 27Just name

A pig

A cow

Just nameA pigA cow

Слайд 28Just name

A monkey

A hare

Just nameA monkeyA hare

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