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세상 모든 자연과 통하다 GLOBAL ECO THE SAEM Saemmul Nail

Renewal DirectionAlly’s AjellSaemmulRenewal Point Nail line reorganization: Saemmul line will be the representative of approachable, trendy and low-priced line. To play role as leading loss leader products. Quality ImprovementProfile of Saemmul

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1세상 모든 자연과 통하다
Saemmul Nail

세상 모든 자연과 통하다GLOBAL ECO THE SAEMSaemmul Nail

Слайд 2Renewal Direction
Ally’s Ajell
Renewal Point
Nail line reorganization: Saemmul line will

be the representative of approachable, trendy and low-priced line.


play role as leading loss leader products.

Quality Improvement

Profile of Saemmul Nail polishes


Quality improvement --> Better color presentation, More shine, Longer lasting !
Greater color & texture variation
Contains caring ingredients (White birch tree sap, Acacia honey and sunflower seed for nail protection.)
Free of 4, Gentle formula: Didn’t use harmful additives (DBP, Acetone, Formaldehyde, Toluene)

Renewal DirectionAlly’s AjellSaemmulRenewal Point Nail line reorganization: Saemmul line will be the representative of approachable, trendy and

Слайд 3Color Charts

Color Charts

Слайд 4Color Trend 2014 SS
Warm modern
Various pastel tones

Restful in Nature
Low Chroma level
Warm, sweet green yellow

Soft blue

Color Charts & Trend

Color Trend 2014 SSAndrogynous Warm modern Various pastel tones Restful in Nature Low Chroma level Warm, sweet

Слайд 5Application Ideas
Sample Look 1 – Colorful French
Hot, trendy French

nail with pop colors.
Product used;
Base: Nude nail 02

nude cocoa
Vivid Nails 04 Vivid Pink
Vivid Nails 07 Vivid Turquoise
Vivid Nails 06 Vivid Yellow
Vivid Nails 02 Vivid Orange
Vivid Nails 05 Vivid Light pink

Attractive urban chic style with deep toned colors
Product used;
Vivid Nails 01 Vivid Red
Vivid Nails 09 Vivid Navy

Sample Look 2 – Urban Chic

Sample Look 3 – Gorgeous wedding

Fancy & romantic like wedding, but not over exaggerated
Product used;
Vivid Nails 11 Pearl Necklace
Vivid Nails 12 White Shirts
Candy Nails 14 Wedding dress
Candy Nails 15 Wedding Bouquets

Application IdeasSample Look 1 – Colorful French Hot, trendy French nail with pop colors. Product used; Base:

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