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© 2013 Alexander Kazakov. All rights reserved. ABCD-ETC-1302131630 RBIM

Nouns (what, who, where)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1© 2013 Alexander Kazakov. All rights reserved.

© 2013 Alexander Kazakov. All rights reserved. ABCD-ETC-1302131630RBIM

Слайд 2Nouns (what, who, where)

Nouns (what, who, where)

Слайд 3Nouns (what, who, where)

Nouns (what, who, where)

Слайд 4The Top 100 Most Common English Nouns

The Top 100 Most Common English Nouns

Слайд 5Drill: Many vs Much
How many …?
times, years, people, ways, days,

men, things, women, lives, children, worlds, schools, states, families, students,

groups, countries, problems, hands, parts, places, cases, weeks, companies, systems, programs, questions, works, governments, numbers, nights, points, homes, rooms, mothers, areas, moneys, stories, facts, months, lots, rights, studies, books, eyes, jobs, words, businesses, issues, sides, kinds, heads, houses, services, friends, fathers, powers, hours, games, lines, ends, members, laws, cars, cities, communities, names, presidents, teams, minutes, ideas, kids, bodies, backs, parents, faces, others, levels, offices, doors, persons, arts, wars, histories, parties, results, changes, mornings, reasons, researches, girls, guys, moments, airs, teachers, forces, educations.

How much …?
time, work, water, room, area, money, study, job, business, service, power, law, information, health, art, war, history, result, change, reason, research, air, force, education.

Drill: Many vs MuchHow many …?	times, years, people, ways, days, men, things, women, lives, children, worlds, schools,

Слайд 6Drill: Few vs Little
a few …
times, years, people, ways, days,

men, things, women, lives, children, worlds, schools, states, families, students,

groups, countries, problems, hands, parts, places, cases, weeks, companies, systems, programs, questions, works, governments, numbers, nights, points, homes, rooms, mothers, areas, moneys, stories, facts, months, lots, rights, studies, books, eyes, jobs, words, businesses, issues, sides, kinds, heads, houses, services, friends, fathers, powers, hours, games, lines, ends, members, laws, cars, cities, communities, names, presidents, teams, minutes, ideas, kids, bodies, backs, parents, faces, others, levels, offices, doors, persons, arts, wars, histories, parties, results, changes, mornings, reasons, researches, girls, guys, moments, airs, teachers, forces, educations.

a little …
time, work, water, room, area, money, study, job, business, service, power, law, information, health, art, war, history, result, change, reason, research, air, force, education.

Drill: Few vs Littlea few …	times, years, people, ways, days, men, things, women, lives, children, worlds, schools,

Слайд 7Drill: Less vs More
Less / More …
times, years, people, ways,

days, men, things, women, lives, children, worlds, schools, states, families,

students, groups, countries, problems, hands, parts, places, cases, weeks, companies, systems, programs, questions, works, governments, numbers, nights, points, homes, rooms, mothers, areas, moneys, stories, facts, months, lots, rights, studies, books, eyes, jobs, words, businesses, issues, sides, kinds, heads, houses, services, friends, fathers, powers, hours, games, lines, ends, members, laws, cars, cities, communities, names, presidents, teams, minutes, ideas, kids, bodies, backs, parents, faces, others, levels, offices, doors, persons, arts, wars, histories, parties, results, changes, mornings, reasons, researches, girls, guys, moments, airs, teachers, forces, educations.

Less / More …
time, work, water, room, area, money, study, job, business, service, power, law, information, health, art, war, history, result, change, reason, research, air, force, education.

Drill: Less vs MoreLess / More …	times, years, people, ways, days, men, things, women, lives, children, worlds,

Слайд 8To learn more about nouns…
go to
and browse the net

for English nouns…

To learn more about nouns…go tohttp://www.englishleap.com/grammar/nounshttp://www.ucl.ac.uk/internet-grammar/nouns/characte.htmhttp://worddetail.org/most_common/nounshttp://englishgenie.com/vocabulary/the-top-100-most-common-nouns/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtIzLOK9CWg and browse the net for English nouns…

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