Registration of acoustic emission: 12 channels, 750 kHz.
Registration of pore pressure and stresses: 15 channels, 10 Hz.
Time of registration up to 100 seconds.
Working pressure up to 15 MPa.
Pressure conditions
Maximum external pressure 7 МРа
Initial pore pressure 0.1 MPa
Final pore pressure 4 - 6 MPa
Rosin and pebble mixture
Unconfined compressive strength 0.54 Mpa
Permeability 8 mD – 14 mD
time of event registration
amplitude of event
event coordinate
The catalogues composed were used to obtain the time series of acoustic activity
Event amplitudes recorded by single sensor vs. time
Drained reservoir.
Permeability 11mD.
Modeling acoustic activity, points 50, 230, 410
Experimental pore
pressure vs time, points
50, 230, 410
The shape of modeling activity trends is similar to experimental ones.
Modeling acoustic activity,
points 50, 230, 410
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