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2013 events in Russia

important event for our country in 2014 Olympic Gamesathletes in our country are going to become worthy participants Sochi 2014 Olympics!

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Слайд 12013 events in Russia

2013 events in Russia

Слайд 2important event for our country in 2014 Olympic Games
athletes in

our country are going to become worthy participants Sochi 2014

important event for our country in 2014 Olympic Gamesathletes in our country are going to become worthy

Слайд 3Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On holding Russia's Year of


Vladimir Putin signed a decree

Слайд 4Now French actor Gerard Depart received Russian citizenship

Now French actor Gerard Depart received Russian citizenship

Слайд 5in Russia enacted a law prohibiting American citizens adoption of

Russian children (Law Dima Yakovlev)

in Russia enacted a law prohibiting American citizens adoption of Russian children (Law Dima Yakovlev)

Слайд 62013 - year of the famine?

Global food market will continue

to be in a fever in the new year. UN

warns as much about the threat of hunger. The reason - the consequences of poor harvests in 2012 is now the world's food stocks are at their lowest level in 40 years. But the situation could become even worse. Thus, the main American climatologist Jim Angel Illinois predicted that the drought will continue in 2013 experts expect a rise in prices for soybeans, corn and other feed, which means - for meat and milk.
2013 - year of the famine?Global food market will continue to be in a fever in the

Слайд 7February 15 vzarvalsya Meteorite in Chelyabinsk region

February 15 vzarvalsya Meteorite in Chelyabinsk region

Слайд 8Coast of Krasnodar region was flooded due to heavy rain.

Per day in the resort area of Gelendzhik per night

fell five-month rainfall.
Coast of Krasnodar region was flooded due to heavy rain. Per day in the resort area of

Слайд 9My events for 2013
1.In the 2013 I visited Turkey
2.Vstretilas with

her grandmother in Krasnodar
3.Uchus 3 course Pedagogical Academy
4.Vstretilas with uncle

My events for 20131.In the 2013 I visited Turkey2.Vstretilas with her grandmother in Krasnodar3.Uchus 3 course Pedagogical

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