Разделы презентаций

4 а (02.09)

How are you today?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 How are you today?

How are you today?

Слайд 5How is the weather today? - It is …

How is the weather today? - It is …

Слайд 7How is the weather? It is rainy

How is the weather? It is rainy

Слайд 8How is the weather? It is foggy

How is the weather? It is foggy

Слайд 9How is the weather? It is cold

How is the weather? It is cold

Слайд 10How is the weather? It is sunny and cloudy

How is the weather? It is sunny and cloudy

Слайд 11How is the weather? It is frosty

How is the weather? It is frosty



Слайд 18What is the date today? (Какое сегодня число?) – Today

is (Сегодня) _______

When is your birthday? (Когда твой день рождения?)

– My birthday is in (Мой день рождения в ___ ) _________
What is the date today? (Какое сегодня число?) – Today is (Сегодня) _______When is your birthday? (Когда

Слайд 36His name is Sam.
His surname is Roberts.
He is

11 years old.
His birthday is on the 3d of June.

His nationality is British.
He is from Newtown, England.
He has a pet. It is a dog.
He likes to read detective stories. It is his hobby.
His phone number is 576 894
His address is Sochi, International Holiday Camp
His name is Sam. His surname is Roberts. He is 11 years old.His birthday is on the

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