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Reading IELTS

Reading tips Beat the fear – read as much as possible If you read enough “native English” before the exam, you will become more and more confident in looking at texts

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Слайд 1IELTS reading

IELTS reading

Слайд 2Reading tips
Beat the fear – read as much as

possible If you read enough “native English” before the exam,

you will become more and more confident in looking at texts where you don’t understand every word.
Time management – experiment to see what works.
Strategy :
how long you look at the text before answering questions
how long you spend on each question
how long you spend on each group of questions
how long you spend on each text
do you leave time at the end to go back at look at unanswered questions?

Reading tips Beat the fear – read as much as possible If you read enough “native English”

Слайд 3Skimming and scanning
 Skimming - a technique used in previewing or

for getting an overview of a text; the eyes ‘skim’

rapidly over the page, just picking out the main ideas and topics.
 Scanning also involves rapid movement through a text, but looking for specific key information rather than the gist.
Skimming and scanning  Skimming - a technique used in previewing or for getting an overview of a

Слайд 4Reading tips
Learn the exam – know the different types

of questions
Train yourself, don’t test yourself

The questions or the

text – which do you read first

Reading tips Learn the exam – know the different types of questions  Train yourself, don’t test

Слайд 5Reading skills
A passage on the IELTS is given to you;

you did not choose to read it.
There are few

clues. (make some predictions about the passage). What is the passage about? What is the main idea? Who are the characters? When are things taking place? Where is it happening? Why is it important?
Reading skillsA passage on the IELTS is given to you; you did not choose to read it.

Слайд 6Reading skills – dealing with unknown words
Does it start with

a capital letter or is it in italics?
a capital letter

– (probably) a proper name.
(In this case, you should waste no time in trying to understand what the word means)
in italics - almost certainly a scientific/technical term that you do not need to understand.

Reading skills – dealing with unknown words Does it start with a capital letter or is it

Слайд 7The tulip was introduced to Europe in the mid-16th century from the Ottoman

Empire, and became very popular in the United Provinces which are now

the Netherlands. Tulip cultivation in the United Provinces is generally thought to have started in earnest around 1593 after the Flemish botanist Charles de l’Écluse had taken up a post at theUniversity of Leiden and established the hortus academicus.

The tulip was introduced to Europe in the mid-16th century from the Ottoman Empire, and became very popular in the United

Слайд 8Is the word explained in the text?
This lobotomy, an extremely

dangerous medical procedure, ultimately cost him his life.

Is the word explained in the text? This lobotomy, an extremely dangerous medical procedure, ultimately cost him

Слайд 9 Can you deduce the meaning from other words?
look at other

words which relate to that word and work out what

it must mean. These words may be either synonyms (words with a similar meaning) or opposites. “The fossils were originally dug up in Kazakhstan by a group of German archaeologists who were looking for evidence of prehistoric culture. Some time later the bone fragments  were taken to Belgium to be exhibited in a museum specializing in natural history.”

Can you deduce the meaning from other words?  look at other words which relate

Слайд 10 Can you guess the meaning from the general context?
think about

the general meaning of the sentence and make a guess

at the probable meaning of that word. (the more you guess meanings, the more correct you are). “Skin cancer is a common disease. According to Cancer Research UK, around 100,000 cases of non-melanoma were diagnosed in the UK in 2008, and just under 12,000 cases of the more dangerous malignant melanoma were also registered of which 25% proved fatal”.

Can you guess the meaning from the general context?    think

Слайд 11 Can you recognise a part of the word?
What you do

here is recognise parts of words and relate them to

other words you do know. Again, this will mean you are “guessing” and sometimes you may make mistakes, but you should be correct more often than not. “The archaeologists unearthed the bones in Kazakhstan, while looking for evidence of prehistoric civilisations”.
Can you recognise a part of the word?   What you do here is

Слайд 12 Do you know what type of word it is?
This is

the weakest skill in that it gives you the least

amount of information about the word. However, it can sometimes help to know whether you are looking at a verb, noun, adverb or adjective. “In five years time the skills for conducting fundamental science in the UK will not be here, because everyone will be chasing money to work on the widget the EPSRC thinks will solve societal problems”.
an unusual word “widget” - the word must be a noun as it follows “the” and this helps you understand that it must be a thing of some sort. In fact, all “widget” means is “thing”.

Do you know what type of word it is?  This is the weakest skill

Слайд 13Questions?


Слайд 14Why ironing shirts is better than working out?

Why ironing shirts is better than working out?

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