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Adverbs and comparative adverbs

quick  quick good  polite  polite bad  careful  careful easy  tidy  tid fast  © Cambridge University Press 2015Adverbslylylyilybetterworseeasilyfaster

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Adverbs and comparative adverbs
© Cambridge University Press 2015

Adverbs and comparative adverbs© Cambridge University Press 2015

Слайд 2
quick  quick good 
polite  polite bad 
careful  careful easy

tidy  tid fast 

© Cambridge University Press 2015

quick  quick			good  	polite  polite			bad 	careful  careful		easy  	tidy  tid				fast  © Cambridge

Слайд 3Mr Bradford speaks more clearly than
Mr James.

little brother plays more quietly than his cousin.
You should listen

to your teacher
more carefully than that.

© Cambridge University Press 2015

Regular comparative adverbs

Mr Bradford speaks more clearly than  Mr James.		My little brother plays more quietly than his cousin.You

Слайд 4I know that film well – I’ve seen it three

He plays football better than me.
The sitcom was worse than

I expected.
The cinema is further than I thought from the station.
She finished the race faster than me.

© Cambridge University Press 2015

Irregular comparative adverbs

I know that film well – I’ve seen it three times!He plays football better than me.The sitcom

Слайд 5Ana: Come on! Can’t you walk more quickly than that? We’re

going to miss the film.
Ellie: Sorry, you always walk faster than

me. Can you walk more slowly, please?
Ana: Well, I want to get better seats than we did last time. The film starts at 6 pm, but if we get there earlier we’ll get the best seats.

1 How many irregular adverbs can you find?
2 Who is walking quickly?
3 What sort of seats do you think they got last time?

© Cambridge University Press 2015

Language in action



not very good

Ana:	Come on! Can’t you walk more quickly than that? We’re going to 	miss the film.Ellie:	Sorry, you always

Слайд 6Friday is the better day of the week.
Friday is

day of the


Could you talk more quietlier?
Could you talk ?

She works more hardly than me in class.
She works me in class.

© Cambridge University Press 2015


the best

more quietly

harder than

Friday is the better day of the week.Friday is

Слайд 7To form the comparative of most regular adverbs, add the

word more before the adverb.
If an adverb has one syllable,

make the comparative by adding -er
soon  sooner hard  harder fast  faster
With longer adverbs, we use more (+ adverb) + than.
She does things more easily than me.

© Cambridge University Press 2015

Can you remember the rules?

To form the comparative of most regular adverbs, add the word more before the adverb.If an adverb

Слайд 8Some adverbs are irregular – they don’t have an -ly

good  well fast  fast hard  hard

 early late  late
To compare adverbs, we use the same rules as we do when we compare adjectives. With short adverbs, we add -er or -r, and than after the adverb.
I worked hard, but Sue worked harder than me!
To compare the adverbs well and far , we use better than and further than.
He cooks better than me.
London to Mumbai is further than London to New York.

© Cambridge University Press 2015

Can you remember the rules?

Some adverbs are irregular – they don’t have an -ly endinggood  well 		fast  fast 		hard

Слайд 96 people
1 Taylor Swift_
2 __________
3 __________
4 __________
5 __________
6 __________
© Cambridge

University Press 2015
Taylor Swift cuts carrots more quickly than Usain


6 verbs
1 cut_______
2 __________
3 __________
4 __________
5 __________
6 __________

6 adverbs
1 quickly____
2 __________
3 __________
4 __________
5 __________
6 __________

6 different people
1 Usain Bolt_
2 __________
3 __________
4 __________
5 __________
6 __________


Complete the boxes below with names of famous people (or people you know), verbs and adverbs.

6 people1 Taylor Swift_2 __________3 __________4 __________5 __________6 __________© Cambridge University Press 2015Taylor Swift cuts carrots more

Слайд 101 His English is worse than mine.
2 My dad didn’t

study hardly at school.
3 I had the best party for

my 15th birthday.
4 Gran drives more carefuly than Granddad.
5 Alice sings more better than Elsie.

© Cambridge University Press 2015





1 His English is worse than mine.2 My dad didn’t study hardly at school.3 I had the

Слайд 11Acknowledgements

The publishers are grateful to the following illustrator:
Slides 3 and

4: David Semple

© Cambridge University Press 2015

AcknowledgementsThe publishers are grateful to the following illustrator:Slides 3 and 4: David Semple© Cambridge University Press 2015

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