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Animals on the brink of extinction Russia

 BisonsPreviously, these animals were widely distributed in the former USSR, but by the beginning of the 20th century they were preserved only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. However, and there their number steadily declined. For example, by 1924 only 5-10 bison remained in the Caucasus.Bison have always been residents of deciduous and mixed forests, but have avoided extensive woodlands. In the Western Caucasus, these animals live mainly at an altitude of 0.9-2.1

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Слайд 1Animals on the brink of extinction Russia
presentation made by Arseny Aptikashev 

B class

Animals on the brink of extinction Russiapresentation made by Arseny Aptikashev 10 B class

Слайд 2 Bisons
Previously, these animals were widely distributed in the former USSR, but by the beginning of the 20th century they were preserved only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. However, and there their number steadily declined. For example, by 1924 only 5-10 bison remained in the Caucasus.
Bison have always been residents of deciduous

and mixed forests, but have avoided extensive woodlands. In the

Western Caucasus, these animals live mainly at an altitude of 0.9-2.1 thousand meters above sea level, often going to the glades or treeless slopes, but never moving away from the forest edges.
The bison is listed in the Red book of Russia as an endangered species and today lives in many reserves and zoos.
 BisonsPreviously, these animals were widely distributed in the former USSR, but by the beginning of the 20th century they were preserved only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus. However, and there their number steadily declined. For example, by 1924 only 5-10 bison remained in the Caucasus.Bison have always been residents of deciduous and mixed forests, but have avoided extensive

Слайд 3              Fish owl

This species

settles on the banks of rivers in the far East

from Magadan to the Amur region and Primorye, as well as on Sakhalin and the Southern Kuriles. The fish owl prefers to live in the hollows of old trees with an abundance of aquatic prey nearby, but old-growth and hollow trees are often cut down, which inevitably displaces these birds from their habitats. In addition, fish owls are caught by poachers, and they often fall into traps while trying to pull bait out of them.
 The development of water tourism on the far Eastern rivers and, consequently, the increased concern of these birds gradually leads to a decrease in the number of eagle owls and prevents their reproduction. All this has led to the fact that today this species is threatened with extinction.The fish owl is one of the largest owls in the world, as well as the largest member of its genus. Interestingly, these birds can hunt in two different ways. Most often, the fish owl looks for fish, sitting on a stone in the river, from the shore or from a tree hanging over the river. Noticing the prey, the owl dives into the water and instantly grabs it with sharp claws. And in the case when this predator tries to catch sedentary fish, crayfish or frogs, he just goes into the water and feels the bottom with his paw in search of prey.
              Fish owlThis species settles on the banks of rivers in

Слайд 4Red or mountain wolf
This representative of the animal world has

a body up to 1 meter long, and can weigh

from 12 to 21 kg. Externally, it can be confused with a Fox, and this is one of the main reasons for its extinction. Hunters who know a little about animals, massively shoot mountain wolf.
He attracted the attention of people with his fluffy fur, which has a beautiful bright red color. It is also worth noting that its tail is slightly different from the Fox's, having a black tip. The habitat of this wolf is the far East, China and Mongolia.
Red or mountain wolfThis representative of the animal world has a body up to 1 meter long,

Слайд 5The Amur Goral
The Amur Goral is a subspecies of the

mountain goat named Goral, found in Primorsky Krai in the

number of 600-700 goats and goats. Protected by the state. Friends and relatives of the Amur Goral live in the Himalayas and Tibet, correspond with the Amur extremely rarely.
Goral afraid of the wolf and often die because of him. In General, it seems that wolves are the most important goats. In fact, only a real goat can safely eat the Amur Goral, listed in the Red Book.
The Amur GoralThe Amur Goral is a subspecies of the mountain goat named Goral, found in Primorsky

Слайд 6                   

           The end

                               The end

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