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Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes


LESSON OBJECTIVES:Concept of electrolytesDefine electrolyte, electrolytic solution, ion, cation, anionArrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociationAcid and baseOstwald’s dilution lawIonic reactions in electrolyte solutions

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Слайд 1Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes
Lecture № 7

Aqueous Solutions of ElectrolytesLecture № 707.03.2017


Concept of electrolytes
Define electrolyte, electrolytic solution, ion, cation, anion

theory of electrolytic dissociation
Acid and base
Ostwald’s dilution law
Ionic reactions in

electrolyte solutions

LESSON OBJECTIVES:Concept of electrolytesDefine electrolyte, electrolytic solution, ion, cation, anionArrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociationAcid and baseOstwald’s dilution

Слайд 3Electrolytes
Substances which on dissolution, even at moderate dilution, ionize

almost completely
Substances which on dissolution in water, dissociate to a

little extent

Strong electrolytes

Example:- HCl,HNO3,NaOH,NaCl,CaCl2 etc

Weak electrolytes

Example:-CH3COOH, NH4OH, AgCl etc

Electrolytes Substances which on dissolution, even at moderate dilution, ionize almost completelySubstances which on dissolution in water,

Слайд 4 In the world of chemistry, an electrolyte is a substance

having the free ions so that the substance is electrical

conductor. We can say that any substance, which furnishes ions in the solution, is called the electrolyte.
Due to the presence of free ions some of the solutions can pass electricity through them. As we can say that the pure distilled water is not an electrolyte but if we add some table salt, it becomes an electrolyte and the electric current pass through it.
The electrolyte is an ionic solution but the electrolytes can also be in molten and in the solid state.
In the world of chemistry, an electrolyte is a substance having the free ions so that the

Слайд 5Pure water does not conduct an electric current
Zumdahl, Zumdahl, DeCoste,

World of Chemistry 2002, page 215
Ionic Solutions conduct a current

Pure water does not conduct an electric currentZumdahl, Zumdahl, DeCoste, World of Chemistry 2002, page 215Ionic Solutions

Слайд 6 Unlike charges (+ and –) attract one another.

charges (+ and +, or – and –) repel one


Electrostatic Forces

Unlike charges (+ and –) attract one another. Like charges (+ and +, or – and

Слайд 7 Electric current is a movement or flow of electrically charged

particles (electrons and ions), typically measured in:
Charged particles capable of

conducting electrical current are called electrical conductors:
Metals are conductors of the first type with an electronic conductivity
Electrolytes are conductors of the second type with an ionic conductivity
Electric current is a movement or flow of electrically charged particles (electrons and ions), typically measured in:	Charged

Слайд 8Ions are atoms (or groups of atoms) that carry electrical

Positively (+) charged ions are called cations, whereas negatively

(–) charged ions are called anions.



Ions are atoms (or groups of atoms) that carry electrical charge. Positively (+) charged ions are called

Слайд 9Electrolytes are substances that dissociate into ions when dissolved in

water and conduct electricity
Non-electrolytes are substances that do not form

ions and do not conduct electricity when placed in water
Electrolytes are substances that dissociate into ions when dissolved in water and conduct electricityNon-electrolytes are substances that

Слайд 10Electrical Conductivity of Ionic Solutions

Electrical Conductivity of Ionic Solutions

Слайд 11The more the electrolyte dissociates, the more ions it produces.

The more the electrolyte dissociates, the more ions it produces.


A weak electrolyte dissociates partially.
Weak electrolyte solutions are

poor conductors.
Different weak electrolytes dissociate to different extents.
Weak electrolytes include:

acids and weak bases (NH4OH)
A few insoluble ionic compounds
A water H2O

A strong electrolyte dissociates completely.
A strong electrolyte is present in solution almost exclusively as ions.
Strong electrolyte solutions are good conductors.
Strong electrolytes include:
Strong acids (HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4)
Strong bases (IA and IIA metals hydroxides)
Most water-soluble ionic compounds (salts)

TYPES OF ELECTROLYTES	A weak electrolyte dissociates partially.Weak electrolyte solutions are poor conductors.Different weak electrolytes dissociate to different

Слайд 13The Water Molecule is Polar

The Water Molecule is Polardipol

Слайд 14Water is “bent” or V-shaped.
The O – H bonds are

Water is a polar molecule.
Hydration occurs when salts dissolve in

Water is “bent” or V-shaped.The O – H bonds are covalent.Water is a polar molecule.Hydration occurs when

Слайд 15How Water Dissolves an Ionic Substance
hydrated cation
hydrated anion

How Water Dissolves an Ionic SubstanceH2Ohydrated cationhydrated anion

Слайд 17Этапы электролитической диссоциации полярных молекул (а) и ионных кристаллов (б):

I – сольватация; II – ионизация; III – диссоциация.
Теория электролитической

Этапы электролитической диссоциации полярных молекул (а) и ионных кристаллов (б): I – сольватация; II – ионизация; III

Слайд 18 In order to explain the properties of electrolytic solutions, Arrhenius

put forth, in 1884, a comprehensive theory which is known

as theory of electrolytic dissociation or ionic theory.


Svante Arrhenius, 
Swedish chemist and
 Nobel laureate, 

In order to explain the properties of electrolytic solutions, Arrhenius put forth, in 1884, a comprehensive theory


An electrolyte, when dissolved

in water, breaks up into two types of charged particles.

These charged particles are called ions.
When an electric current is passed through the electrolytic solution, the positive ions (cations) move towards cathode and the negative ions (anions) move towards anode and get discharged, i.e., electrolysis occurs.
The process of splitting of the electrolytes molecules into ions under the influence of polar molecules of solvent is called ionization (dissociation):



THE MAIN POINTS OF THE THEORY ARE:An electrolyte, when dissolved in water, breaks up into two types

Слайд 20The properties of electrolytes in solution are the properties of

ions present in solution. For example, acidic solution always contains

H+ ions while basic solution contains OH- ions and characteristic properties of solutions are those of H- ions and OH- ions respectively.
The ions act like molecules towards depressing the freezing point, elevating the boiling point, lowering the vapour pressure and establishing the osmotic pressure.
The conductively of the electrolytic solution depends on the nature and number of ions as the current is carried through solution by the movement of ions.
The properties of electrolytes in solution are the properties of ions present in solution. For example, acidic

Слайд 21 An acid is a substance that increase H+ when dissolved

in water:
Some acids have more than one ionizable hydrogen

atom. They ionize in “steps”:
H2SO4 → H+ + HSO4–

HSO4– → H+ + SO42–

hydrogen sulfate ion

sulfate ion

An acid is a substance that increase H+ when dissolved in water: 	Some acids have more than

Слайд 22Strong acids are strong electrolytes; completely ionized in water:

water: HCl(g) → H+(aq) + Cl–(aq)
Weak acids are weak electrolytes.

Some of the dissolved molecules ionize; the rest remain as molecules.
In water: CH3COOH(l)  H+(aq) + CH3COO–(aq)

No HCl in solution, only H+ and Cl– ions.

Just a little H+ forms.

Reactions of Acid: Strong and Weak Acids

Strong acids are strong electrolytes; completely ionized in water:	 In water:	HCl(g) →  H+(aq) + Cl–(aq)Weak acids

Слайд 23 A base is a substance that increase OH- when dissolved

in water:
An ampholyte is a substance dissolving in water

to OH- and H+ ions:
A base is a substance that increase OH- when dissolved in water: 	An ampholyte is a substance

Слайд 24Strong bases: Most are ionic hydroxides (Group IA and IIA,

though some IIA hydroxides aren’t very soluble).
Weak bases: Like

weak acids, they ionize partially. Ionization process is different.
Weak bases form OH– by accepting H+ from water …
NH3 + H2O  NH4+ + OH–
CH3NH2 + H2O  CH3NH3+ + OH–
methylamine methylammonium ion

Strong and Weak Bases

Strong bases: Most are ionic hydroxides (Group IA and IIA, though some IIA hydroxides aren’t very soluble).

Слайд 25Common Strong Acids and Strong Bases
A pragmatic method of determining whether

an acid is weak … just learn the strong acids!

Common Strong Acids and Strong BasesA pragmatic method of determining whether an acid is weak … just

Слайд 26 Strength and properties of the electrolyte are described by the

following values:
the degree () of ionization
and the dissociation

constant (Kdiss) of the electrolyte.
Degree of ionization '' may be defined as a fraction of total number of molecules of an electrolyte which dissociate into ions:
Strength and properties of the electrolyte are described by the following values: the degree () of ionization

Слайд 27Values of the degree of dissociation (ex)depends upon the following

nature of solute
2. nature of solvent
3. concentration
4. temperature

Values of the degree of dissociation (ex)depends upon the following factorsnature of solute2. nature of solvent3. concentration4.

Слайд 28When temperature is increased, degree of ionization increase too

concentration is increased, degree of ionization decrease

When temperature is increased, degree of ionization increase too When concentration is increased, degree of ionization decrease

Слайд 29Dissociation is reversible process. Ions present in solution constantly re-unite

to form neutral molecules and, thus, there is a state

of dynamic equilibrium between the ionized and non-ionized molecules, i.e.,  AxBy   x A+ + y B-

Applying the law of mass action to above equilibrium, we have constant K is known as ionization constant :

Dissociation is reversible process. Ions present in solution constantly re-unite to form neutral molecules and, thus, there

Слайд 30For strong electrolytes >0,3 (30%) and they having high value of


For weak electrolytes 

having low constant value of Kdiss
For strong electrolytes >0,3 (30%) and they having high value of Kdiss For weak electrolytes 

For strong electrolytes:

where K is dissociation constant and

C is molar concentration of the solution.
This law is based

on the fact that only a portion of the electrolyte is dissociated into ions at ordinary dilution and completely at infinite dilution. Strong electrolytes are almost completely ionized at all dilutions and /∞ does not give an accurate value of 'α'.
When the concentration of ions is very high, the presence of charges on the ions appreciably affects the equilibrium. Hence, law of mass action cannot be strictly applied in the case of strong electrolytes.
OSTWALD'S DILUTION LAWFor strong electrolytes:where K is dissociation constant and C is molar concentration of the solution.This

For weak electrolytes (Kdiss=const and (1 – )

 1):
Thus, degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte is

proportional to the square root of dilution.
“For a weak electrolyte, the degree of ionisation is inversely proportional to the square root of molar concentration or directly proportional to the square root of volume containing one mole of the solute.” This is called Ostwald’s dilution law.

OSTWALD'S DILUTION LAWFor weak electrolytes (Kdiss=const and (1 – )  1):	Thus, degree of dissociation of a

Слайд 33A chemical equation which shows dissociation of electrolyte and written

as dissociated ions of electrolyte is known as ionic equation.

Replacement (Metathesis) Reactions involve swapping ions in solution:
AX + BY  AY + BX


A chemical equation which shows dissociation of electrolyte and written as dissociated ions of electrolyte is known

Слайд 34 Metathesis reactions will lead to a change in solution if

one of three things occurs:
An insoluble solid is formed (When

a chemical reaction forms such a solute, the insoluble solute comes out of solution and is called a precipitate),
Weak acids are formed (H2SO3, CH3COOH),
An insoluble gas is formed (H2S, CO2, SO2, NH3),
Neutralization reaction

Metathesis reactions will lead to a change in solution if one of three things occurs:An insoluble solid

Слайд 35Irreversible reaction
BaCl2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4 ↓ + 2NaCl

Na2S+ 2HCl = H2S↑ + 2NaCl
Weak electrolytes are

+ H2SO4 =
= 2CH3COOH + K2SO4

Complex compounds
are formed

Hg(NO3)2 + 4KJ = K2[HgJ4] +2KNO3


Irreversible reactionPrecipitate(↓)BaCl2 + Na2SO4 = BaSO4 ↓ + 2NaCl Gas reaction Na2S+ 2HCl = H2S↑ + 2NaClWeak

Слайд 36 Neutralization is the (usually complete) reaction of an acid with

a base. The products of this neutralization are water and

a salt.

Acid–Base Reactions: Neutralization

Neutralization is the (usually complete) reaction of an acid with a base. The products of this neutralization

Слайд 37In the reaction above, the HCl, NaOH, and NaCl all

are strong electrolytes and dissociate completely.
The actual reaction occurs between


Acid–Base Reactions: Net Ionic Equations

HCl + NaOH  H2O + NaCl

H+ + Cl– + Na+ + OH–  H2O + Na+ + Cl–

H+ + OH–  H2O

A net ionic equation shows the species actually involved in the reaction.

Na+ and Cl– are spectator ions.

In the reaction above, the HCl, NaOH, and NaCl all are strong electrolytes and dissociate completely.The actual

Слайд 38There are limits to the amount of a solute that

will dissolve in a given amount of water.
If the maximum

concentration of solute is less than about 0.01 M, we refer to the solute as insoluble in water.
When a chemical reaction forms such a solute, the insoluble solute comes out of solution and is called a precipitate.

Reactions that Form Precipitates

There are limits to the amount of a solute that will dissolve in a given amount of

Слайд 39Silver Iodide Precipitation
A solution containing silver ions and nitrate ions,

when added to …
… a solution containing potassium ions and

iodide ions, forms …

What is the net ionic equation for the reaction that has occurred here? (Hint: what species actually reacted?)

Silver Iodide PrecipitationA solution containing silver ions and nitrate ions, when added to …… a solution containing

Слайд 40With these guidelines we can predict precipitation reactions.
When solutions of

sodium carbonate and iron (III) nitrate are mixed, a precipitate

will form.
When solutions of lead acetate and calcium chloride are mixed, a precipitate will form.
With these guidelines we can predict precipitation reactions.When solutions of sodium carbonate and iron (III) nitrate are

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