Разделы презентаций


The use of A and ANThe first time you mention a nounI bought a pig yesterday.To name a member of a group (Jobs, nationalities, religions)The pig is a lawyer, an American

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Articles
An - before a vowel sound
A pig

only singular

ArticlesDefiniteIndefiniteTheA An - before a vowel soundTHE Pig A pigAny, only singularSpecificHappy.anyway

Слайд 2The use of A and AN
The first time you mention

a noun
I bought a pig yesterday.

To name a
member of

group (Jobs,
The pig is
a lawyer,
an American
and an atheist!

When you also mean “one”
There’s a pig on the farm.

Expressions that quantify
A little (bit) of a pig,
A lot of pigs, A ton of pigs


The use of A and ANThe first time you mention a nounI bought a pig yesterday.To name

Слайд 3The use of The
With something already mentioned
I have a

pig. The pig is pink and adorable.
When you define a

specific person, object or place
I loved the pig my dad gave me for my birthday.
With things that are unique (the sun, the moon, the sky, the air)
The sun is nothing compared to my beautiful pig.
With ordinal numbers and superlatives
My pig was the first
one to hug me.
He is the best!

With families
The Smiths have a pig.


The use of TheWith something already mentioned I have a pig. The pig is pink and adorable.When

Слайд 4With some proper nouns:
Rivers (The Nile)
Mountains Ranges (The Rockies, The

Oceans (The Pacific Ocean)
Groups of Islands or Countries with Plural

Hawaiian Islands
The Netherlands

The pig is somewhere near the Alps.


With some proper nouns:Rivers (The Nile)Mountains Ranges (The Rockies, The Alps)Oceans (The Pacific Ocean)Groups of Islands or

Слайд 5Gravity Falls is American animated television series. Series preview debuted

in Canada on June 15, 2012. Series creator Alex Hirsch

was inspired by ‘Simpsons’. One of main characters Mabel has pig named Waddles. Other main character Dipper has book which contains mystery of city.


Find and correct the mistakes

2. Put an article where needed

Do you want () piece of () apple pie?
I want () lot of pieces! I ate () pear for breakfast.
Wow. Well, we’re in () Netherlands, so we can eat () ton of pies. Besides, I have () friend who is () baker. I love () pies he makes!
Really? Is () friend working today? If he is and we can go and eat his pies now, I’ll love him to () moon and back.
Let’s go and check. () Smiths’ bakery is just around the corner!


Gravity Falls is American animated television series. Series preview debuted in Canada on June 15, 2012. Series

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