Разделы презентаций

At the Circus!

Tongue twisterСhuckles and Cherry like chips, chocolate cake and cheese!

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1At the Circus!
February, 2018

At the Circus!February, 2018

Слайд 2Tongue twister
Сhuckles and Cherry like chips, chocolate cake and cheese!

Tongue twisterСhuckles and Cherry like chips, chocolate cake and cheese!

Слайд 3Guess the title of our lesson!

Guess the title of our lesson!

Слайд 4The Circus Rules
You can dance.
You can clap your hands.
You can

eat ice-cream.
You can’t run.
You can’t jump.
You can’t climb.

The Circus RulescanYou can dance.You can clap your hands.You can eat ice-cream.can’tYou can’t run.You can’t jump.You can’t

Слайд 5This is a circus!
[ðɪs ɪs ə sɜːkəs ] –

Это цирк!

This is a circus! [ðɪs ɪs ə sɜːkəs ] – Это цирк!

Слайд 6A clown.
[ə klaʊn] – клоун

A clown. [ə klaʊn] – клоун

Слайд 7A magician.
[ə məʤɪʃn] – фокусник, маг

A magician. [ə məʤɪʃn] – фокусник, маг

Слайд 8It can swing.
A funny chimp.
[fʌnɪ] – весёлый

kæn swɪŋ]– Он умеет качаться

It can swing.A funny chimp. [fʌnɪ] – весёлый  [ɪt kæn swɪŋ]– Он умеет качаться

Слайд 9Listen and repeat.

Listen and repeat.CircusClownMagicianFunnySwing

Слайд 10Look and match.





2. Swing

3. Circus

4. Magician

Look and match.      A B

Слайд 11Guess and say.
A chimp likes bananas, apples and honey,

and it’s very, very …

the circus, in the town, there’s a very happy …
Lulu can sing, and Chuckles can …
There’s a lot of fun for us. Let’s go to the …
Guess and say.A chimp likes bananas, apples and honey,       and it’s

Слайд 12I’ve got
a present for you!

I’ve got a present for you!

Слайд 13At the circus in the town,
There’s a very funny clown!

clown can run,
And the clown can jump,
Run and jump all

At the circus in the town,
There’s a very funny chimp!
The chimp can climb,
And the chimp can swing,
Climb and swing all day,
At the circus in the town,There’s a very funny clown!The clown can run,And the clown can jump,Run

Слайд 14Now I can:
read new words: circus, clown, magician, funny, swing;

about the circus;
sing a new song.

Now I can:read new words: circus, clown, magician, funny, swing;talk about the circus;sing a new song.

Слайд 15Hometask:
new words,
sing a new song.

Hometask:new words, sing a new song.

Слайд 16Raise your hand,
Jump up high,
Wave your hand
And say, “Goodbye!”

Raise your hand,Jump up high,Wave your handAnd say, “Goodbye!”

Слайд 17Thank you
for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!

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