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Banking services in Russia

Is the banking system in Russia fully developed? Bank services in Russia: theory and fact. Do they differ?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Banking services in Russia
theory and fact

Banking services in Russiatheory and fact

Слайд 2Is the banking system in Russia fully developed?
Bank services

in Russia: theory and fact. Do they differ?

Is the banking system in Russia fully developed?   Bank services in Russia: theory and fact.

Слайд 3The differences lie in the limitations for the private sector

and in prolonging bank operations for companies.

The differences lie in the limitations for the private sector and in prolonging bank operations for companies.

Слайд 4Banks are the most important link in the world of


Banks are the most important link in the world of money.

Слайд 5Almost everyone in the world uses or has used banking


Almost everyone in the world uses or has used banking services.

Слайд 6All banking services can be divided into specific and nonspecific

services. Specific services include:

All banking services can be divided into specific and nonspecific services. Specific services include:

Слайд 7Deposit operations
are the operations of placing clients’ money into the

bank on deposit.

While keeping money for its clients, the

bank pays them interest.
Deposit operationsare the operations of placing clients’ money into the bank on deposit. While keeping money for

Слайд 8Credit operations
are the operations of giving loans to bank

clients and receiving, in exchange interest rates on those loans.

Credit operations are the main operations of a bank.
Credit operations are the operations of giving loans to bank clients and receiving, in exchange interest rates

Слайд 9Banks are the biggest center of credit.

Banks are the biggest center of credit.

Слайд 10Payment operations by banks can be fulfilled in cash or

in transfer payments. Banks can open different account numbers for

their clients and can fulfill their payment orders related to buying or selling goods, paying wages, transferring tax payments and making all other important payments.
Payment operations by banks can be fulfilled in cash or in transfer payments. Banks can open different

Слайд 11All other services are included in non-traditional services. There are

many of them, such as:
intermediary services;
giving guaranties and collateral;
providing accounting

help to the companies;
presenting the clients’ interests in the court;
tourists services etc.

All other services are included in non-traditional services. There are many of them, such as: intermediary services;giving

Слайд 12In the situation of shortage, banks have had to decide

how to raise their money supply. They have decided to

do it in a real new Russian style: if people do not want to give them their money, the banks will force them to do it.
In the situation of shortage, banks have had to decide how to raise their money supply. They

Слайд 13The Russian banking system:

The Russian banking system:

Слайд 14agree in:
differs in:
deposit operations
credit operations for companies

non traditional operations
Payment operations in private sector:
no transferring of

the money allowed
Payment operations for companies:
all operations through the central bank
time delays are allowed by the law
payments abroad are through custom checks
Credit operations in private sector:
maximum term of loans is 10 years
Cash operations:
time delays are allowed by the law
Additional operations:
only the central bank has the license for operations with gold, precious metals and ingots
tax-agencies register and check currency operations
agree in:differs in: definition deposit operations credit operations for companies non traditional operations Payment operations in private

Слайд 15The Russian money institute is called a banking system, so

it has to conform to the standards and try to

approximate the generally accepted level. As we can see from the facts, however, Russia is yet far away from the accepted standards and the real practice of the Russian banking services is different from what it should be according to the Russian law and theory of the banking system.
The Russian money institute is called a banking system, so it has to conform to the standards

Слайд 16The government should review its banking laws if it really

wants to see a stable economy in Russia.  

The government should review its banking laws if it really wants to see a stable economy in

Слайд 17THE END


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