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Case study: Ethical/Unethical Behavior in Business

Outline of presentation1) Introduction- some facts about company which i choose 2) Unethical case/problem- causes & consequences3) Solution4) Conclusion

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Слайд 1Case study: Ethical/Unethical Behavior in Business
Sauekenova Aruzhan
First year student
Specialty :


Case study: Ethical/Unethical Behavior in BusinessSauekenova AruzhanFirst year studentSpecialty : tourism

Слайд 2Outline of presentation
1) Introduction
- some facts about company which i

2) Unethical case/problem
- causes & consequences
3) Solution
4) Conclusion

Outline of presentation1) Introduction- some facts about company which i choose 2) Unethical case/problem- causes & consequences3) Solution4) Conclusion

Слайд 3Samsung group
Samsung Group- the South Korean group of companies, one

of the largest chaebol, was founded in 1938. On the

world market is known as a manufacturer of high-tech components, including full-cycle production of integrated circuits, telecommunications equipment, household appliances, audio and video devices. The main office of the company is located in Suwon.
Samsung groupSamsung Group- the South Korean group of companies, one of the largest chaebol, was founded in

Слайд 4Unethical business case 
The Samsung company, which is considered one of

the authorities in the global electronics market, apparently somewhat hastened

with the release of the new flagship Galaxy Note 7. The rush left side and the manufacturer and those users who rushed to get a prestigious new.

The problem is the batteries that can explode. Given that the battery capacity of this device is solid, its explosion in the hands of the user or in the pocket of clothing can cause serious harm to health. In total, there were 35 cases when the batteries of smartphones of this model exploded or caught fire, although, probably, such cases are much more.
Unethical business case The Samsung company, which is considered one of the authorities in the global electronics market,

Слайд 5analysis of situation
The main reason for such problems lies in

the production marriage, when the insulation layer between the cells

is thinner than necessary and simply can not withstand the temperature pressure. In addition, these batteries are dangerous for any physical impact, such as falls and bumps.
In this particular case, not only the battery can be to blame, but also the new USB type-C port, which is equipped with the Galaxy Note 7. Or rather, not even in the connector itself, but in the use of low-quality cables and chargers.


Samsung shares after the news fell by 2% and reduced market capitalization by $ 7 billion.
In April of this year, the international air transport Association (IATA) even imposed a ban on the transport of lithium-ion batteries on passenger flights, if they were not installed in the device. The ban was temporary, but the bell sounded quite clear.

analysis of situationCausesThe main reason for such problems lies in the production marriage, when the insulation layer

Слайд 6Solution 
1)The purchase of these batteries from Samsung SDI has been

temporarily stopped.
2)Although Samsung estimated the probability of the defect to

be rather low (24 cases per million), it decided to fully exchange all the gadgets sold to date. 
Solution 1)The purchase of these batteries from Samsung SDI has been temporarily stopped.2)Although Samsung estimated the probability of

Слайд 7Conclusion
As you can see, batteries are the most sensitive component

of modern mobile devices, which requires special attention. Once again,

a few rules: do not allow mechanical damage to the batteries, their overheating and hypothermia, charge gadgets only proven power supplies and cables, do not discharge the battery until the device is turned off and at least once a month to calibrate the battery. When performing these simple tips you will hardly face the threat of explosion of the battery of your smartphone, and it will last you as long as possible.
ConclusionAs you can see, batteries are the most sensitive component of modern mobile devices, which requires special

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