Разделы презентаций

Chapter 15


Learning ObjectivesWeigh the advantages and disadvantages of investing in mutual funds.Differentiate between types of mutual funds, ETFs, and investment trusts.Classify mutual funds according to objectives.Select a mutual fund that is right

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Слайд 1Chapter 15
Mutual Funds: An Easy Way to Diversify

Chapter 15Mutual Funds: An Easy Way to Diversify

Слайд 2Learning Objectives
Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of investing in mutual

Differentiate between types of mutual funds, ETFs, and investment trusts.

mutual funds according to objectives.
Select a mutual fund that is right for you.
Calculate mutual fund returns.
Learning ObjectivesWeigh the advantages and disadvantages of investing in mutual funds.Differentiate between types of mutual funds, ETFs,

Слайд 3Mutual Funds
Pool investors’ money, investing in stocks, bonds, and various

short-term securities.
Professional managers tend to the investments.
Allow investors to diversify,

even with a small investment.
Mutual FundsPool investors’ money, investing in stocks, bonds, and various short-term securities.Professional managers tend to the investments.Allow

Слайд 4Why Invest in Mutual Funds?
Advantages of mutual funds:
Professional management

to the best research to evaluate investment alternatives.
Minimal transaction costs

Low commissions because of volume, which may translate into higher returns.
Easy to buy and sell on phone or online.
Why Invest in Mutual Funds? Advantages of mutual funds:Professional managementAccess to the best research to evaluate investment

Слайд 5Why Invest in Mutual Funds?
Advantages of mutual funds:

Flexibility –

over 8,000 funds to choose from, covering many objectives and

risk levels.

Service – provide bookkeeping, checking accounts, automatic additions or withdrawals.

Avoidance of bad brokers – avoid potentially bad advice, high sales commissions, and churning.
Why Invest in Mutual Funds? Advantages of mutual funds:Flexibility – over 8,000 funds to choose from, covering

Слайд 6Why Invest in Mutual Funds?
Disadvantages of mutual funds:

Lower than

market performance – mutual funds underperform the market on average.


– sales fee or load can be as high as 8.5% in addition to annual expense ratio at 3%.

Risks – not all mutual funds are safe; specialized funds may lack diversification outside a specific industry.
Why Invest in Mutual Funds? Disadvantages of mutual funds:Lower than market performance – mutual funds underperform the

Слайд 7Why Invest in Mutual Funds?
Disadvantages of mutual funds:

Systematic risk

- mutual funds do not diversify away systematic risk. Even

mutual funds will suffer in a crash.

Taxes – mutual funds trade frequently, so investors may pay taxes on capital gains. You cannot defer taxes.
Why Invest in Mutual Funds? Disadvantages of mutual funds:Systematic risk - mutual funds do not diversify away

Слайд 8Mutual Fund-Amentals
A mutual fund pools money from investors with similar

financial goals.
You are investing in a diversified portfolio that’s professionally

managed according to set goals.
Investment objectives are clearly stated.
Mutual Fund-AmentalsA mutual fund pools money from investors with similar financial goals.You are investing in a diversified

Слайд 9Mutual Fund-Amentals
Make money 3 ways in a mutual fund:
As the

value of the securities in the fund increases, the value

of each mutual fund share also rises.
Most pay dividends or interest to shareholders.
Shareholders receive a capital gains distribution when the fund sells a security for more than originally paid.
Mutual Fund-AmentalsMake money 3 ways in a mutual fund:As the value of the securities in the fund

Слайд 10Mutual Fund-Amentals
Organization of a mutual fund:
Fund is set up as

a corporation or trust, owned by shareholders.
Shareholders elect a board

of directors.
Fund is run by a management company.
Each individual fund hires an investment advisor to oversee the fund.
Contracts with a custodian, a transfer agent, and an underwriter.
Mutual Fund-AmentalsOrganization of a mutual fund:Fund is set up as a corporation or trust, owned by shareholders.Shareholders

Слайд 11Investment Companies
A firm that invests the pooled money of a

number of investors in return for a fee.
Types of investment companies:

Investment Companies
Closed-End Investment Companies
Unit Investment Trusts
Real Estate Investment Trusts
Investment CompaniesA firm that invests the pooled money of a number of investors in return for a

Слайд 12Open-End Investment Companies
These mutual funds are the most popular form

of investment companies.
Open-end means the investment company can issue an

unlimited number of ownership shares.
Shares do not trade in the secondary market, must buy or sell through the fund.
Price based on net asset value (NAV).
Open-End Investment CompaniesThese mutual funds are the most popular form of investment companies.Open-end means the investment company

Слайд 13Closed-End Investment Companies
Has a fixed number of shares, cannot issue

new shares.
Shares sold initially by investment company, afterwards they trade

like a common stock.
Price based on demand, not NAV.
Closed-End Investment CompaniesHas a fixed number of shares, cannot issue new shares.Shares sold initially by investment company,

Слайд 14Unit Investment Trusts
A fixed pool of securities with each unit

representing a proportionate ownership in the pool.
They are not managed.

purchases a fixed amount of bonds, holds them until maturity, then the trust dissolves.
Unit Investment TrustsA fixed pool of securities with each unit representing a proportionate ownership in the pool.They

Слайд 15Real Estate Investment Trusts
Like a mutual fund specializing in real

Has a professional manager.
Uses pooled funds.
Is actively managed.
Must collect

75% of its income from real estate and distribute 95% of that income in the form of dividends.
Real Estate Investment TrustsLike a mutual fund specializing in real estate. Has a professional manager.Uses pooled funds.Is

Слайд 16Real Estate Investment Trusts
Types of REITs:
Equity – buys property directly

and manages it. Investors look for appreciation in value.
Mortgage –

investment is limited to mortgages. Investors receive interest payments only.
Hybrid – a combination of the two. Invests in both property and mortgages, receiving both interest and capital appreciation.
Real Estate Investment TrustsTypes of REITs:Equity – buys property directly and manages it. Investors look for appreciation

Слайд 17Load Versus No-Load Funds
A load mutual fund charges a sales

commission. They are sold through brokers, financial advisors and financial

Class A – front-end sales load
Class B – back-end load
Class C – pay coming and going
A no-load fund doesn’t charge a commission.

Load Versus No-Load FundsA load mutual fund charges a sales commission. They are sold through brokers, financial

Слайд 18Management Fees and Expenses
Invest in a fund with a low

expense ratio
Ratio compares funds expenses to total assets.
Look at

the turnover rate
Measures the level of the fund’s trading activity.
12b-1 Fees
Marketing expenses for advertising and sales promotion.
Management Fees and ExpensesInvest in a fund with a low expense ratio Ratio compares funds expenses to

Слайд 19Money Market Mutual Funds
Invest in Treasury bills, CDs, and other

short-term investments, less than 30 days.
Regarded as practically risk-free.
Carry no

loads, trade at a constant $1 NAV, and have minimal expenses.
Tax-exempt money market fund invests only in short-term municipal debt.
Money Market Mutual FundsInvest in Treasury bills, CDs, and other short-term investments, less than 30 days.Regarded as

Слайд 20Stock Mutual Funds
Aggressive Growth Funds – maximize capital appreciation while

ignoring income. Have wider price swings than other funds.
Small-Company Growth

Funds – similar to aggressive growth funds but limited to investments in small companies. Look to uncover and invest in undiscovered companies with unlimited growth potential.
Stock Mutual FundsAggressive Growth Funds – maximize capital appreciation while ignoring income. Have wider price swings than

Слайд 21Stock Mutual Funds
Growth and Income Funds – provide a steady

stream of income with the potential for increasing value. Less

risky, stable dividends, less price movement.
Sector Funds – specialized mutual fund investing 65% of its assets in securities from a specific industry. Less risky than an individual stock, but more risky than a traditional mutual fund.
Stock Mutual FundsGrowth and Income Funds – provide a steady stream of income with the potential for

Слайд 22Stock Mutual Funds
Index Funds – try to track a market

index, such as the S&P 500, by buying stocks in

that index. Provide diversification at a low cost.
International Funds – concentrate on securities from other countries, may have political and currency risks.
Stock Mutual FundsIndex Funds – try to track a market index, such as the S&P 500, by

Слайд 23Balanced Mutual Funds
Hold both common stock and bonds.
Objective is to

earn steady income and some capital gains.
Aimed at those needing

income to live on and moderate stability in their investment.
Ratio of stocks to bonds varies.
Balanced Mutual FundsHold both common stock and bonds.Objective is to earn steady income and some capital gains.Aimed

Слайд 24Asset Allocation Funds
Similar to a balanced fund, invest in stocks,

bonds, and money market securities.
Differ in that they move money

between stocks and bonds to outperform the market.
It is a balanced fund practicing market timing.
Asset Allocation FundsSimilar to a balanced fund, invest in stocks, bonds, and money market securities.Differ in that

Слайд 25Life Cycle and Target Retirement Funds
Life cycle is the newest type

of funds. An asset allocation fund that tailors holdings to

investor’s characteristics, such as age and risk tolerance.
Target retirement funds are managed based on when you plan to retire.
Life Cycle and Target Retirement FundsLife cycle is the newest type of funds. An asset allocation fund

Слайд 26Bond Funds
Bond Funds
$1000 investment buys a diversified portfolio.
More liquidity

Have automatic reinvestment
Individual Bonds
Save mutual fund expenses
Bond funds do

not mature, individual bonds do
Bond FundsBond Funds $1000 investment buys a diversified portfolio.More liquidityProfessional management Have automatic reinvestmentIndividual BondsSave mutual fund

Слайд 27 Bond Funds Bond funds can be differentiated by the type of

bond and by maturity.
Type of Bond
U.S. Government

Bond Funds   Bond funds can be differentiated by the type of bond and by

Слайд 28Bond Funds U.S. Government Bond Funds or GNMA Funds
U.S. Treasury Bond Funds

Specialize in Treasury securities.
No default risk, but will fluctuate with

changes in interest rates.

GNMA Funds
Specialize in mortgage-backed securities.
Carry interest rate risk and prepayment risk.

Bond Funds    U.S. Government Bond Funds or GNMA Funds U.S. Treasury Bond Funds Specialize

Слайд 29Bond Funds
Municipal Bond Funds – interest is generally tax-exempt from

federal taxes.
Aimed at those looking to avoid taxes.
Corporate Bond Funds

– invest in various types of corporate bonds, including high quality and junk bonds.
As interest rates rise, NAV goes down.
Bond FundsMunicipal Bond Funds – interest is generally tax-exempt from federal taxes.Aimed at those looking to avoid

Слайд 30Bond Funds
Bond funds and their maturities:
Short-term – 1-5 years in

Intermediate-term – 5-10 years in maturity
Long-term – 10-30 years in


As interest rates change, long-term bonds fluctuate more than short-term.
Bond FundsBond funds and their maturities:Short-term – 1-5 years in maturityIntermediate-term – 5-10 years in maturityLong-term –

Слайд 31ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds
First issued in 1993, these are

hybrids between a mutual fund and an individual stock or

Trade on an exchange and can be bought or sold throughout the day.
QQQ tracks the NASDAQ 100 Index.
SPDRS tracks the S&P 500.
ETFs or Exchange Traded FundsFirst issued in 1993, these are hybrids between a mutual fund and an

Слайд 32ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds
Advantages of ETFs:
Trade on an exchange

and can be bought and sold throughout the day.
Can be

sold short or bought on margin.
Allow an instant position in a sector or country.
Low annual expenses.
More tax efficient than mutual funds.
ETFs or Exchange Traded FundsAdvantages of ETFs:Trade on an exchange and can be bought and sold throughout

Слайд 33ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds
Disadvantages of ETFs:
Pay a commission because

they trade like stocks.
Don’t necessarily trade at NAV.
Bid-ask spread because

buying from another investor.
Expensive for those who trade often, incur brokerage costs.
ETFs or Exchange Traded FundsDisadvantages of ETFs:Pay a commission because they trade like stocks.Don’t necessarily trade at

Слайд 34Mutual Fund Services

Automatic investment and withdrawal plans
Automatic reinvestment of

interest, dividends, and capital gains
Wiring and funds express options
Phone switching

establishment of retirement plans
Check writing
Bookkeeping and help with taxes
Mutual Fund ServicesAutomatic investment and withdrawal plans Automatic reinvestment of interest, dividends, and capital gainsWiring and funds

Слайд 35Buying a Mutual Fund
Step 1: Determining Your Goals
Buying a

mutual fund involves determining your investment goals and time horizon.

why you are investing:
To receive additional income
Supplement your retirement income
Save for a child’s education
Buying a Mutual Fund Step 1: Determining Your GoalsBuying a mutual fund involves determining your investment goals

Слайд 36Buying a Mutual Fund
Step 2: Meeting Your Objectives
Identify the

fund’s objectives by looking at objective classifications.
Don’t assume the fund’s

name reflects the strategy or objectives.
Morningstar provides an investment style box to understand the investment style.
Buying a Mutual Fund Step 2: Meeting Your ObjectivesIdentify the fund’s objectives by looking at objective classifications.Don’t

Слайд 37Buying a Mutual Fund
Step 2: Meeting Your Objectives
Look in

the prospectus for:
Fund’s goals and investment strategy
Fund manager’s past experience

investment limitations the fund may have
Tax considerations of importance to investors
Redemption and investment process
Services provided
Performance over past 10 years
Fund fees and expenses
Fund’s annual turnover rate
Buying a Mutual Fund Step 2: Meeting Your ObjectivesLook in the prospectus for:Fund’s goals and investment strategyFund

Слайд 38Buying a Mutual Fund
Step 3: Evaluating the Fund
Look closely

at past performance and scrutinize their costs.
Past performance does not

predict future results, but it does give insight.
Limit comparisons to funds with similar objectives.
Investigate how the fund did during upturns and downturns.
Buying a Mutual Fund Step 3: Evaluating the FundLook closely at past performance and scrutinize their costs.Past

Слайд 39Buying a Mutual Fund
Step 3: Evaluating the Fund
Sources of

Wall Street Journal
Forbes – annual mutual fund survey
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance

Morningstar www.morningstar.com
Buying a Mutual Fund Step 3: Evaluating the FundSources of Information:Wall Street JournalForbes – annual mutual fund

Слайд 40Buying a Mutual Fund
Making the Purchase:
Buy direct – use

phone or internet.
Buy through a mutual fund supermarket – such

as Fidelity or Schwab.
Buying a Mutual Fund Making the Purchase:Buy direct – use phone or internet.Buy through a mutual fund

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