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Creative heritage of F.W. Taylor and main provisions of Taylorism

Table of contents:Historical Perspective and Taylorism

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Creative heritage of F.W. Taylor and main provisions of Taylorism.

The presentation was made by
Stroganova Alina,
Kuznetsova Anastasia,
Egorova Mariam.

Creative heritage of F.W. Taylor and main provisions of Taylorism. The presentation was made by Stroganova Alina,Kuznetsova

Слайд 2Table of contents:
Historical Perspective and Taylorism

Table of contents:Historical Perspective and Taylorism

Слайд 3How did current management theories develop?
Taylor said :
«the best management

is a true science, resting upon clearly defined laws, rules,

and principles.»
«In the past, the man has been first; in the future the machine must be first»
How did current  management theories develop?Taylor said :«the best management is a true science, resting upon

Слайд 4Historical Perspective
One of the earliest of these theorists

– F.W.Taylor
making people work as hard as they

1909 - "The Principles of Scientific Management“
the idea of "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work."

Historical Perspective   One of the earliest of these theorists – F.W.Taylor making people work as

Слайд 5Taylorism
Taylor developed four principles of scientific management - are

also known simply as "Taylorism".

Taylorism Taylor developed four principles of scientific management - are also known simply as

Слайд 6Taylor’s Experiment with Pig Iron
In his research he had

outlined what decreased productivity most of all:
workers’ negligence;
low safety standards

at production which led to numerous injuries;
poor work organization and distribution of resources;
Taylor’s Experiment with Pig Iron In his research he had outlined what decreased productivity most of all:workers’

Слайд 7Taylor’s Experiment with Pig Iron
Taylor concluded from the

experiment with pig iron:
it’s absolutely necessary that only workers really

capable of performing each specific task were employed;
rule of thumb had to be substituted with a much more effective method – material reward;
workers should be allowed enough rest and better work conditions.
Taylor’s Experiment with Pig Iron Taylor concluded from the experiment with pig iron:it’s absolutely necessary that only

Слайд 10Quiz
Who developed four main principles of scientific management?
Answer: Frederick Winslow

What is the main idea of his payment system?
Answer: «A

fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work»
What is Scientific Management?
Answer: Scientific management is an approach to management that analyses the work and looks for optimum ways to carry it out.

QuizWho developed four main principles of scientific management?Answer: Frederick Winslow TaylorWhat is the main idea of his

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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