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Culture shock

Teachers in AustraliaWhile the majority of Asian countries and the US tend to call their professors by their surnames, in Australia (and the UK) it is much more common to call

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Слайд 1Culture shock

Culture shock

Слайд 2Teachers in Australia

While the majority of Asian countries and the

US tend to call their professors by their surnames, in

Australia (and the UK) it is much more common to call your lecturer by their first name.
“Hey Steve,” definitely doesn’t sound like the most formal way to start an email but your tutors will be expecting it so if they introduce themselves as Steve, that’s what you should call them. In many cultures, calling your superior by their first name can be seen as a lack of respect, but Aussies will find it totally normal. Aussie culture is pretty laid back so don’t stress about being extra casual.

Teachers in AustraliaWhile the majority of Asian countries and the US tend to call their professors by

Слайд 3Shortening words

Shortening words



Слайд 5Eating early and Coffee
Most restaurants shut before 9pm in Australia

leaving you stranded and foodless if you had hoped to

grab a bite to eat in the late evening.
Australia has a serious coffee culture – look around any campus aand you will find the majority of students cradling coffee cups.
Eating early and CoffeeMost restaurants shut before 9pm in Australia leaving you stranded and foodless if you

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