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Diploma theme: Change in the Anti-emergency automatic system as a result of the

The purpose of creating centralized anti-emergency control system The goal is to control the power system modes in real time with the implementation of calculations of the dosages of the control

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Слайд 1Diploma theme: Change in the Anti-emergency automatic system as a result

of the complication of the Kazakhstan’s NEN scheme
Done by: Shaimuradov

Research supervisor : Bektemirov A.T.

Diploma theme: Change in the Anti-emergency automatic system as a result of the complication of the Kazakhstan’s

Слайд 2The purpose of creating centralized anti-emergency control system
The goal

is to control the power system modes in real time

with the implementation of calculations of the dosages of the control actions of the anti-emergency control system according to the I-before principle.

Solved tasks of anti-emergency control system

Optimization (minimization) of the choice of volumes of calculated data

Ensuring automation of anti-emergency control in any circuit-mode conditions

Maximum use of bandwidth connections

Coordination of A-ecs of the NEN of Kazakhstan with the A-esc of the IPS of the Urals and the IPS of Siberia

The purpose of creating centralized anti-emergency control system	 The goal is to control the power system modes

Слайд 3AUES.KZ
Нормальная схема. Предельный режим в сечении Л-5120+
Л-5170+Л-5394; в сечении Л-5300+Л-5320+Л-5394.

analysis with the introduction of the transit North-East-South in 2019 showed


1. Transit North-South of UES of Kazakhstan. The section will be unloaded, and cases of section overload in the coming years will be excluded. As consumption grows in South Kazakhstan, section overloading is possible. Analysis of the flows shows that in the existing scheme, 87% of the time, this controlled section is loaded over the boundary of the Emergency Control Automation in the post-failure mode. The maximum flow rates reach 1,700 MW, which creates the risk of impaired stability on a given transit.

2. Transit Kazakhstan-Ural. Section fully loaded during the year. The actual flow in the cross section is formed as the balance of the northern regions of Kazakhstan and the transit flow from the UES of the Urals to the UES of Siberia and back. Allowable overflows are sufficient.

3. Transit Siberia-Kazakhstan. The flow in this section is determined only by the power balance of the UES of Siberia and the allowable flows are sufficient.

4. Kazakhstan section of the 500 kV UES ring of Central Asia. The Kazakh section is determined by the flow of electricity to cover the deficits of South Kazakhstan, but due to the reciprocal flow of power from the Uzbek power system to cover the deficit of the Bishkek energy center, the actual power flows are 100-200 MW

AUES.KZНормальная схема. Предельный режим в сечении Л-5120+Л-5170+Л-5394; в сечении Л-5300+Л-5320+Л-5394.Mode analysis with the introduction of the transit

Слайд 4The existing structure of the automatic emergency control of the

UES of Kazakhstan controls only a limited part of the

network. Control actions are performed on disconnecting generators, disconnecting loads, dividing the network, disconnecting 500 kV reactors

Decentralized APVS

Disadvantages of APVS:

Analysis of existing and prospective modes, sufficiency of permissible power flows in controlled sections of the 500 kV grid of the Unified Energy System of Kazakhstan in normal and repair schemes for 2019

The existing structure of the automatic emergency control of the UES of Kazakhstan controls only a limited

Слайд 5The proposed structure of CA-ecs NEN of Kazakhstan
ЛАПНУ – Локальная

автоматика предотвращения нарушения устойчивости;
ССПДИ – Системы сбора и передачи доаварийной информации;

– Устройство передачи аварийных сигналов и команд;
ПУ – Пусковое устройство
ИУ – Исполнительное устройство

The proposed structure of CA-ecs NEN of KazakhstanЛАПНУ – Локальная автоматика предотвращения нарушения устойчивости;ССПДИ – Системы сбора

Слайд 6Estimated technical efficiency of CA-ecs in comparison with the existing

APVS system

3. Technical and technological implementation of CA-ecs
Disconnect Overhead line Agadyr-YuKGRES»
Disconnect Overhead

line "Ekibastuz-Agadyr"
Estimated technical efficiency of CA-ecs in comparison with the existing APVS system286021003. Technical and technological implementation of

In the UES of Kazakhstan there is the possibility

of creating CA-ecs, which is determined as follows: :
The presence

of "grassroots" devices, in the role of which CCC ADE PS Ekibastuzskaya, CCC ADE YuKGRES, CCC ADE sub. Semey and CCC ADE sub. Ust-Kamenogorsk.The possibility of expanding the settings of existing ADE complexes for additional dosing intake from DSPA.
Sufficiency of computing resources of the low-level ADE systems for working with advanced tuning.Compatibility of the protocol for the exchange of information between the upper and lower levels of A-ecs.
Development of the infrastructure for the collection of information on the design scheme and modes (SCADA). The presence of a system for collecting and transmitting information (CDS) PA
CONCLUSIONS In the UES of Kazakhstan there is the possibility of creating CA-ecs, which is determined as

Слайд 8Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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