Разделы презентаций

Ecology of individuals - autecology: organism and environment. Static


Snapshot#31) Types of ecosystems in biosphere2)Biotic components of ecosystem. Biotic components include 3 categories. Please write them3)Abiotic components of ecosystem4)Important cycles in Ecosystem5)What are adaptations?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Ecology of individuals - autecology: organism and environment. Static characteristics

of the population. Population ecology - demecology. The dynamic characteristics

of the population.


Ecology of individuals - autecology: organism and environment. Static characteristics of the population. Population ecology - demecology.

Слайд 2Snapshot#3
1) Types of ecosystems in biosphere
2)Biotic components of ecosystem. Biotic

components include 3 categories. Please write them
3)Abiotic components of ecosystem

cycles in Ecosystem
5)What are adaptations?

Snapshot#31) Types of ecosystems in biosphere2)Biotic components of ecosystem. Biotic components include 3 categories. Please write them3)Abiotic

Слайд 3History
The older term, autecology (from Greek: αὐτο, auto, "self"; οίκος, oikos,

"household"; and λόγος, logos, "knowledge"), refers to roughly the same

field of study as population ecology.
It derives from the division of ecology into autecology—the study of individual species in relation to the environment
History The older term, autecology (from Greek: αὐτο, auto,

Слайд 4Definition of autecology
Population ecology or autoecology is a sub-field of ecology that deals with the

dynamics of species populations and how these populations interact with the environment. It is

the study of how the population sizes of species living together in groups change over time and space.

The branch of ecology that deals with the biological relationship between an individual organism or an individual species and its environment.
Definition of autecologyPopulation ecology or autoecology is a sub-field of ecology that deals with the dynamics of species populations and how these populations interact with

Слайд 6Terms used to describe natural groups of individuals in ecological


Terms used to describe natural groups of individuals in ecological studies

Слайд 7Populations have size and geographical boundaries.
The density of a population

is measured as the number of individuals per unit area.

dispersion of a population is the pattern of spacing among individuals within the geographic boundaries.

The characteristics of populations are shaped by the interactions between individuals and their environment

Populations have size and geographical boundaries.The density of a population is measured as the number of individuals

Determination of Density
Counting Individuals
Estimates By Counting Individuals
Estimates By Indirect

Mark-recapture Method

N = (Number Marked) X (Catch Second

Number Of Marked Recaptures

Density – Number of individuals per unit of area.

MEASURING DENSITYDetermination of DensityCounting IndividualsEstimates By Counting IndividualsEstimates By Indirect IndicatorsMark-recapture Method N  = (Number Marked)

Слайд 9Measuring density of populations is a difficult task.
We can count

individuals; we can estimate population numbers.
Fig. 52.1

Measuring density of populations is a difficult task.We can count individuals; we can estimate population numbers. Fig.



Слайд 11Patterns of dispersion.
Within a population’s geographic range, local densities may

vary considerably.
Different dispersion patterns result within the range.
Overall, dispersion depends

on resource distribution.
Patterns of dispersion.Within a population’s geographic range, local densities may vary considerably.Different dispersion patterns result within the

Слайд 13Clumped Dispersion

Clumped Dispersion

Слайд 14Uniform Dispersion

Uniform Dispersion

Слайд 15Fig. 3.2c
Random Dispersion

Fig. 3.2cRandom Dispersion

Слайд 16Additions occur through birth, and subtractions occur through death.
Demography studies

the vital statistics that affect population size.
Life tables and survivorship

A life table is an age-specific summary of the survival pattern of a population.

Demography is the study of factors that affect the growth and decline of populations

Additions occur through birth, and subtractions occur through death.Demography studies the vital statistics that affect population size.Life

Слайд 17Population Dynamics
Characteristics of Dynamics

Population DynamicsCharacteristics of DynamicsSizeDensityDispersalImmigrationEmigrationBirthsDeathsSurvivorship

Слайд 18Parameters that effect size or density of a population:
Figure 1.

The size of a population is determined by a balance

between births, immigration, deaths and emigration





Population (N)

Parameters that effect size or density of a population:Figure 1. The size of a population is determined

Слайд 19Age Structure: the proportion of individuals in each age class

of a population

Age Structure: the proportion of individuals in each age class of a population

Слайд 20The best way to construct life table is to follow

a cohort, a group of individuals of the same age

throughout their lifetime.

Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Table 52.1

The best way to construct life table is to follow a cohort, a group of individuals of

Слайд 21A graphic way of representing the data is a survivorship

This is a plot of the number of individuals in

a cohort still alive at each age.
A Type I curve shows a low death rate early in life (humans).
The Type II curve shows constant mortality (squirrels).
Type III curve shows a high death rate early in life (oysters).
A graphic way of representing the data is a survivorship curve.This is a plot of the number

Слайд 22Survivorship Curve

Survivorship Curve

Слайд 23Reproductive rates.
Demographers that study populations usually ignore males, and focus

on females because only females give birth to offspring.
A reproductive

table is an age-specific summary of the reproductive rates in a population.
For sexual species, the table tallies the number of female offspring produced by each age group.
Reproductive rates.Demographers that study populations usually ignore males, and focus on females because only females give birth

Слайд 24Table 52.2
Reproductive Table

Table 52.2Reproductive Table

Слайд 25Life histories are a result of natural selection, and often parallel environmental

Some organisms, such as the agave plant,exhibit what is known as big-bang reproduction,

where large numbers of offspring are produced in each reproduction, after which the individual often dies.

Life histories are very diverse, but they exhibit patterns in their variability


Life histories are a result of natural selection, and often parallel environmental factors.Some organisms, such as the

Слайд 26This is also known as semelparity.
By contrast, some organisms produce

only a few eggs during repeated reproductive episodes.
This is also

known as iteroparity.
What factors contribute to the evolution of semelparity and iteroparity?
This is also known as semelparity.By contrast, some organisms produce only a few eggs during repeated reproductive

Слайд 27The life-histories represent an evolutionary resolution of several conflicting demands.

we see trade-offs between survival and reproduction when resources are


Limited resources mandate trade-offs between investments in reproduction and survival

The life-histories represent an evolutionary resolution of several conflicting demands.Sometimes we see trade-offs between survival and reproduction

Слайд 28For example, red deer show a higher mortality rate in

winters following reproductive episodes.

For example, red deer show a higher mortality rate in winters following reproductive episodes.

Слайд 29Variations also occur in seed crop size in plants.
The number

of offspring produced at each reproductive episode exhibits a trade-off

between number and quality of offspring.


Coconut palm

Variations also occur in seed crop size in plants.The number of offspring produced at each reproductive episode

Слайд 30We define a change in population size based on the

following verbal equation.
Change in population = Births during

– Deaths during
size during time interval time interval time interval

The exponential model of population describes an idealized population in an unlimited environment

We define a change in population size based on the following verbal equation. Change in population

Слайд 31Using mathematical notation we can express this relationship as follows:

N represents population size, and t represents time, then N

is the change is population size and t represents the change in time, then:
N/t = B-D
Where B is the number of births and D is the number of deaths
Using mathematical notation we can express this relationship as follows:If N represents population size, and t represents

Слайд 32We can simplify the equation and use r to represent

the difference in per capita birth and death rates.
N/t =

rN OR dN/dt = rN
If B = D then there is zero population growth (ZPG).
Under ideal conditions, a population grows rapidly.
Exponential population growth is said to be happening
Under these conditions, we may assume the maximum growth rate for the population (rmax) to give us the following exponential growth
dN/dt = rmaxN
We can simplify the equation and use r to represent the difference in per capita birth and

Слайд 33Fig. 52.9

Fig. 52.9

Слайд 34Typically, unlimited resources are rare.
Population growth is therefore regulated by

carrying capacity (K), which is the maximum stable population size

a particular environment can support.

The logistic model of population growth incorporates the concept of carrying capacity

Typically, unlimited resources are rare.Population growth is therefore regulated by carrying capacity (K), which is the maximum

Слайд 35Example of Exponential Growth
Kruger National Park, South Africa

Example of Exponential GrowthKruger National Park, South Africa

Assumes that the rate of population
growth slows as

the population size
approaches carrying capacity, leveling
to a constant

level. S-shaped curve

The maximum sustainable population
a particular environment can support
over a long period of time.


LOGISTIC GROWTH RATE	Assumes that the rate of population	growth slows as the population size 	approaches carrying capacity, leveling

Слайд 37Figure 52.11 Population growth predicted by the logistic model

Figure 52.11 Population growth predicted by the logistic model

Слайд 38How well does the logistic model fit the growth of

real populations?
The growth of laboratory populations of some animals fits

the S-shaped curves fairly well.

Stable population

Seasonal increase

How well does the logistic model fit the growth of real populations?The growth of laboratory populations of

Слайд 39Some of the assumptions built into the logistic model do

not apply to all populations.
It is a model which provides

a basis from which we can compare real populations.

Severe Environmental Impact

Some of the assumptions built into the logistic model do not apply to all populations.It is a

Слайд 40The logistic population growth model and life histories.
This model predicts

different growth rates for different populations, relative to carrying capacity.

availability depends on the situation.
The life history traits that natural selection favors may vary with population density and environmental conditions.
In K-selection, organisms live and reproduce around K, and are sensitive to population density.
In r-selection, organisms exhibit high rates of reproduction and occur in variable environments in which population densities fluctuate well below K.
The logistic population growth model and life histories.This model predicts different growth rates for different populations, relative

Слайд 41K-Selected Species
Poor colonizers
Slow maturity
Low fecundity
High investment in care for the

Good competitors
Good colonizers
Reach maturity rapidly
High fecundity
Low investment in care for

the young
Poor competitors

r-Selected Species

K-Selected SpeciesPoor colonizersSlow maturityLong-livedLow fecundityHigh investment in care for the youngSpecialistGood competitorsGood colonizersReach maturity rapidlyShort-livedHigh fecundityLow investment

Слайд 42Why do all populations eventually stop growing?
What environmental factors stop

a population from growing?
The first step to answering these questions

is to examine the effects of increased population density.
Why do all populations eventually stop growing?What environmental factors stop a population from growing?The first step to

Слайд 43Density-Dependent Factors
limiting resources (e.g., food & shelter)
production of toxic wastes


Density-Dependent Factorslimiting resources (e.g., food & shelter)production of toxic wastesinfectious diseasespredationstressemigration

Слайд 44Density-Independent Factors
severe storms and flooding
sudden unpredictable severe cold spells
earthquakes and

catastrophic meteorite impacts

Density-Independent Factorssevere storms and floodingsudden unpredictable severe cold spellsearthquakes and volcanoescatastrophic meteorite impacts

Слайд 45Density-dependent factors
increase their affect on a population as population

density increases.
This is a type of negative feedback.
Density-independent factors are unrelated to

population density, and there is no feedback to slow population growth.
Density-dependent factors 	increase their affect on a population as population density increases.This is a type of negative

Слайд 46A variety of factors can cause negative feedback.
Resource limitation in

crowded populations can stop population growth by reducing reproduction.
Negative feedback

prevents unlimited population growth
A variety of factors can cause negative feedback.Resource limitation in crowded populations can stop population growth by

Слайд 47Intraspecific competition for food can also cause density-dependent behavior of


Intraspecific competition for food can also cause density-dependent behavior of populations.Territoriality.Predation.

Слайд 48Carrying capacity can vary.
Year-to-year data can be helpful in analyzing

population growth.
Population dynamics reflect a complex interaction of biotic

and abiotic influences
Carrying capacity can vary.Year-to-year data can be helpful in analyzing population growth. Population dynamics reflect a complex

Слайд 49Some populations fluctuate erratically, based on many factors.
Fig. 52.18

Some populations fluctuate erratically, based on many factors.Fig. 52.18

Слайд 50Other populations have regular boom-and-bust cycles.
There are populations that fluctuate

A good example involves the lynx and snowshoe hare that

cycle on a ten year basis.
Other populations have regular boom-and-bust cycles.There are populations that fluctuate greatly.A good example involves the lynx and

Слайд 52The human population increased relatively slowly until about 1650 when the

Plague took an untold number of lives.
Ever since, human population

numbers have doubled twice
How might this population increase stop?

The human population has been growing almost exponentially for three centuries but cannot do so indefinitely

The human population increased relatively slowly until about 1650 when the Plague took an untold number of

1650 - 500,000,000
1930 - TWO



Слайд 54Fig. 52.20

Fig. 52.20

Слайд 55Human Growth Rate
1.15 - 2005

Human Growth Rate1.15 - 2005

Слайд 56The Demographic Transition.
A regional human population can exist in one

of 2 configurations.
Zero population growth = high birth rates –

high death rates.
Zero population growth = low birth rates – low death rates.
The Demographic Transition.A regional human population can exist in one of 2 configurations.Zero population growth = high

Слайд 57The movement from the first toward the second state is

called the demographic transition.
Fig. 52.21

The movement from the first toward the second state is called the demographic transition.Fig. 52.21

Слайд 58Age structure.
Age structure is the relative number of individuals of

each age.
Age structure diagrams can reveal a population’s growth trends,

and can point to future social conditions.
Age structure.Age structure is the relative number of individuals of each age.Age structure diagrams can reveal a

Слайд 59Fig. 52.22

Fig. 52.22

Слайд 60Predictions of the human population vary from 7.3 to 10.7

billion people by the year 2050.
Will the earth be overpopulated

by this time?

Estimating Earth’s carrying capacity for humans is a complex problem

Predictions of the human population vary from 7.3 to 10.7 billion people by the year 2050.Will the

Слайд 61Wide range of estimates for carrying capacity.
What is the carrying

capacity of Earth for humans?
This question is difficult to answer.

are usually based on food, but human agriculture limits assumptions on available amounts.
Ecological footprint.
Humans have multiple constraints besides food.
The concept an of ecological footprint uses the idea of multiple constraints.
Wide range of estimates for carrying capacity.What is the carrying capacity of Earth for humans?This question is

Слайд 62For each nation, we can calculate the aggregate land and

water area in various ecosystem categories.
Six types of ecologically productive

areas are distinguished in calculating the ecological footprint:
Land suitable for crops.
Built-up land.
Fossil energy land.
For each nation, we can calculate the aggregate land and water area in various ecosystem categories.Six types

Слайд 63The ecological footprints in relation to available ecological capacity.

The ecological footprints in relation to available ecological capacity.

Слайд 64We may never know Earth’s carrying capacity for humans, but

we have the unique responsibility to decide our fate and

the fate of the rest of the biosphere.
We may never know Earth’s carrying capacity for humans, but we have the unique responsibility to decide

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