Разделы презентаций

Education in USA

Preschool educationPrivate day care(sometimes from six weeks)Free day careKindergarten(from 5 y.o)Home

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Gulyaev Ivan,Kovalev Roman 10-1
Education in USA

Gulyaev Ivan,Kovalev Roman 10-1Education in USA

Слайд 2Preschool education
Private day care(sometimes from six weeks)
Free day care
Kindergarten(from 5


Preschool educationPrivate day care(sometimes from six weeks)Free day careKindergarten(from 5 y.o)Home

Слайд 3Grading system
In America, an alphabetic rating system is used: A,

B, C, D, F, where A is the equivalent of

the Russian “five” and F is “deuces”. By the way, each of the ratings, except F, can be accompanied by a + or - sign. Based on school marks, an average GPA (grade point average) is formed. This indicator is usually required when entering university.
Grading systemIn America, an alphabetic rating system is used: A, B, C, D, F, where A is

Слайд 4Types of sсhools
Public schools
Private schools

Types of sсhoolsPublic schoolsPrivate schools

Слайд 5Elementary schools usually teach children from the age of 5

to 11 or 12.
Primary school

Elementary schools usually teach children from the age of 5 to 11 or 12. Primary school

Слайд 6Middle school
Middle schools usually teach children between the ages of

11 or 12 to 14 years old - from the

sixth or seventh to eighth grade.
Middle schoolMiddle schools usually teach children between the ages of 11 or 12 to 14 years old

Слайд 7High school
High school - the last stage of secondary education

in the United States, lasting from the ninth to twelfth

High schoolHigh school - the last stage of secondary education in the United States, lasting from the

Слайд 8Higher education
Higher education is usually obtained within 4 years

of study at a college or university.All training programs in

public and private universities are accredited by the accreditation councils. There are colleges and universities that have not passed accreditation, for example:
The so-called diploma mills, where diplomas are simply sold to everyone
Some Bible colleges and other religious organizations whose programs are not academic, but are used to train clergy in certain areas.
Institutes of marginal research areas
Educational institutions that do not meet the standards of higher education in topics, the number of hours or qualifications of teachers
Higher education Higher education is usually obtained within 4 years of study at a college or university.All

Слайд 9Three types of US universities
Private universities
State universities, funded by

specific state authorities

Three types of US universitiesСollegesPrivate universities State universities, funded by specific state authorities

Слайд 10

Thx for your attention

Thx for your attention

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