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Edward the Confessor 5 january-1066 the penultimate Anglo-Saxon king of England

Edward was the eldest son of the English King Ethelred the Unreasonable and Emma of Normandy, the sister of Richard II, Duke of Normandy. In the face of the invasion of

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Слайд 1Edward the Confessor 5 january-1066 the penultimate Anglo-Saxon king of

England and the last representative of the Wessex dynasty on

the English throne

Edward the Confessor 5 january-1066 the penultimate Anglo-Saxon king of England and the last representative of the

Слайд 2Edward was the eldest son of the English King Ethelred

the Unreasonable and Emma of Normandy, the sister of Richard

II, Duke of Normandy. In the face of the invasion of England by the Danish Vikings Sven Forkbeard and the threat of the conquest of the country, in 1013 his mother took Edward and his younger brother Alfred to Normandy. Soon Ethelred II died, and the power in England passed to the Danish kings. Having spent at the court of the Duke of Normandy a quarter of a century, Edward made numerous connections in this country. From his youth he showed particular religious zeal, for which he later received the nickname Confessor.
Edward was the eldest son of the English King Ethelred the Unreasonable and Emma of Normandy, the

Слайд 4On April 3, 1043 in Winchester, the capital of the

Anglo-Saxon kingdom, Edward the Confessor was crowned king of England.

The new monarch, who spent 25 years in exile, did not know the country of his ancestors at all. Moreover, during the reign of the Danish dynasty in England, a strong military service was known to know Anglo-Danish origin, headed by the major magnates who controlled this or that province of the kingdom: Godwin, Earl Wessex, Leofric, Earl Mercia, Seaward, Earl Northumbria. Edward had absolutely no associates or strong support among the Anglo-Saxon nobility.
On April 3, 1043 in Winchester, the capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom, Edward the Confessor was crowned

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