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English Разное

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1English
1. I want it
2. He has dollars
3. I understand you

4. I want more practice
5. She sees this mistake
6. You

know it
7. She really remembers it
8. This company has money
9. I see this mistake
10. She remembers it
11. She speaks English very well
12. My sister studies there
13. I see these mistakes
14. He helps me
15. I have a brother
16. She has a car
17. My sister lives in this place
18. It helps me
19. Your lessons really help
20. You speak English very well
21. We want it
22. My friend thinks the same
23. He misses you
24. He has a dog
25. She reads English books
26. We live here
27. It looks strange
28. He has a house
29. I study there
30. I see its success
31. I study here
32. He lives in this house
33. They know everything
34. I know it
35. She tries to learn English
36. We live in country
37. We live in Russia
38. You help me
39. I live in this city
40. They sometimes play computer games
41. I understand that person
42. He tries to help me
43. I go to work
44. I have a car
45. Their offer seems really strange
46. He teaches English
47. We often do it
48. I understand you very well
49. She lives in that city
50. He knows it
51. She has a cat
52. This offer looks interesting/sentence
53. They go to school
54. He reads in English
55. We think so
56. She feels happy
57. I see it
58. I know it very well
59. I have an idea
60. She tries to understand it
61. My boss reads all the documents
62. He tries to find job
63. They study very hard
64. These lessons help me
65. He has money
66. I live in Russia
67. You work very hard
68. He sometimes plays computer games
69. He brother often says it
70. My parents know it
71. My boss usually does so
72. They have money
73. She has this information
74. My parents want to do it
75. She sometimes goes to the cinema
76. She wants more practice
77. I remember it very well
78. It seems interesting
79. He feels happy
80. She misses you
81. My friend has a car
82. His father has a car
83. I feel happy
84. He wants more practice
85. It really happens
86. We understand you
87. He often goes to the cinema
88. He also remembers it
89. He does it every day
I remember it
My boss always says it
He lives there
These lessons really help
It happens
He also works here
I go to school
Our mother thinks the same
He really thinks so
It really helps me
She also works there
He wants more
He knows more
He works very hard
He thinks so
He has a company. Its profit seems so big
My boss know everything
She wants to go there
She reads in English
We speak English
You see it
He wants to do it
She feels so happy
I understand
I have a sister
He has idea
She has interesting ideas
I see everything
She works very hard
My boss usually checks all the information
I love you
I have a family
I work here
This lesson seems interesting
She does it very well
My friend thinks so
She loves you
Our boss knows it
It looks interesting
My brother wants it
All your ideas seem very interting
He loves you
We remember it
My brother tries to do it
My sister lives there
I work there
I understand those people
She always does it well
I live in this country
I live this city
She teaches it
I think so
She also thinks so
He tries to do it
He lives this country
His idea seems very interesting
His lessons seem very useful
His also works here
She goes to school
I read English books
She helps me
He also knows it
We see his success
She often goes to the park
That offer seems strange
He has an offer
Their ideas seem very interesting
She always does it on time
He sees that mistake
She watches TV
She wants more
I work
Her words seem strange

English1. I want it2. He has dollars3. I understand you 4. I want more practice5. She sees

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