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George Washington was born in the family, the fourth generation which lived in

.In 1753, Washington was instructed to warn the French that they should not move to the valley of the Ohio River. The trip lasted for eleven weeks, Washington has had to

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Слайд 1George Washington was born in the family, the fourth generation

which lived in the state of Virginia February 22, 1732.

Childhood and adolescence he spent in modest circumstances, was educated at home, engaged in self-education. It was the third in a family of five children. Augustine lost his father, the owner of the tobacco plantations and land surveyor, at 11 years of age. In 1748, Washington took part in the expedition of Lord Fairfax, carried out the surveying in the Shenandoah Valley. Since 1749 was a surveyor Culpepper County. George brought up the half-brother Lawrence, after whose death he inherited the estate in 1752 in Mount Vernon, near Alexandria, on the Potomac River, in the same year became a major local militia.
George Washington was born in the family, the fourth generation which lived in the state of Virginia

Слайд 2.
In 1753, Washington was instructed to warn the French that

they should not move to the valley of the Ohio

River. The trip lasted for eleven weeks, Washington has had to overcome 800 kilometers and endure a lot of dangerous episodes. In 1753-1754 he commanded one of the counties of Virginia militia. By 1755 include Washington participated in the expedition against Fort Duquesne, where he was captured. During the re-expedition to the same Fort Washington he showed courage, for which he received the rank of colonel and was appointed commander of the Virginia Provincial Regiment. Washington and then went on to participate in military action against the French and Indians, occupying a defensive position, but December 31, 1758, he returned to Virginia and resigned
.In 1753, Washington was instructed to warn the French that they should not move to the valley

Слайд 3January 6, 1759, Washington married a wealthy widow Martha Dandridge

Custis (which has taken his name) and got rich dowry

17 thousand acres of land, 300 slaves and house in Williamsburg. The marriage was happy, although the children had no spouses. Washington has two children from his wife's first marriage. Through hard work and strict order he was able to increase revenues of his estate to become one of the richest landowners of Virginia. On their farms across the Potomac River, he grew tobacco, wheat, and by 1772 had already exported fish and flour to the West Indies.
January 6, 1759, Washington married a wealthy widow Martha Dandridge Custis (which has taken his name) and

Слайд 4In the world of Washington and the political philosophy influenced

the English opposition or agrarian literature beginning of the XVIII

century. Washington admired Cato the Younger, whom he regarded as a model of all the Roman virtues. These samples he tried to fit in public and private life, adhering to the classical style of speech and dignified gestures and facial expressions. Self-control, strict control of emotions and disciplined behavior were his outstanding qualities, under which stood out less and less original spontaneity. The conservative and prudent in temperament, moderately religious, without a deep interest in theological issues, but it is constantly ready to accept new ideas and thoughts, he combined the virtue of progressive consciousness of the Enlightenment.
In the world of Washington and the political philosophy influenced the English opposition or agrarian literature beginning

Слайд 5In 1758-1774 years, Washington was elected to the Legislative Assembly

of Virginia. When did conflict with the metropolis, Washington began

to fight for the rights of the colonies. In 1769 he presented to the House a draft resolution, according to which only the legislative assemblies of the colonies had the right to levy taxes. However, this problem has lost its sharpness when customs duties were abolished. Together with Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry in Virginia, Washington organized the Association for the boycott of British goods. However, he disapproved of the violent acts, among which was the "Boston Tea Party" December 16, 1773. Adopted after the British government measures, known as the "Intolerable Acts", was forced to put aside their differences colony. In Williamsburg, without the knowledge of the governor gathered Virginia Civil Chamber, which declared the convening of the First Continental Congress (5 September-26, 1774). Washington was elected one of the seven delegates, however, took little part in its work. Congress passed a series of protests, but gave up an open break with Britain. In a letter to an old friend Captain R. MacKenzie, who was serving at the time of British troops in Boston, Washington said: "As for independence, or anything of this ... I'm quite satisfied that no reasonable person in North America does not want anything like that ". However, the situation escalated soon began militias armed clashes with the British army. Despite the expression of loyalty to George III, the Second Continental Congress led colony in a state of defense. Washington has gradually realized the futility of attempts at reconciliation with Britain and after the first collision, showing the inevitable rupture, dressed in military uniforms and suggested Congress warlord services.
In 1758-1774 years, Washington was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Virginia. When did conflict with the

Слайд 6In June 1775 unanimously elected Washington's commander in chief of

the Continental Army. He took command of the July 3,

1775 and led the siege of Boston. Army, established on the basis of the various state militias, constantly experiencing difficulties with manning, training and logistics. Her advantage was the tactic of extended order, successfully used against classical linear construction of the British. Washington was able to increase the combat capability of the troops and the level of discipline among the soldiers.

In the 1775-1776 campaign took place with varying success. Fearing Washington's troops, March 17, 1776 in Halifax garrison was evacuated Boston. July 2, 1776, British troops (32 thousand. soldiers, including 9 thousand. Hessian mercenaries) under the command of General William Howe landed on the island of Staten Island. Washington, which was requested by Congress at any cost to keep New York, prepared for defense. This was followed by the Long Island Battle (27 August 1776), the battle of Harlem Heights (16 September 1776) and the British surrender of the city. With the remnants of his forces, George Washington retreated to the south. December 12 Congress fled from Philadelphia to Baltimore, Washington granted dictatorial powers.
In June 1775 unanimously elected Washington's commander in chief of the Continental Army. He took command of

Слайд 7Washington took revenge at Trenton (Dec. 26) and Princeton (3

January 1777), ended in victory for the siege of Boston

in March of the same year. Chief of the success has raised the morale of the American army. October 17, 1777, Americans have won at Saratoga, will strengthen the international position of the United States. The campaign in 1777 resulted in the collapse of the plans of the British strategists, almost all the central states were released, and the British held only Philadelphia, New York and Newport. After the Continental Army managed to win a number of victories, the British Army's surrender ended November 19, 1781 at Yorktown, after which the military action on the territory of the United States virtually ceased. After the battle of Yorktown among the officers, who feared the non-payment of salaries by the Congress, there was a desire to make Washington a dictator or a king ( "Newburgh Conspiracy"). Personal appeal to the officer corps in March 1783, Washington has restored discipline and enshrined the principle of subordination of the military leadership of the civilian. In November 1783, after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, Washington resigned. After retiring from his post as head of the army of Washington has sent a circular letter to the state governments, advising to strengthen the central government, to avoid the disintegration of the country.
Washington took revenge at Trenton (Dec. 26) and Princeton (3 January 1777), ended in victory for the

Слайд 8Presidential election

Presidential election

Слайд 9Once settled after the war in his estate "Mount Vernon"

in Washington, however, was watching the political situation in the

country. When in 1786 the farmers of Massachusetts Boston revolted against the government, he urged his supporters to action. As a supporter of strengthening the central government, unsatisfied Articles of Confederation, he was unanimously elected Chairman of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, developed in 1787, the Constitution of the United States of America. Support the constitution Washington largely contributed to its ratification by all thirteen states. Washington's popularity led to his unanimous election by an electoral college for the presidency, which he finished 30 April 1789, took the oath in New York. In 1792 he was unanimously re-elected for a new term, although the Washington of his campaign was not involved. So far, it remains the only US president, voted for all the members of the electoral college. Congress established the annual salary of the president in $ 25,000. As a wealthy person, Washington initially refused such compensation, but later accepted the payment.
Once settled after the war in his estate

Слайд 10First term
One of the main goals of Washington as the

head of state was to preserve the democratic transition, to

instill respect for the Constitution and to the people from the beginning to create a state machine based on the principles conquered by the revolution. George Washington as the first president tried to create precedents, to make more clear the concept of the post itself. Throughout his reign, he always showed respect for the Constitution, trying to contribute to the development of self-consciousness of the American people . Washington contributed to the improvement of mechanisms of functioning of the three branches of government, laid the foundations of the US political apparatus. Washington has surrounded himself with the intellectual figures in his first government it included Henry Knox (military affairs), Edmund Randolph (justice), the leaders of warring political factions - Republican Thomas Jefferson (who became the first US secretary of state) and the Federalist Alexander Hamilton (Finance). The president himself has tried to stay away from political conflicts, preferring to remain above parties. Washington tried to build a collaborative relationship with the Congress, it is very economical to use the veto to the relevant laws of the constitution, and not personal position. The first US president initiated the practice of presentation of messages to Congress. The most important achievement was the adoption of the Bill of Rights, Madison conducted through Congress. This constitution disarmed critics, who considered that it did not provide broad rights and freedoms.
First termOne of the main goals of Washington as the head of state was to preserve the

Слайд 11The second time. President overcame serious doubts about whether or

not to run for a second term. Numerous arrangements of

friends, the Union of instability and the threat of its collapse has forced Washington to cede weakening. In 1792, Washington was unanimously re-elected for a second term, that confirmed his immense popularity. In his second inaugural address, March 4, 1793, Washington promised to help to ensure that the constitutional form of government has taken its roots "in the virgin soil of America." The second term in office was aimed at stabilizing the situation. Soberly calculated, cautious course Washington has prevented the US involvement in European conflicts and stimulate economic recovery. They have been adopted and started to be implemented Hamilton designed the program to stabilize the financial and industrial development of the country at odds with the intentions of the Republicans. Washington's shift from non-partisan position to support the federalist exacerbated internal political situation. In relations with the indigenous population Washington relied more on military power, he was able to force the Indians to give up a lot of territory.
The second time. President overcame serious doubts about whether or not to run for a second term.

Слайд 12In 1791, Congress imposed a ban on distilled spirits, which

led to protests in the border areas. In western Pennsylvania

protests escalated into a riot, called "Whiskey Rebellion." The Federal army was too small to suppress the resistance and Washington state called the police and led 13000th army moved to crush the rebellion. The uprising ended before military force was used. The leaders were captured, sentenced to death, but pardoned by Washington. These events demonstrated the federal government's ability to use the armed forces to save the state. During the presidency of Washington has repeatedly advocated in Congress an initiative to establish a National Academy of Sciences, but his suggestions were ignored.
In 1791, Congress imposed a ban on distilled spirits, which led to protests in the border areas.

Слайд 13In the sphere of foreign policy of Washington was originally

established benefit of executive power to the legislative. The President

spoke to the US interference in the rivalry of the European powers, having published in 1793 a proclamation of neutrality. However, at the same time he acknowledged the French revolutionary government and confirmed the treaty of friendship in 1778, avoiding, however, any conflict. Jay Treaty, signed in November 1794 by the representative of the president, eliminated the threat of war with Great Britain, but has split the country into two camps. It was more favorable attitude to the agreement Pinckney 1795 to establish the border between the US and Spanish possessions and gave the Americans the right to freedom of navigation on the Mississippi. Thus, Washington has managed to strengthen the position of the United States in the Americas and to save the country from harmful interference in European affairs. A significant benefit of Washington's foreign policy and trade development brought.

George Washington was asked to run for a third term, but he refused, explaining it by the fact that the president should not hold office for more than two consecutive terms. In his farewell address, he confirmed that leaves the presidency. So Washington has established a tradition, to observe without any legal basis until the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the XX century.
In the sphere of foreign policy of Washington was originally established benefit of executive power to the

Слайд 14Slavery inherited from his father's land and 10 slaves. Over

time, the number rose to 390. On paper, refused to

slavery, but pursued the escaped slaves and tried to get them back. [8] The most famous slave was One Judge, one of the slaves who had fled twice, and gave interviews to several newspapers in 1840.

Many of the former slaves had the name of "Washington." This name is considered the "black" in the US today.
Slavery inherited from his father's land and 10 slaves. Over time, the number rose to 390. On

Слайд 15December 13, 1799 Washington, inspects their possessions, I spent a

few hours on horseback and was hit by rain and

snow. Supper he went, without changing wet clothes. The next morning, Washington began a bad cold, fever and throat infection that turned into pneumonia and acute laryngitis. The next day he got worse. Medication at the time did not help, and on the night of 14 on December 15, at the age of 67 years, Washington has died. Modern doctors believe that he died largely because of the treatment, comprising treating chloride of mercury and bloodletting. After the death of her husband Martha Washington burned their correspondence. Preserved only three letters.
Author funeral resolution Congress General G. Lee described Washington as "first in war, first in peace and first days in the hearts of citizens." The Washington is named after the capital of the country, state, lake and island, mountain and canyon, a lot of settlements, colleges and universities, streets and squares. In 1888 in the US capital majestic monument was opened (more than 150 m in height), the first US president. During the bicentennial year of education of the United States (1976), Congress posthumously awarded the rank of General George Washington of the United States Army.
December 13, 1799 Washington, inspects their possessions, I spent a few hours on horseback and was hit

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