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Germany The country of your dream Spring 2020

Spring 2020Table of contentsWhat we'll look atLocationHistoryEducationCultureStatistics

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Germany
The country of your dream
Spring 2020

GermanyThe country of your dreamSpring 2020

Слайд 2Spring 2020
Table of contents
What we'll look at

Spring 2020Table of contentsWhat we'll look atLocationHistoryEducationCultureStatistics

Слайд 3Location
Covering an area of 357,022 square kilometers, it lies between

the Baltic and North seas to the north, and the

Alps to the south. It borders Denmark to the north, Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, Austria and Switzerland to the south, and France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands to the west.
LocationCovering an area of 357,022 square kilometers, it lies between the Baltic and North seas to the

Слайд 4Spring 2020
Ancient humans were present in Germany at least 600,000

years ago. The first non-modern human fossil (the Neanderthal) was

discovered in the Neander Valley. Similarly dated evidence of modern humans has been found in the Swabian Jura, including 42,000-year-old flutes which are the oldest musical instruments ever found, the 40,000-year-old Lion Man, and the 35,000-year-old Venus of Hohle Fels.
Spring 2020HistoryAncient humans were present in Germany at least 600,000 years ago. The first non-modern human fossil

Слайд 5Primary education usually lasts for four to six years. Secondary

education includes three traditional types of schools focused on different

academic levels.


Spring 2020

Primary education usually lasts for four to six years. Secondary education includes three traditional types of schools

Слайд 6Spring 2020
Culture in German states has been shaped by

major intellectual and popular currents in Europe, both religious and

secular. Historically, Germany has been called Das Land der Dichter und Denker ("the land of poets and thinkers"), because of the major role its writers and philosophers have played in the development of Western thought.
Spring 2020Culture Culture in German states has been shaped by major intellectual and popular currents in Europe,

Слайд 7GlobalScan survey on the positive role in the international arena


GlobalScan survey on the positive role in the international arena6050403020IranNorth KoreaPakistanGermany

Слайд 8Spring 2020

Spring 2020vtikhonova_27@mail.ru

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