Разделы презентаций

Grade 5 Unit 2 Living things Theme Plant 1 Kazhenova T.N

Learning objectives which are suggested in the programmer: and differentiated lesson objectivesAll learners will be able toparticipate in discussions about

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Grade 5
Unit 2 Living things
Theme Plant 1

Kazhenova T.N.

Grade 5Unit 2 Living thingsTheme Plant 1Kazhenova T.N.

Слайд 2Learning objectives which are suggested in the programmer:

SMART and differentiated

lesson objectives
All learners will be able to
participate in discussions about plants with support
ask the questions relating to plants with support
respond the questions relating to plants with support

Most learners will be able to
answer the questions about the plants with limited support
giving information about plants
write a short topic using familiar structure with good connection
Some learners will be able to
speak out their opinion about the topic without any support
give constructive feedback with a teacher’s help
Learning objectives which are suggested in the programmer:

Слайд 3Active Learning
Mind mapping
Learning and Lesson objectives Write with support

a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a

limited range of familiar general topics

- write a short topic using familiar structure with good connection

- write a short topic
- use appropriate layout
- keep the format of a given genre
Assessment criteria
- Apply topic related vocabulary in speech appropriately arranging words and phrases into well-formed sentences
-Write short sentences on familiar topics
-Connect sentences into a paragraph

Differentiation by support of teacher

give ready clichés and words to less able learners for support


Assessment: whole class assessment
Tick and cross

Active LearningMind mappingLearning and Lesson objectives Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a

Слайд 5Influence of Microteaching
The right choice of learning objectives

The right choice

of differentiated tasks

The right choice of Active learning techniques

The correct


Influence of MicroteachingThe right choice of learning objectivesThe right choice of differentiated tasksThe right choice of Active

Слайд 6What did this course give to me?
all the key documents

in updated curriculum
effective teaching and leaning in updated curriculum, all

skills (4,6 strands), spiral curriculum, all the pedagogical approaches, technics, methods through handbook
creating a short term plan
detail the objectives of the lesson, to set concrete, measurable, achievable learning objectives
variety of different type of activities, criteria based assessment, types of the assessment,
differentiation, how differentiate learners

how to make up a short term plan through the micro teaching
how to choose learning objectives through the course plan
through the learning objectives how to make up lesson objectives by Bloom taxonomy
how to make up criteria based assessment,
how to choose variety of activities to achieve lesson objectives
how to compose descriptors for tasks
how to differentiate students by learning styles

I am going to provide lessons by require of updated curriculum
pay attention to learning and lesson objectives
to make a smart plan using all pedagogical approaches ,methods and technics in my future lessons

What did this course give to me?all the key documents in updated curriculumeffective teaching and leaning in

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