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My last shopping

When I stay in Baranovichi, I like do shopping in Korona. So, yesterday I traveled to this supermarket. I like it because I can buy everything I need for reasonable price

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My last shopping
Prepared by Victoria Luksha,
a student of MFL-12

My last shoppingPrepared by Victoria Luksha, a student of MFL-12

Слайд 2When I stay in Baranovichi, I like do shopping in

Korona. So, yesterday I traveled to this supermarket. I like

it because I can buy everything I need for reasonable price and you can find a wide choice of every things you want to buy. But it has some disadvantages like you spend a lot of time in a line, and I spend more then a hour to go there.
When I stay in Baranovichi, I like do shopping in Korona. So, yesterday I traveled to this

Слайд 3So, I had written a shopping list and went to

Korona. I bought everything I need. What are they?

So, I had written a shopping list and went to Korona. I bought everything I need. What

Слайд 4At first I went to a greengrocer’s and picked up

a kilo of potatoes, 500gr of beets, a pocket of

leek, 300gr of carrots and a bunch of bananas.
At first I went to a greengrocer’s and picked up a kilo of potatoes, 500gr of beets,

Слайд 5Then I visited the dairy. There I bought yogurt, milk,

cheese… mmm, yummy!

Then I visited the dairy. There I bought yogurt, milk, cheese… mmm, yummy!

Слайд 6In a butcher’s I bought a sausage.

In a butcher’s I bought a sausage.

Слайд 7In grocer’s I found spaghetti, rise, flour and oatmeal. I

like porridge very much. Fortunately, I didn’t forget to buy

salt and sugar. That’s great that I had written a shopping list!
In grocer’s I found spaghetti, rise, flour and oatmeal. I like porridge very much. Fortunately, I didn’t

Слайд 8When I finished my shopping, I spent a lot of

time at the queue. I was so tired! When it’s

my turn to pay I asked cashier for a plastic bag. She checked the prices on the items and told me the total and I pay cash.
When I finished my shopping, I spent a lot of time at the queue. I was so

Слайд 9Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

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