Разделы презентаций

Who does tricks Does flips(somersaults) Can swing on the hoop Can walk on a

aalbumalarmHas a loud soundYou may set it on your clock or phoneUsually rings in the morningWhen it is new ,it is a blank bookTells it is time to do somethingPeople put

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Who does tricks
Does flips(somersaults)
Can swing on the hoop
Can walk

on a tightrope
you See him on tv,in films,in plays

to be someone else

You see him in circus



Who does tricks Does flips(somersaults)Can swing on the hoopCan walk on a tightrope you See him on

Слайд 2aalbum
Has a loud sound
You may set it on your clock

or phone
Usually rings in the morning
When it is new ,it

is a blank book

Tells it is time to do something

People put photos or stamps in it

aalbumalarmHas a loud soundYou may set it on your clock or phoneUsually rings in the morningWhen it

Слайд 3A piece of tin
A round item
You can bounce it
Made of

leather or rubber
Can pin or sew onto the clothes
It rolls

across floor
A piece of tinA round itemYou can bounce itMade of leather or rubberCan pin or sew onto

Слайд 4Used to carry things
Used to hold things
A container made of

paper ,plastic,leather
There is so little water
Very few plants grow in


Location of very dry land

Used to carry thingsUsed to hold thingsA container made of paper ,plastic,leatherThere is so little waterVery few

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