Разделы презентаций

H eating V entilation and A ir C onditioning (HVAC) Part I: Introduction and

Objectives To understand: The need and reason for pharmaceutical air handling systemsThe technical requirements for air handling systemsDifferent types of air handling systemsQualification and monitoring requirements

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Слайд 1
Ventilation and
Air Conditioning (HVAC)

Part I: Introduction and overview

Air Handling


Supplementary Training Modules on GMP

Module3: Part 1: Introduction and overview Slide of 20


Heating		Ventilation and		Air Conditioning (HVAC)           Part I: Introduction

Слайд 2Objectives
To understand:
The need and reason for pharmaceutical

air handling systems
The technical requirements for air handling systems
Different types

of air handling systems
Qualification and monitoring requirements

Objectives To understand: The need and reason for pharmaceutical 	  air handling systemsThe technical requirements for

Слайд 3Factors that contribute to quality products:
Starting materials and packaging

Validated processes
Design and quality of

Manufacturing environment
Inadequacies in the above factors will lead to sub-standard products.
Factors that contribute to quality products: 	Starting materials and packaging materials 	Validated processes 	Personnel 	Procedures 	Equipment 	Design

Слайд 4Factors contributing to quality products

Factors contributing to quality products

Слайд 5The manufacturing environment is critical for
product quality


Microbial contamination
Particulate contamination
Uncontrolled environment can lead to product degradation
product contamination
loss of product and profit
The manufacturing environment is critical for product quality   Light   Temperature   Humidity

Слайд 6What are contaminants ?
Contaminants are
Products or substances other than

product manufactured
Foreign products
Particulate matter
Endotoxins (degraded

Cross-contamination is a particular case of contamination
What are contaminants ?Contaminants are Products or substances other than product manufactured  Foreign products Particulate matter

Слайд 7Cross-Contamination (1)

What is Cross-Contamination ?

Definition of Cross-Contamination:
Contamination of a

starting material, intermediate product, or finished product with another starting

material or product during production. (WHO)

Annex 1, Glossary

Cross-Contamination (1)What is Cross-Contamination ?Definition of Cross-Contamination: Contamination of a starting material, intermediate product, or finished product

Слайд 8Cross-Contamination (2)
From where does Cross-Contamination originate?
Poorly designed air handling systems

and dust extraction systems
Poorly operated and maintained air handling systems

and dust extraction systems
Inadequate procedures for personnel and equipment
Insufficiently cleaned equipment
Cross-Contamination (2)From where does Cross-Contamination originate?Poorly designed air handling systems and dust extraction systemsPoorly operated and maintained

Слайд 9Cross-Contamination ( 3 )

Cross-Contamination ( 3 )

Слайд 10Cross-Contamination (4)
Cross-contamination can be minimized by:
Personnel procedures
Adequate premises
Use of closed

production systems
Adequate, validated cleaning procedures
Appropriate levels of protection of product

air pressure cascade
Cross-Contamination (4)Cross-contamination can be minimized by:Personnel proceduresAdequate premisesUse of closed production systemsAdequate, validated cleaning proceduresAppropriate levels of

Слайд 11Level of Protection Concept

Defines environmental requirements

Helps prevent

contamination and cross-contamination

Allows production under optimal hygiene conditions


into account

product sensitivity to contamination
therapeutic risk
Level of Protection Concept Defines environmental requirements Helps prevent contamination and cross-contamination Allows production under optimal hygiene

Слайд 12Therapeutic risks
Manufacturing Environment requirements
Cleanroom Class A / B
Cleanroom Class C

Class D


Therapeutic risksManufacturing Environment requirementsCleanroom Class A / BCleanroom Class CCleanrm. Class D  Others

Слайд 13Levels of Protection
Parameters to be defined:
Air cleanliness requirements (filters type

and position, air changes, air flow patterns, pressure differentials, contamination

levels by particulate matter and micro-organisms)
Personnel and material transfer methods
Permitted operations
Building design and finishes

Annex 1, 17.3, 17.4

Levels of ProtectionParameters to be defined:Air cleanliness requirements (filters type and position, air changes, air flow patterns,

Слайд 14Levels of Protection
Types of Cleanroom Classes
 WHO A,

B, C, D
 EC, PIC/S, TGA, etc.

: A, B, C, D
 US FDA : critical and controlled
 ISPE: level 1, 2 or 3 or cleanroom class
 Companies : various others

Annex 1, 17.3, 17.4

Levels of ProtectionTypes of Cleanroom Classes  International	  WHO	A, B, C, D  National	  EC,

Слайд 15Levels of Protection
All operations within a pharmaceutical facilility must

be correlated to well-defined cleanroom classes, and can be included

in a hygiene concept.

Annex 1, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5

Cleanroom Class

Levels of Protection All operations within a pharmaceutical facilility must be correlated to well-defined cleanroom classes, and

Слайд 16Levels of Protection
Based on the cleanroom class requirements, various Levels

of Protection have to be created, including:
Correlation between

process operations and cleanroom classes
Type of operation permitted in each Level of Protection
Definition of cleanroom class (parameters, building materials,
room requirements, HVAC systems)
Requirements for personnel and material in the different classes (clothing, training, type of materials, etc.)
Requirements on entry conditions for personnel and material ( change procedures )

Levels of ProtectionBased on the cleanroom class requirements, various Levels of Protection have to be created, including:

Слайд 17Parameters influencing Levels of Protection (1)

Annex 1, 17.4

Parameters influencing Levels of Protection (1)  Annex 1, 17.4

Слайд 18Parameters influencing Levels of Protection (2)
Number of particles in the

Number of micro-organisms in the air or on surfaces
Number of

air changes for each room
Air velocity
Air flow pattern
Filters ( type, position )
Air pressure differentials between rooms
Temperature, humidity
Parameters influencing Levels of Protection (2)Number of particles in the airNumber of micro-organisms in the air or

Слайд 19Cleanroom Class
defined by
Critical Parameters
Air Handling
Additional Measures
Parameters influencing Levels of Protection

Cleanroom Classdefined byCritical ParametersAir HandlingSystemAdditional MeasuresParameters influencing Levels of Protection (3)

Слайд 20Parameters influencing Levels of Protection (4)
Air handling systems:

the main tool for reaching required parameters
But are

not sufficient as such
Need for additional measures such as
appropriate gowning (type of clothing, proper changing rooms)
validated sanitation
adequate transfer procedures for materials and personnel

Annex 1, 17.10 to 17.16

Parameters influencing Levels of Protection (4)Air handling systems:	  Are the main tool for reaching required parameters

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