Слайд 1Have all the aces
hold all the aces
To be in a
strong position when you are competing
In a situation like this, it's
the big companies who hold all the aces
an opportunity or advantage that someone gets without having done anything
to deserve it:
Just because he was the boss's son didn't mean Tim got a free ride.
Sth that you can use
to criticize or influence
The country's lack of openness was used as
a stick to beat it with.
Слайд 4An ace up your sleeve
an ace in the hole
knowledge or secret skill
Слайд 5Be well in there
to be likely to experience something good because of a situation you are
She's well in there now that she's married her boss's son.
Слайд 6To keep one jump ahead
To do sth before other people
do it
to stay one jump ahead
To be one jump
The way to be successful in business is always to stay one jump ahead of your competitors.
Слайд 7It’s tough at the top
Humorous saying
When people in important position
have a lot of advantages
"The CEO always flies first class." "It's tough at the top, isn't
Слайд 8To lock in sth
to get and keep an advantage such as a low price:
People are jumping to purchase homes and lock in affordable mortgage rates before
they increase.
Слайд 9To lock sb out of sth
to prevent a person or organization from having or being able to
take part in something:
The company risks being locked out of China's booming car market.
Слайд 10Trump card
an advantage that makes you more likely to succeed than other people ,especially something that
other people do not know about:
Anthea was about to play her trump card - without her signature none of the money could be released.
The ultimate trump
card for the space program is that it is a very exciting thing.
Слайд 11To make a virtue out of sth
to use something, especially a bad situation,
to your advantage:
I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd make a virtue of necessity by acquiring a few new skills.
Слайд 12White privilege
the fact of people with white skin having advantages in society that other people do not have:
Some criticized the author's
arrogance and white privilege.
The concept of white privilege explains why white people have greater access to society's legal and political institutions.
Слайд 13To lose out
To not have an advantage that other people
The new tax means that the vast majority of working people will lose out.
Слайд 14In the right place at the right time
In the best
The key to success is to be in the right place at the right time.
Слайд 15upside
The advantage of a situation
It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the
upside is that tickets are cheaper then
Слайд 16You’ve got nothing to lose
you cannot make things worse
Why don't you
take the job? You've got nothing to lose.
Слайд 17Head start
an advantage that someone has over other people in something such as
a competition or race:
You've got a head start over/on others trying to get the job
because you've got relevant work experience.
They had fresh horses, a day's head start, and a knowledge of the northern and western counties.
Слайд 18To hold all the cards
To be in a strong position
Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.
Слайд 19Opportunist
Someone who tries to get an advantage
He was portrayed as
a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity
Opportunistic (usually disapproving)
He made an opportunistic grab for power,
which resulted in a civil war.
To behave opportunistically
Political opportunism (behaviour) expedience (formal)
Слайд 20Penalty
An advantage given in some sports to a team
or a player
Слайд 21To milk
disapproving to get as much money or information out of someone
or something as possible, often in an unfair or dishonest way:
The directors milked the company of several million dollars.
Слайд 22To penalize
To cause someone a disadvantage
The present tax system penalizes poor people.
Слайд 23Saving grace
a good quality that something or someone has that stops it, him, or
her from being completely bad:
The film's only/one saving grace is the excellent cinematography.
Слайд 24Piggyback
to use something that someone else has made or done in order to
get an advantage:
Everyone wants to piggyback on the phenomenal success of the TV series.
Слайд 25The best of both worlds
C1 a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two
very different things at the same time:
She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the
best of both worlds.
Слайд 26Have sth on your side
If you have something on your side, it
gives you an advantage when you are trying to achieve something:
I thought I would get the job, but
the other person who was being considered for it had experience on his side.
Слайд 27Scent blood
to believe that someone you are competing against is having difficulties and to use
this to get an advantage for yourself:
The manager has already made some serious errors of judgment and it is clear that
other employees scent blood.
Слайд 28Secret weapon
something or someone that no one knows about and
that will give you an advantage over your competitors or enemies:
Johann was the bank robbers' secret weapon - he knew how the security system worked.
Слайд 29Racing start
an advantage you have because you start more quickly than other people or things:
We had a racing start over our competitors.
Слайд 30To have a leg up on sb
To have an
advantage over someone
Слайд 31To have the odds stacked against you
To have the
cards stacked against you
to be very unlikely to succeed because you are not in
an good position
Слайд 32To have it both ways
to get advantages from two opposing things:
You can't have it both ways - you
either work longer and get paid more or have more leisure time and get paid less.
Слайд 33Edge
C2 an advantage over other people
In terms of experience, she definitely had the edge over the other people that
we interviewed.
Слайд 34Minus
A disadvantage
Having to travel such a long way to work is a definite minus.
Слайд 35Mileage
UK /ˈmaɪ.lɪdʒ/ US /ˈmaɪ.lɪdʒ/
informal the advantage that you can get from a situation:
There's no mileage in complaining to the director -
she'll just ignore you.
political mileage
Слайд 36Perk
Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks
of living in Sydney.
Слайд 37Preference
An advantage that is given to a person or
a group of people
Special preferences were offered initially to encourage investment.
Слайд 38To profit from sth
to achieve an advantage from something:
I profited enormously from working with her.
Слайд 39Silver lining
an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation:
When things look black, there's always a silver lining
Слайд 40The unacceptable face of sth
the bad side to a particular system or set of beliefs:
The paper showed a picture of homeless people sleeping on
the streets with the caption underneath "the unacceptable face of capitalism".