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health-and-illnesses teacher switcher

Health and illnesses An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 Health and illnesses

An apple a day keeps the doctor


Health and illnesses       An apple a day keeps

Слайд 3Let’s talk about the pictures!
-lead a healthy way of life


exercises regularly
-work out in the gym

-have a healthy and balanced


-avoid eating junk food

-to be as fit as a fiddle

-a positive attitude

-to cope with stress


Let’s talk about the pictures!-lead a healthy way of life-do exercises regularly-work out in the gym-have a

Слайд 4Picture Description
the most common illnesses
have a bad headache
have a sore

have a runny nose
have a (common)cold / have flu
feel dizzy

a fever
take tablets/ medicine/ pills/ antibiotic
have a bad cough
have a pain in his back
feel under the weather
Picture Descriptionthe most common illnesseshave a bad headachehave a sore throathave a runny nosehave a (common)cold /

Слайд 5Picture Description
hospital ward
well-equipped and modern
state health insurance is in deep

public hospitals
underpaid doctors/ nurses
to undergo surgery /have an operation
to treat

/ treatment
to cure / incurable diseases
therapy homeopathy/ naturopathy / alternative treatments

Picture Descriptionhospital wardwell-equipped and modernstate health insurance is in deep troublepublic hospitalsunderpaid doctors/ nursesto undergo surgery /have

Слайд 6Group Activity


Medicines Other

Aspirin; sleeplessness;insomnia; cold; side effect; prescription; allergy; headache; antibiotic; broken bone; to operate on; bandage; plaster; virus; cough medicine; itchy eyes; sneezing; chicken pox; pain; diabetes ; STD, epidemic; to vomit= to be sick=to puke; cancer; high-blood pressure; drops; to recover; pain killer;nervousness; heart attack; stroke; health insurance card
Group ActivitySymptoms             Illnesses

Слайд 7Give advice to each person!
Mary, who is 82, has got

a bad attack of flu.
Jack has got a bad sore

throat and cough.
Bill has sprained his ankle.
John has just had a heart attack.
Mary keeps vomiting and she has a diarrhea.
Susan can’t give up smoking and drinking too much alcohol.
Judy thinks she might be pregnant.

If I were you, I would/wouldn’t..+..V1...
I think you should......V1
I din’t think you should....V1

Give advice to each person!Mary, who is 82, has got a bad attack of flu.Jack has got

Слайд 8Video


Answer the questions!

1. What symptons does she/

the girl have?
2. What pieces of advice does she get

from her friends in the morning?
3.In what ways do her friends try to cure her?
4.Why does she start feeling better immediately?
Videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z54tewbcmK8   Answer the questions!1. What symptons does she/ the girl have?2. What pieces of advice

Слайд 10Grammar: Quantifiers

+ - ?
Grammar:   Quantifiers

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