Разделы презентаций

Hello, Doctor Drew

Сегодня мы на уроке:1. Повторим лексику по теме «болезни» и 2 формы глаголов2. Закрепим прошедшее время Past Simple3. Послушаем и научимся петь песню

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Hello, Doctor Drew

Hello, Doctor Drew

Слайд 2Сегодня мы на уроке:
1. Повторим лексику по теме «болезни» и

2 формы
2. Закрепим прошедшее время

Past Simple
3. Послушаем и научимся петь песню
«Hello, Doctor Drew»

Сегодня мы на уроке:1. Повторим лексику по теме «болезни» и 2 формы     глаголов2.

Слайд 3 Vocabulary
To cure -лечиться
To Disease

– болезнь
To cough- кашлять
To be ill- болеть
To have/get flue- заболеть

To have/get a cold- простудиться
I have a headache- у меня болит голова
a sore throat- горло
a toothache- зубная боль
a stomachache- боль в желудке
An earache- боль в ухе
Broken leg- сломанная нога
To be pale- быть бледным
VocabularyTo cure -лечитьсяTo Disease – болезньTo cough- кашлятьTo be ill- болетьTo

Слайд 4What is the matter with people in the picture?

What is the matter with people in the picture?1234

Слайд 5What can happen with the people in the picture?

What can happen with the people in the picture?1234

Слайд 6Answer the questions
1. Were you ill this winter? What was

the matter?
2. What did your mother do when she had

a sore throat?
3. What can happen with Ann, if she eats much sweets?
4. Do you take tablets when you have flu?
5. When did you have a toothache?
6. How can a boy break his leg?
7. Who drank cough syrup when he was ill?
8. Did you go to school when you was ill?
9. What diseases do you know?
10. What do you eat and drink if you have a cold?

Answer the questions1. Were you ill this winter? What was the matter?2. What did your mother do

Слайд 7Sort these words into the columns (Распредели эти слова по


Aspirin, high temperature, nose

drops, a cold, cough, cough syrup, plague, flu, a sore throat, to be pale, headache, tablets, toothache, milk with honey
Sort these words into the columns (Распредели эти слова по колонкам)     Aspirin, high

Слайд 8Sort these words into the columns (Распредели эти слова по


Sort these words into the columns (Распредели эти слова по колонкам)

Слайд 9Find the wrong word (найди лишнее слово)
1. cough, cough syrup, nose

drops, milk with honey
2. the plague, cold, aspirin, flu
3. sore

throat, headache, cough, high temperature
4. stomachache, broken hand, to be pale, earache
Find the wrong word (найди лишнее слово)1. cough, cough syrup, nose drops, milk with honey2. the plague,

Слайд 10Find the wrong word (найди лишнее слово)
1. cough, cough syrup, nose

drops, milk with honey
2. the plague, cold, aspirin, flu
3. sore

throat, headache, cough, high temperature
4. stomachache, broken hand, to be pale, earache

Find the wrong word (найди лишнее слово)1. cough, cough syrup, nose drops, milk with honey2. the plague,

Слайд 11Be healthy!
Good luck!

Be healthy!Good luck!

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