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History of Kazakhstan Prepare: BaIMANASOVA gAUKHAR Control: Meldibekova Zulfiya

Subject integration in Central Asia was politicized from the very first days of independence of former Soviet republics . Suffice it to recall the drama of interstate upheavals that followed immediately

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Слайд 1History of Kazakhstan
Control: Meldibekova Zulfiya Abdikhalikovna
Candidate of

science (history)

Central ASIA in the foreign policy
Of Kazakhstan

History of KazakhstanPrepare: BaIMANASOVA gAUKHARControl: Meldibekova Zulfiya Abdikhalikovna Candidate of science (history)Central ASIA in the foreign policy

Слайд 2Subject integration in Central Asia was politicized from the very

first days of independence of former Soviet republics . Suffice

it to recall the drama of interstate upheavals that followed immediately after the hasty agreement in the Bialowieza Forest December 8, 1991 , when the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev directly pointed out that alternative step Slavic unity will be a constellation of states of the former Soviet Union , built on the grounds of the Muslim . Today, this move is seen as a visionary diplomatic maneuver , prevent the creation of a real threat of political entities along ethnic or national lines , besides burdened nuclear potential. As a result, on December 21 of the same year signed the Declaration on the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which contributed to the civilized abolition of the Soviet empire, but also to postpone indefinitely the question of self-integrated space in Central Asia.

Central Asia in Kazakhstan's foreign policy:
Historical Retrospective

Subject integration in Central Asia was politicized from the very first days of independence of former Soviet

Слайд 3Modern Kazakhstan initially positioned itself as a constant geographical and

historical part of Central Asia . Political establishment of the

republic also keenly aware that, as a subcontinent , not landlocked , the success of its strategic location as a bridge between the major Eurasian centers depends on the development of an effective infrastructure for consolidated basis, that it can only associate it with the world on a competitive basis . With market capacity of 55 million people , with sufficient natural resources and energy , development of the agricultural base of unified Central Asia with proper exchange of capital, people and technology could repeat the model of the European Union , with all the positive consequences.

Modern Kazakhstan

Modern Kazakhstan initially positioned itself as a constant geographical and historical part of Central Asia . Political

Слайд 4NA Intellectuals before Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan and

Uzbekistan for thought was given an alternative: "From us to

you will determine whether Central Asia and its independent states considered as a random fragment of the collapsed state or as an entire region with its historical perspective " [8] . Unfortunately, opinions on this matter and has not followed . The next step was a pragmatic proposal to combine the format of purely economic interests by combining hydrocarbon resource bases in Uzbekistan , Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan , as well as water and energy potential of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan . Given the gaps and underdevelopment republics , leader of Kazakhstan was proposed doctrine of " multi-level and multi-speed integration ."

NA Intellectuals before Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for thought was given an alternative:

Слайд 5  It is based on the same principles of mutually

beneficial cooperation on the basis of market relations , but

burdened with the imperatives of the global economy. " Prepare to regional integration to a softer adaptation to global markets - it is absolutely correct and justified move" , called in 2004 N.A Nazarbayev . But it also was " a voice crying in the wilderness ." Latest in this marathon was campaigning scoring ideas to establish a union of five Central Asian countries, implying a common strategy in the political , defense and economic dimensions, " as objective and natural process due to the national interests of each country " , which also aroused interest..
  It is based on the same principles of mutually beneficial cooperation on the basis of market

Слайд 6As soon as this short list of integration initiatives caught

false starts along the route to unite, clearly indicate that

the prevailing public management in the Central Asian republics are not able to respond adequately to the challenges of time . Attempts by Kazakhstan to revive the idea of ​​Mustafa Kemal Ataturk on the establishment megaidentichnost kindred peoples stalled , but not forced, as in the past , and on a whim narrowly local thinking. Thus , interstate identity in Central Asia , despite the historical contingency of its peoples to live in a shared house , not even reaching the level of integration of the newly formed Baltic countries , where past conflicts in degree were much deeper conflict conflicts in Muslim regions of the former USSR.

As soon as this short list of integration initiatives caught false starts along the route to unite,

Слайд 7Central Asia in the Soviet Union greatly accelerate the process

of modernization in comparison with other countries of the "third

world." And who knows , maybe that with the further existence of the Soviet Union , even in the absence of a radical transformation of policy development as part of a superpower even more would raise the status of the southern republics of the Union in comparison with similar socio- economic status communities. However, the " imperial" paradigm inevitably would lead to divergence , as it was in the Soviet period, the Central Asian nations were consolidated into a European-style nation .
Central Asia in the Soviet Union greatly accelerate the process of modernization in comparison with other countries

Слайд 8At the end of the first decade of the XXI

century, Kazakhstan has become a respected , recognized member of

the world community of nations . However, this result is a huge effort , hard work. In the early 1990s , during the collapse of the Soviet Union , Kazakhstan's position was quite different . Prerequisites for an independent foreign policy of Kazakhstan formed together with formation of sovereignty. October 25, 1990 the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR adopted a declaration on " State Sovereignty " , which first identified the country as a subject of international law. This historic document proclaimed : "Kazakh SSR has the right to act as an independent subject of international relations , to determine foreign policy in their own interests , exchange diplomatic and consular missions , participate in the activities of international organizations."

Kazakhstan's foreign policy

At the end of the first decade of the XXI century, Kazakhstan has become a respected ,

Слайд 9Kazakhstan's foreign policy sought to be reasonable and pragmatic, aimed

at providing real independence of the country in relation to

fluctuations in the world market and variational global and regional trends. Already at the stage of formation of foreign policy fully into account geopolitical factors ( proximity to the world powers - Russia and China , the global role of the United States ) , transit location , the lack of direct access to the sea lanes . Geopolitical features a country located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, contributed multi-vector foreign policy , establishing mutually beneficial relations with various countries.
Kazakhstan is recognized 120 countries . The country recorded 68 embassies and international organizations. Kazakhstan has diplomatic representation in more than 100 countries and is a member of many international organizations . Kazakhstan is a party to more than 70 international organizations.December 21, 1991 in Almaty Chapters eleven sovereign states ( except Georgia ) signed the Protocol , in which they stressed that all the republics on an equal basis to form the CIS.

Kazakhstan's foreign policy sought to be reasonable and pragmatic, aimed at providing real independence of the country

Слайд 10In January 1992, Kazakhstan became an OSCE participating State.

In January 1992, Kazakhstan became an OSCE participating State.

Слайд 11May 15, 1992 Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

signed in Tashkent Collective Security Treaty (CST).
Today's meeting was "very

good reason to discuss the whole range of problems, which we call the security problems." This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, opening May 14 at the Catherine Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace, a meeting of heads of the Collective Security Treaty (CST)
May 15, 1992 Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan signed in Tashkent Collective Security Treaty (CST).Today's

Слайд 12June 15, 2001 establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

on the basis of the mechanism of the "Shanghai Five"

formed after the signing of the heads of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia and Tajikistan Agreement on confidence-building measures in the military field in the border area (1996 g . Shanghai) and the Agreement on mutual Reduction of Military forces in the Border (1997, Moscow).
June 15, 2001 establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on the basis of the mechanism of

Слайд 13Central Asian " nation-state " defined themselves on most cases

on the parameters of cultural studies , it is now

the nation's state- articulated narrative terms of direct political action. In the near term , this process does not have reverse , and given the recent history of this should be taken as a starting position in the analysis of the geopolitical situation in the region. Advantage in international relations today belongs practice of establishing bilateral relations than any organization on the basis of cross-country coalition of multilateral obligations defined geographical proximity ..

Central Asian

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