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History of the phone from Apple - sketches from the 80s to the iPhone

iPhone version 0.1, or the first ideasIn the 1980s, Apple frenzy atmosphere. The company creates new products and exploring possible market niches. This is the time when Steve Jobs only comes

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Слайд 1History of the phone from Apple - sketches from the

80s to the iPhone.

History of the phone from Apple - sketches from the 80s to the iPhone.

Слайд 2iPhone version 0.1, or the first ideas
In the 1980s, Apple

frenzy atmosphere. The company creates new products and exploring possible

market niches. This is the time when Steve Jobs only comes into the taste of the game. What to try first? Answer this question, no one else, multiplying the number of different prototypes. Over the years, some of them become public domain. For example, a prototype of a touch screen phone for the workplace by designer Hartmut Esslinger (Hartmut Esslinger). His son shows this development in the wake of the success of the iPhone and said that many of the ideas were already laid. Is this true? Only in the most general sense, since Jobs' commitment to touch screens has long been known. At every opportunity he tries to initiate the creation of such products within Apple. Recall, for Newton, who anticipated many of the decisions that we see in today's communicators and smartphones. But it was not a phone. So leave it aside.

The first real phone, the creation of which had a hand in Apple, became the design of the mobile device in the form of an apple. Today it can be considered as a kind of concept that would have hardly popular. But in 1982, when it was created, it looked like a typical apple. Pat indicated its creators Danny Rivet (Denni Rivette) and Harry Disco (Harry Disko), all they have filed 11 patent applications in the year they were made available to the public in 1985. This is not a complete phone, but a kind of refinement in design. In those years, Apple to test the waters in different directions, and so the appearance of these patents is not surprising. But then the company has stood for many years and did not return phone theme.

iPhone version 0.1, or the first ideasIn the 1980s, Apple frenzy atmosphere. The company creates new products

Слайд 3Project Purple 1
Everything changed in 2000. Phones were at the

peak of popularity, and that this will become the dominant

market, was also evident. But Apple did not have an opportunity to get into this market, so the company chose its goal Output Portable MP3 players - Apple went from a small niche. The popularity of the brand iPod in 2002 was zero, Apple just launched it on the market and did not know what will happen in the next few years. Already in 2004, Apple - the undisputed leader in the segment of portable music devices in the United States, the popularity of iPod is growing by leaps and bounds. Since 2002, Steve Jobs thinks the opportunity to enter the mobile phone market, in which he sees as a threat players that will make up 16 percent of the company's business two years later. Engineers are studying the possibility to create such devices, they have no experience, but the company did not fully understand the specifics of the market. Therefore, Apple begins to knock on every door. On the one hand, there is a collaboration with Motorola, on the other hand, the company is trying to create its own version of a mobile phone. This model is in development called Purple 1, but never reached even to the point of working prototypes. The main contribution to the idea of ​​Purple 1 comes from the Steve Jobs. For 2004, for it is obvious that a newcomer to the mobile phone market has to offer something special to stand out from the crowd. The decision revolves around the use of blockbuster brand iPod, and these are dictated by subsequent versions of the phone. If the iPod is popular, it is necessary to add a mobile phone.
Project Purple 1 Everything changed in 2000. Phones were at the peak of popularity, and that this

Слайд 4Taking the design iPod, Steve Jobs decided to get rid

of the keyboard. To dial, and text should be used

ClickWheel. Circle appeared on the screen with numbers and selecting the same position on the touch site, you can dial quickly and without any errors. Elegant but unusual. To set SMS supposed to build a system of guessing words that would facilitate life, but the lack of keyboard would make the phone, to put it mildly, unusual.
Taking the design iPod, Steve Jobs decided to get rid of the keyboard. To dial, and text

Слайд 5ROKR E1 failure immediately after the presentation
The culmination of cooperation

Motorola and Apple - this September 7, 2005. Just over

a year after the announcement of cooperation in Motorola able to prepare the first phone that includes iTunes player. The model was named ROKR E1, a separate key to open the player, which was not in the E398, as well as exactly the same body, but white. Full copy of Motorola E398, wherein only the body color yes player. Almost immediately the model goes on sale in Cingular Wireless network at a cost of 249.99 USD with a two-year contract. In Motorola plan to deliver it to Europe, where there is a music store iTunes. In London, held its presentation of the model, which describes its advantages.
ROKR E1 failure immediately after the presentation The culmination of cooperation Motorola and Apple - this September

Слайд 6Steve Jobs presents the iTunes Phone

Steve Jobs presents the iTunes Phone

Слайд 7Project Purple 2, or the creation of iPhone
D at a

conference in 2010, Steve Jobs asked why Apple tablet appeared

later than the telephone. And he replied:
"I'll tell you. Actually. It started on a tablet first. I had this idea about having a glass display, a multitouch display you could type on. I asked our people about it. And six months later they came back with this amazing display. And I gave it to one of our really brilliant UI guys. He then got inertial scrolling working and some other things, and I thought, 'my god, we can build a phone with this' and we put the tablet aside, and we went to work on the phone. "
These words are simple, but the creation of the first phone from Apple took a few years, and Jobs had personally find a lot of good reasons to place as the iPhone and the phenomenon of product on the market. The name was taken in 1999, when the company registered the domain iphone.org, the name was quite in the spirit of Apple. Assumed that it will receive in its commercial incarnation Purple 1 project, which in 2002, Steve Jobs said the following: "kick-start the market for next-generation mobile phones in the same way that the company's computer popularized personal computing."

Project Purple 2, or the creation of iPhone D at a conference in 2010, Steve Jobs asked

Слайд 8In February 2005, Steve Jobs arranges a secret meeting with

top managers behind Cingular Motorola. He must enlist the help

of the operator, as he plans to create not just a phone, but change the business model in this market. Without operator and its support is simply impossible. Present at the meeting Stan Sigman (Stan Sigman), he by Cingular involved in a project with Motorola.

Steve Jobs's charisma against the usual rules of the game operators. Who will win? At the meeting, Jobs offers partnership without Motorola, he assures Cingular, Apple is able to create a phone that will surpass all existing solutions for years. This phone is not even on paper, it can not feel, can not discuss its characteristics. Jobs can trust instinct or reject it. Mad meeting, which sold pig in a poke. Next offer Jobs - from the same category, it offers an exclusive setting for this transaction. No one in the U.S. does not get this product, except for Cingular. But instead he wants Apple turned into a kind of operator. Buying traffic minutes, the company will sell them with the phone to their customers. Madness, which will not go on any one of the operators, which no one will even talk. And then, perhaps, is to pay tribute to Steve Jobs's charisma, which does not convince top managers Cingular at this meeting, but they do not pronounce the final "No". By the operator with Apple starts Stan Sigman, and talks will last about a year.

But it was in February 2005 can be considered the start of the project Purple 2. After this meeting, Steve Jobs decided to start creating your own phone. This is a huge risk, because without support operator project is doomed. Initially, the whole project is built around the touch screen and support multi-touch, is that developed for the tablet. Next come quite a heated debate about what exactly operating system to choose for your phone. The winner is the view that computing power processors for handheld devices will grow, which means that sooner or later they can run OS equal opportunities that exist in desktop systems. It was therefore decided to adapt the MacOS X for a portable phone.

In February 2005, Steve Jobs arranges a secret meeting with top managers behind Cingular Motorola. He must

Слайд 9Glass or plastic screen
First demonstration created number held in mid-December

2006, a few weeks before MacWorld. In one of the

rooms at Four Seasons in Las Vegas, Steve Jobs revealed Sigman iPhone. This version of the phone has been fairly stable in the work, and indeed the Jobs for some time enjoyed such apparatus. In particular, at the request of Jobs decided to change the screen cover with plastic glass. In the daily work of plastic appeared prone to scratches, and it's not like Jobs. Surprisingly, until MacWorld in companies were not confident that they can produce a variant cover, as it is resistant to crashes. Test was not simple, and the company did not have time to spend them. All built in a desperate hurry.
History coated screen also became known for auction eBay. In March 2009, appeared in this auction two lots prototypes Apple iPhone. Here is a description of the phone:
Phone # 1:
Plastic screen protection
Serial number YM649xxxxxx, indicating the Chinese factory, production date week 49 in 2006;
iPhone OS 03.06.01_G (iPhone was launched with OS 1.0 03.11.02_G)
Phone # 2:
Glass screen closes
Serial number YM650xxxxxx, indicating the Chinese factory, production date week 50 in 2006;
Glass or plastic screen First demonstration created number held in mid-December 2006, a few weeks before MacWorld.

Слайд 10However, after the start of sales got out a lot

of problems, which clearly pointed to the fact that from

a technical point of view, the product is far from ideal. But people bought Apple name and stunning interface, which simply was not unique at that time.
The official announcement of Apple iPhone on 9 January 2007 MacWorld. Steve Jobs said the following words:
"Today we present three revolutionary, new product. First - this is a widescreen iPod with touch controls. The second - a revolutionary mobile phone. And the third - a device for communication on the Internet. iPod, mobile phone, mobile communicator ... and it's not three separate devices. "
However, after the start of sales got out a lot of problems, which clearly pointed to the

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