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OUR HOLIDAY CHANTJanuary’s here! Hooray!The New Year!February’s here! Hooray! Valentine’s Day!March is here! Hooray!The 8th of March is a wonderful day!April’s here! Hooray!The Easter Bunny’s coming!Have a nice spring day!May is

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January’s here! Hooray!
The New Year!
February’s here! Hooray!

March is here! Hooray!
The 8th of March is a wonderful

April’s here! Hooray!
The Easter Bunny’s coming!
Have a nice spring day!
May is here! Hooray!
Have a happy birthday!
June, July and August are here! Hooray!
Have a fine summer day!
OUR HOLIDAY CHANTJanuary’s here! Hooray!The New Year!February’s here! Hooray! Valentine’s Day!March is here! Hooray!The 8th of March

Слайд 3It’s your holiday!
September’s here! Hooray!
Back to school!
Have a warm autumn

October’s here! Hooray!
Halloween is coming!
Have a mysterious day!
November’s here! Hooray!

a nice Thanksgiving Day!
December’s here! Hooray!
Santa Claus is coming!
Have a snowy winter day!
It’s your holiday!September’s here! Hooray!Back to school!Have a warm autumn day!October’s here! Hooray!Halloween is coming!Have a mysterious

Слайд 4Halloween
Night is dark and stars are green.
Let’s have a party

Ghosts and witches can be seen.
Trick or treat, trick or

Give us something good to eat.
Halloween Night is dark and stars are green.Let’s have a party “Halloween”!Ghosts and witches can be seen.Trick

Слайд 5The New Year!
The New Year !
The New Year !
The New

Year !
Let us sing,
And let us play!
Father Frost
Father Frost, Father

Bring many toys
For little girls
And little boys!
The New Year! The New Year !The New Year !The New Year !Let us sing,And let us

Слайд 7Easter
Easter eggs are prettier
Than any I have seen,
One is red

and one is blue,
And one is white and green.
Easter time

means spring.
Leaves and grass and buds appear
In the forest.
In the spring
All the birds begin to sing.
EasterEaster eggs are prettierThan any I have seen,One is red and one is blue,And one is white

Слайд 8Birds will weave green grass and make
Baskets that the bunnies

To city children far and near,
To let them know that

spring is here.
And that is why on this Easter day,
Children find bright eggs and say,
“Spring is here. Just look and see
What our bunny has just brought for me!”
Birds will weave green grass and makeBaskets that the bunnies takeTo city children far and near,To let

Слайд 11Halloween
The evening of the 31st October is a very

popular ancient festival. It was the end of the Celtic

year and the night when witches and evil spirits had to be driven away. Now it is occasion for fun, especially for children. In the evening they dress up, usually as witches with ugly face masks. Carrying turnip lanterns, they visit nearly houses. If they are invited in, they sing a song, recite a poem or perform a trick and then they are given sweets and apples. Sometimes they play traditional Halloween games such as ducking for apples.
HalloweenThe  evening of the 31st October is a very popular ancient festival. It was the end

Слайд 12April Fool’s Day
If you are not very careful on the

first of April in Britain, you may become an April

Fool. It is the day on which people play tricks on each other. For example, someone might say to you, “Oh, look at that huge spider behind you!” when there is no spider. If you turn round or scream or jump, you are an “April Fool”.

Valentine’s Day

The 14th of February is a very romantic day when people send cards and flowers — often red ones — to people they love or like.
The custom of sending romantic cards began in the 18th century. These were often decorated with hand-painted hearts and flowers and sometimes the senders wrote love poems.

April Fool’s Day If you are not very careful on the first of April in Britain, you

Слайд 13Easter
On Easter Sunday people go to church, give thanks to

Christ. Families have a big dinner on that day. All

the members of the family sit around the table and eat delicious dishes. People always paint boiled eggs and eat them on Easter Sunday. Children like this holiday because on that day they often play different games with painted eggs. In Great Britain Easter Bunny is one of the symbols. On Easter Sunday English children get chocolate rabbits or eggs.

Guy Fawkes Day is an English festival which takes place on the 5th of November
every year. It celebrates the death of a man called Guy Fawkes who tried to blow
up the English Parliament in 1605. In the evening, people gather round and set
fire to the piles. One can see children with figures, made o f sacks and straw
and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on the
bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks.

Guy Fawkes Day

EasterOn Easter Sunday people go to church, give thanks to Christ. Families have a big dinner on

Слайд 15Pancake Day
The custom of making and eating pancakes one particular

day of the year has been taking place in England

for centuries. It is connected with Easter. Since Easter is not a fixed day, Pancake Day varies, but it usually occurs on Tuesday in February. In some villages and towns of England pancake races take place every year. These races are usually run by housewives. There are special rules about pancake races. While running the race, they must toss the pancake three times and catch it back on the frying-pan. If the pancake falls down, the runner may pick it up and toss it again. The other members of the family watch the runners and cheer “Run, Mum, run quickly!”
Pancake DayThe custom of making and eating pancakes one particular day of the year has been taking

Слайд 17New Year’s Eve
Nearly all adults in

Britain stay up until midnight on

the 31st
of December to celebrate the beginning of the New Year. In London’s Trafalgar Square, thousands of people gather to hear Big Ben chime. Then they all join hands and sing“Auld Lang Syne.”
It is a special celebration in Scotland, where it is called Hogmanay.
After midnight, people start visiting each other. The first person
to enter a house, The First Foot, is a very important person because
he is thought to bring good luck to the house for whole year. For
good luck. The First Foot must be a man, preferably tall and
dark-haired, and he must bring coal or wood for the fire, and
something to eat and drink. This means that the household will be
warm and have enough food and drink throughout the year.

New Year’s Eve    Nearly all adults in  Britain stay  up  until

Слайд 18Answer the questions
1) When did people first start sending Valentine

3) What is The First Foot?
4) What Easter symbols do

you know?
5) When do people sing Auld Lang Syne?
6) How do pancake races take place in Great Britain?
Work in pairs.
1) What did you know about any of these festivals?
2) Which of the customs and festivals did you most enjoy reading about?
3) Which one sounds most enjoyable?
Answer the questions1) When did people first start sending Valentine cards?3) What is The First Foot?4) What

Слайд 19THANK YOU!


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