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-ING форма глагола употребляется: в роли подлежащегоSwimming is a good form of exercise.2) после глаголов:admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go (заниматься), imagine, mind, miss, practise, prevent, quit, save, suggest

Слайды и текст этой презентации



Слайд 2-ING форма глагола употребляется:
в роли подлежащего
Swimming is a good form

of exercise.
2) после глаголов:
admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy,

go (заниматься), imagine, mind, miss, practise, prevent, quit, save, suggest -
Would you mind closing the window?
3) после глаголов:
love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate (в значении общего предпочтения)-
I prefer eating home-cooked meals.
Но: I prefer to eat at a restaurant tonight. (для выражения особого предпочтения – «предпочел бы»)
!НО! Для выражения определенного предпочтения с would like, would prefer, would love употребляется инфинитив с частицей to.
I would like to drink some coffee.

-ING форма глагола употребляется: в роли подлежащегоSwimming is a good form of exercise.2) после глаголов:admit, appreciate, avoid,

Слайд 3-ING форма глагола употребляется:
4) после таких выражений, как:
Be busy, it’s

no use, it’s no good, it’s (not) worth it, what’s

the use of, can’t help, there’s no point (in), can’t stand, have difficulty (in), have trouble – What’s the use of buying a car when you don’t even have a driving license?

5) после словосочетаний с глаголами spend, waste, lose –
George spent two hours trying to fix the DVD player.
6) после предлога to с такими глаголами и выражениями, как look forward to, be/get used to, in addition to, object to
The children look forward to getting a dog.
-ING форма глагола употребляется:4) после таких выражений, как:Be busy, it’s no use, it’s no good, it’s (not)

Слайд 4-ING форма глагола употребляется:
7) в роли дополнения после других предлогов

is good at fixing computers.
8) после конструкций с глаголами hear,

listen to, notice, see, watch и feel для описания незавершенного действия.
She watched her son playing with his toys.
Но: для описания завершенного действия с глаголами hear, listen to, notice, see, watch и feel употребляется инфинитив без частицы to.
She watched her son play with his teddy bear and then put it away. (действия были завершены)
-ING форма глагола употребляется:7) в роли дополнения после других предлоговJohn is good at fixing computers.8) после конструкций

Слайд 5Open the brackets using the –ing form.
I admit__________(to work) with

him for a while.
The rescue workers practise __________(to climb) high

walls and buildings.
It’s worth __________(to try) to make her do bangee jumping.
She loved _________(to look) at clouds when she was child.
He didn’t deny has strange habit _________(to watch) his neighbours through binoculars.
There’s no point in _____________(to argue) on the question.
We don’t mind___________(to surf) on holidays.
They look forward to___________(to visit) us on Christmas.
The couriers have difficulty in___________(to make) deliveries on time because of traffic jams.
She couldn’t help_________(to laugh) at the clowns as if she were a kid.

Open the brackets using the –ing form.I admit__________(to work) with him for a while.The rescue workers practise

Слайд 6INFINITIVE с частицей to
для выражения цели:
He uses his car to

go to work.
2) после глаголов, обозначающих действия, относящиеся к будущему:

agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse, want
They are planning to move to a bigger house.
3) после would like, would prefer, would love для выражения особого предпочтения
I would like to play football today.
4) после прилагательных, обозначающих чувства и эмоции (happy, glad, sad), желание/нежелание (willing, eager, reluctant), описывающих характер человека (clever, kind, polite) и прилагательных lucky и fortunate
Jane is always willing to help people.

INFINITIVE с частицей toУпотребляетсядля выражения цели:He uses his car to go to work.2) после глаголов, обозначающих действия,

Слайд 7INFINITIVE с частицей to
5) после too/enough
She didn’t study enough to

pass her History test.
6) после словосочетаний be+first/second/next/last
Neil Armstrong was the

first man to step on the moon.
7) в устойчивых выражениях: to tell you the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with
I don’t really like her cooking, to tell you the truth.

INFINITIVE с частицей to5) после too/enoughShe didn’t study enough to pass her History test.6) после словосочетаний be+first/second/next/lastNeil

Слайд 8INFINITIVE без частицы to
после модальных глаголов
Angela can play the piano.

после глаголов let, make, seem hear, feel
They won’t let Ann

go to the party.
3) после had better и would rather в значении «лучше бы».
Tom would rather take the bus when he goes to the city centre.
4) после глагола help может употребляться как инфинитив с частицей to, так и без нее.
He helped his brother (to) do his homework.
INFINITIVE без частицы toУпотребляетсяпосле модальных глаголовAngela can play the piano.2) после глаголов let, make, seem hear, feelThey

Слайд 9Сhoose the verb after which the Infinitive is used and

complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets.
They _____(can’t stand/aren’t

glad)______(to see) such a mess.
I’m_______(willing/getting)______(to meet) them in some time.
They________(look forward/are eager)______(to make) friends with the new neighbours.
She ________(would rather not/wouldn’t prefer)______(to go) travelling by board.
Alice_________(suggested/wanted me)________(to cook)something exotic for the party.
We________(were made/were busy)______(to rewrite) the report.
Mike and Lucy________(planned/look forward to)______(get) married last month.
Little Walter_________(dislike/refuse)__________(to stay)at home along.
John_________(appears/imagined)__________(to be) avery talented singer.
The boys___________(feel like/would like)________(to dance) here tonight.

Сhoose the verb after which the Infinitive is used and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in

Слайд 10РАЗЛИЧИЯ в ЗНАЧЕНИИ между инфинитивом с частицей to и –ing

формой глагола
инфинитив с частицей to
forget – «забыть, не помнить»:
I forgot

to call Mr Jones and he was upset.

2) remember – «помнить, не забывать»
She always remembers to lock the door when she leaves.

3) mean – «намереваться, собираться»
Tom meant to check your report but he was too busy.

-ing форма глагола

forget – не помнить о событии в прошлом:
We’ll never forget driving in that terrible snowstorm.

2) remember – «помнить о событии в прошлом»
He didn’t remember lending me his pen and he thought he had lost it!

3) mean – «подразумевать, предполагать»
Growing up means having new responsibilities.

РАЗЛИЧИЯ в ЗНАЧЕНИИ между инфинитивом с частицей to и –ing формой глаголаинфинитив с частицей toforget – «забыть,

Слайд 11РАЗЛИЧИЯ в ЗНАЧЕНИИ между инфинитивом с частицей to и –ing

формой глагола

инфинитив с частицей to

4) regret – «сожалеть о том,

что приходится сообщать что-либо неприятное» (обычно со словами say, tell, inform, announce)
We regret to inform you that the flight has been delayed.
5) try – «стараться, делать все возможное, пытаться»
She tried to carry her suitcase up the stairs but it was too heavy.
6) stop – «остановиться на время с целью что-нибудь сделать»
As we were driving, we stopped to buy some food and drink.

-ing форма глагола

4) regret – «сожалеть о чем-то»
He has never regretted turning down the promotion.

5) try – «делать что-то в качестве эксперимента, пробовать»
Try making a list of what you want to buy.
6) stop – «прекратить делать что-либо»
I think you should stop eating sweets.

РАЗЛИЧИЯ в ЗНАЧЕНИИ между инфинитивом с частицей to и –ing формой глаголаинфинитив с частицей to4) regret –

Слайд 12РАЗЛИЧИЯ в ЗНАЧЕНИИ между инфинитивом с частицей to и –ing

формой глагола

инфинитив с частицей to

7) go on – «закончить действие

или приступить к новому действию»
As he finished his speech, he went on to answer the reporters’ questions.
8) hate – «испытывать неудовольствие по поводу предстоящего действия»
I hate to tell you this, but you weren’t selected for the team.

-ing форма глагола

7) go on – «продолжать делать что-либо»
The student went on writing even after the teacher had told everyone that their time was up.
8) hate – «не любить то, что приходится делать»
John hates waking up early.

РАЗЛИЧИЯ в ЗНАЧЕНИИ между инфинитивом с частицей to и –ing формой глаголаинфинитив с частицей to7) go on

Слайд 13Put the verbs into (to) Infinitive or –ing form.
She can’t_______(to

imagine) hum being a firefighter.
We didn’t want him________(to disturb) them.

don’t mind_________(to open) the window, it’s so stuffy.
He gave up________(to smoke).
The song is worth_______(to smoke).
Would you prefer _________(to start) with the result of the experiment?
She fancies________(to go) out tomorrow.
It’s too difficult________(to do) diving in such cold weather.
He promised me___________(to return) the glasses in an hour.
Avoid _________(to dress) smart. There are plenty of robbers.
Put the verbs into (to) Infinitive or –ing form.She can’t_______(to imagine) hum being a firefighter.We didn’t want



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