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Infrastructure of e-government. E-services in the Healthcare

PlanIntroductionE- GovernmentMain partStages of E-governmentBest sides of e-governmentStandardization of electronic health careConclusionReferences

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Infrastructure of e-government. E-services in the Healthcare

Infrastructure of e-government. E-services in the Healthcare

Слайд 2Plan
E- Government
Main part
Stages of E-government
Best sides of e-government
Standardization of electronic

health care

PlanIntroductionE- GovernmentMain partStages of E-governmentBest sides of e-governmentStandardization of electronic health careConclusionReferences

Слайд 3E-government is a single mechanism of state and citizens cooperation,

also state bodies with one another, which enables its concerted

activity over the help of information technologies. That particular mechanism let to cut down calls in state bodies, reduce and speed up getting help with inquiries, certificates, authorization documents and etc.
E-government is a single mechanism of state and citizens cooperation, also state bodies with one another, which

Слайд 4In the course of the years of E-government program organization

there were four global stages of E-government development.

In the course of the years of E-government program organization there were four global stages of E-government

Слайд 5Informational. Namely in this period there was started and packed

with information E-government portal. There are appeared information about state

bodies, their work and the services which they provide to the population. Besides, there were given regulations of services and posted regulations for review.

Interactive, it was characterized with the start of electronic services portal. The introduction of interactive services on the E-government portal allowed to save time in the collection of documents by times. There were adopted departmental information systems, government databases, electronic licensing and E-government gateway namely in this stage.
Informational. Namely in this period there was started and packed with information E-government portal. There are appeared

Слайд 6The third stage of E-government development - transactional. Citizens were

able to pay state fees and charges, fines, community service

at this stage. Transactional stage presented a truly valuable gift for entrepreneurs - electronic public procurements. The benefits are obvious –there are improved transparency and openness of competitions, tenders.

The fourth stage of E-government – transformational.This stage of development E-government has today. The main aim now is maximum efficiency in the provision of services for citizens. Namely for achieving this aim, interactive and transactional services combined into complex services, which often require the Kazakh population.
The third stage of E-government development - transactional. Citizens were able to pay state fees and charges,

Слайд 7There are going improvement and optimization of processes permanently. For

example, significantly simplified the procedure of business registration. For example,

this process was very difficult and long, employ over 30 days, but now a few hours due to systems integration.
There are going improvement and optimization of processes permanently. For example, significantly simplified the procedure of business

Слайд 8Besides, optimization allowed to combine several services in the complex.

For example, at birth of a child, citizenshould apply for

services three times: for the registration of birth of the child, and then to draw social security benefits, and once again - to put the child in a place to the kindergarten, but now all these services combined in one composite service "Delivery of a child". I.e.,a person receives three services with one step.
Besides, optimization allowed to combine several services in the complex. For example, at birth of a child,

Слайд 9An important new step in the development of infrastructure, the

provision of electronic services, taking into account the active penetration

of mobile communication and mobile technologies among the population is the creation of the Mobile government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today there is eGov.kz mobile app for iOS and Android platforms. One of the recently introduced innovations is an electronic digital signature recorded on the SIM-card of the phone. Thanks to it any recipient of a mobile phone, including old models, can get the service by sending an SMS-message to the short number and sign it with mobile signature, which is recorded on the SIM-card.
An important new step in the development of infrastructure, the provision of electronic services, taking into account

Слайд 10The next stage of E-government is so-called "clever" or "proactive"

government, when a citizen does not even need to direct

any requests for public services. "Proactive" government will monitor life situations and perform the necessary processes instead of the citizen. Citizen only need to confirm these actions.
The next stage of E-government is so-called

Main areas of work:

- Adaptation of

international standards (adoption of industry standards in the field of

informatization), according to the basic set of standards and a short-term plan for the standardization of e-health;

- National standardization in the field of e-health (the activities of TC 83 KTRM MID RK);

- Accounting registration of international standards in the field of e-health for use in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
STANDARDIZATION OF ELECTRONIC HEALTH CAREMain areas of work:- Adaptation of international standards (adoption of industry standards in

Слайд 12Stages of standardization
The period of 2013-2014 is “the creation of

a model of an electronic health passport”, which included the

first basic set of standards, approved by 75 and 210 orders, as well as the first classifiers. Since there was no competence to develop standards for e-health, standards were adopted in the form of standard requirements and regulations.

The period 2015-2016 - the definition of the functionality of an electronic health passport, which includes the processes of providing medical care, as well as the definition of additional classifiers to support them. In 2015, 4 standards were developed and approved, and work began on the adaptation of classifiers.
Stages of standardizationThe period of 2013-2014 is “the creation of a model of an electronic health passport”,

Слайд 13The work on the standardization of e-health is quite diverse,

but its purpose is unequivocal - to lead to an

interoperable in all senses, in which the patient is the key figure for which the health care system works by:

Continuity of care (exchange of information between various medical organizations providing care);
Patient fees (timely access to medical information);
Access to medical care (equal access to medical services for optimal utilization and distribution of resources);
Involvement of patients (involvement in the process of treatment through the Personal Cabinet).
The work on the standardization of e-health is quite diverse, but its purpose is unequivocal - to

Слайд 14The work on the standardization of e-health is quite diverse,

but its purpose is unequivocal - to lead to an

interoperable in all senses, in which the patient is the key figure for which the health care system works by:

Continuity of care (exchange of information between various medical organizations providing care);
Patient fees (timely access to medical information);
Access to medical care (equal access to medical services for optimal utilization and distribution of resources);
Involvement of patients (involvement in the process of treatment through the Personal Cabinet).

In turn, the health care system will have a direct economic effect from the introduction of an electronic health passport, as a reduction in integration costs due to the compatibility of various information systems with other similar products operating according to uniform standards for the exchange of clinical and administrative data, as well as reducing the costs of providing medical services due to achieving cost transparency and distribution of medicines, medical products.

The work on the standardization of e-health is quite diverse, but its purpose is unequivocal - to

Слайд 15References



Referenceshttp://zerde.gov.kz/en/activity/project-management/e-government/ http://zerde.gov.kz/en/activity/e-gov-infrastructure/ https://digitalkz.kz/ru/ http://www.rcrz.kz/index.php/ru/2017-03-12-10-51-14/elektronnoe-zdravookhranenie https://www.ap-companies.com/services/ekspatam/kazakhstan/

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