Разделы презентаций

Jacqueline Kennedy 1929 —1994

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, in Southampton, New York. Winner of several national championships,1940

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Jacqueline
 1929 —1994

Jacqueline Kennedy 1929 —1994

Слайд 2Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, in

Southampton, New York.
Winner of several national championships,1940

Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, in Southampton, New York. Winner of several national

Слайд 3First job. 1951
"Inquiring Camera Girl" for the Washington Times-Herald newspaper.

First job. 1951

Слайд 4September 12, 1953
St. Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode Island
Jacqueline and

John F. Kennedy

September 12, 1953St. Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode IslandJacqueline and John F. Kennedy

Слайд 51957. First child, Caroline

1957. First child, Caroline

Слайд 61960. The second child

1960. The second child

Слайд 71961. First Lady of the United States

1961. First Lady of the United States

Слайд 8She had unique and refined sense of style

She had unique and refined sense of style

Слайд 9Mrs. Kennedy traveled with her husband, representing the United States


Mrs. Kennedy traveled with her husband, representing the United States abroad.

Слайд 10August 7, 1963
The third child died
November 22, 1963
President Kennedy was


August 7, 1963The third child diedNovember 22, 1963President Kennedy was killed

Слайд 111968
Jacqueline Kennedy married a Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis

1968Jacqueline Kennedy married a Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis

Слайд 121975. New career: editor at Viking Press

1975. New career: editor at Viking Press

Слайд 13Thank you for your attention !
Made by:
Daria Serikova
Sofiya Kontselidze

Thank you for your attention !Made by:Daria SerikovaSofiya Kontselidze

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